
cí mǔ
  • loving mother;mother
慈母 [cí mǔ]
  • [loving mother] 古谓父严母慈,故称母为慈母;古称抚育自己成人的庶母为慈母

慈母[cí mǔ]
  1. 吴荪甫的脸色更加温和了,简直是慈母的脸;

    Wu sun-fu 's expression was gentler than ever now , almost the look of a loving mother ;

  2. 她的作品饱含慈母之爱关怀同胞,也如匕首般犀利地刺痛敌人。

    Her works are full of love of the loving mother to show loving care for the compatriot , also like dagger sharply stabbing pain enemy .

  3. 那是慈母般关爱与宽容的了不起的表现。

    It was an incredible display of motherly love and forgiveness .

  4. 她装出一副慈母的样子只是想要减轻自己的罪恶感。

    She was just trying to assuage her guilt by playing the devoted mother .

  5. 毫无疑问这位女士是一位无私的慈母。

    There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that this woman was a totally devoted and caring mother .

  6. 慈母手中线,游子身上衣。

    The thread from a fond mother 's hand , | is now in the jacket of her absent son .

  7. 1.motherfigure慈母般的人,母亲的化身她就像我们的母亲一样,同时还兼任我们的力量和健身教练。

    It was similar to having a mother figure -- but she was also our strength and conditioning coach .

  8. 梅丽莎•里奥(MelissaLeo)饰演的普瓦特拉斯则让人觉得又温暖又安全,如慈母一般。

    Melissa Leo 's Poitras is in turn warm and protective , almost maternal .

  9. 一个不想孩子这么快就长大的慈母。

    Who didn 't want him to grow up so quickly .

  10. 我们全有一个慈母&大地。

    We all have a mother , & the earth .

  11. 塑造男主角的慈母的角色。

    The character part of the hero 's devoted mother .

  12. 愿主保佑与你同在,慈母啊,我的亲娘!

    Oh ! God bless you and keep you , mother machree !

  13. 算是慈母般的关心吧我不由自主地注意到

    Call it motherly concern , but I couldn 't help but notice

  14. 师父慈母,祈愿您的爱使我们能够融合一体。

    Master , my dear mother , may your love make us one .

  15. 莫斯太太还是和蔼可亲,总象个慈母一样。

    Mrs. Moss was bland and motherly as always .

  16. 因有慈母,为我读书。

    I had a mother who read to me .

  17. 那个女孩的慈母心使她照顾孩子们的行为是无价的。

    The girl 's motherliness made her invaluable in caring for the children .

  18. 王老师是位慈母般的老教师。

    Mrs Wang is a motherly old teacher .

  19. 她是穷苦人的慈母。

    She was a mother to the poor .

  20. 世界各地同修对师父慈母的思念也与日俱增。

    The world , and they missed master deeply as this important day approached .

  21. 在民法慈母般的眼睛里,每一个个人就是整个的国家。

    In the civil law motherly eye , every person is the whole country .

  22. 芳汀归到这慈母的怀里去了。

    Fantine was given back to that mother .

  23. 您不仅是我们的师父,同时也像是我们的慈母及爱人。

    You are not only our master but our mother and lover as well .

  24. 谈池莉《一去永不回》中的非慈母形象

    On the Image of Non-loving Mother in Chili 's One Go and Never Return

  25. 一双慈母般的手轻轻爱抚着他。

    Motherly hands touched him lightly , lovingly .

  26. 母性的;慈母般的bone:骨entire:全部的、整个的你身体里有母性细胞吗?

    Serena : Do you have one maternal bone in your entire body ? -

  27. 树木花草又是香甜可口的果实和充满活力的种子的慈母。

    The trees and flowers become kind mothers of their great fruits and seeds .

  28. 慈母的胳膊是慈爱构成的,孩子们睡在里面怎能不甜?

    The arms of mothers are made of tenderness , in them children sleep profoundly .

  29. 她慈母般地照顾所有年轻的房客。

    She mothers all her young lodgers .

  30. 格林太太慈母般照料那几个走失的孩子。

    Mrs. Green mothered the lost children .