
qì shì
  • diverticulum;diverticula
憩室 [qì shì]
  • (1) [diverticulum;diverticula]

  • (2) 开口于中空脏器(例如肠或膀胱)上的异常的囊袋

  • (3) 从体腔或管道中突出的盲管或囊

憩室[qì shì]
  1. 螺旋CT在结肠憩室及其并发症诊断上的价值

    The diagnostic value of spiral CT on colonic diverticulum and its complications

  2. 脐尿管憩室伴结石3例,CT表现为中线处膀胱壁内可见高密度结石影;

    Cases were urachal diverticulum accompanied with caculi showing high-density imaging in bladder .

  3. 目的探讨CT对膀胱憩室及并发症的诊断价值。

    Objective To explore the CT features of bladder diverticulum and its relevant complications .

  4. MRI诊断十二指肠乳头旁憩室的应用分析

    Analysis of Different MRI Methods in Diagnosis of Periampullary Diverticulum

  5. 大型膀胱憩室的CT诊断

    CT Diagnosis of Large Bladder Diverticula

  6. 肾盏憩室的CT诊断

    CT diagnosis of calyceal diverticulum

  7. 膀胱憩室CT诊断

    CT Diagnosis of Bladder Diverticulum

  8. 目的探讨结肠腺瘤,结肠癌,结肠憩室,溃疡性结肠炎,结肠黑变病等病变的CT仿真结肠镜表现,初步评价其在结肠病灶诊断中的应用价值。

    Objective To investigate the value of virtual colonoscopy in the diagnosis of malignant and benign lesions in the colon .

  9. 造影对某些病变如膀胱憩室,膀胱结核,神经原性膀胱等敏感性明显优于CT扫描。

    Double contrast cystography showed some lesions such as vesical diverticulum , cystophthisis , neurogenic bladder etc were better than CT scan .

  10. SPECT显像诊断Meckel's憩室

    The Application of SPECT Imaging to Diagnose Meckel 's Diverticulum

  11. 目的:探讨MSCT对十二指肠憩室的诊断价值。

    Objective : To discuss the value of MSCT in diagnosis of duodenal diverticula .

  12. 结论憩室出血因异位胃黏膜所致,与Hp感染无关;

    Conclusions Meckel ′ s diverticulum bleeding is caused by ectopic gastric mucosa , not by infection of Helicobacter pylori .

  13. 目的探讨壶腹旁憩室综合征(Periampullarydiverticulasyndrome,PADS)的CT表现、诊断价值及分型。

    Objective To evaluate the CT manifestations and diagnostic value in periampullary diverticula syndrome ( PADS ) .

  14. 乳头旁憩室与胰胆疾病ERCP检查的关系

    Peripapillary diverticulum and ERCP for pancreaticobiliary disease

  15. 方法对35例十二指肠乳头旁憩室合并胆总管结石患者行内镜下十二指肠乳头括约肌切开术(EST),并行网篮取石和(或)机械碎石后网篮取石。

    [ Methods ] We treated 35 patients with endoscopic sphincterotomy ( EST ) and blasket-extracting for the bile stones .

  16. 结果作过CT检查的52例急性阑尾炎均经手术及病理检查,病理报告显示急性化脓性阑尾炎35例,阑尾坏疽伴穿孔7例,急性单纯性阑尾炎9例,麦克尔憩室1例。

    Results 35 cases of them were acute suppurative appendicitis , 7 cases appendices gangrene accompanied with perforation , 9 cases of acute simple appendicitis , one cases was the Michael 's diverticulum .

  17. 方法:对经MSCT和上消化道钡餐(GI)检查确诊的60例十二指肠憩室患者的临床和影像资料进行回顾性分析。

    Methods : Clinical materials and imaging findings of60 patients with duodenal diverticulum provided by MSCT and GI were retrospectively analysed .

  18. 目的结合临床表现评价CT对十二指肠乳头旁憩室(JDD)的诊断价值。

    AIM To evaluate CT appearance of the juxtapapillary duodenal diverticulum ( JDD ), in combination of clinical appearance .

  19. 目的通过本组病例报告,阐述阑尾手术同时切除Meckel憩室的意义及方法。

    Objective To evaluate the advantage of appendicectomy combined with Meckel diverticulum excision .

  20. 先天性巨结肠病是新生儿Meckel憩室穿孔的一项诱发因素

    Hirschsprung 's disease , a rare precipitating factor in neonatal perforated Meckel 's diverticulum

  21. 成人Meckel憩室1例

    Meckel 's diverticulum in adult : case report

  22. 结论MRCP对发现十二指肠憩室较为敏感,也非常准确,并能显示某些并发症;

    Conclusion MRCP is sensitive and accurate in detecting duodenal diverticulum , and furthermore can show some of it 's complications .

  23. Roux-Y吻合在十二指肠憩室旷置术中的应用

    The application of Roux - Y anastomosis in gastroenterostomy of duodenal diverticulum

  24. 结论成人Meckel憩室并发症容易误诊为阑尾炎等疾病。

    Conclusions The complications in Meckel 's diverticulum in adults are often misdiagnosed as appendicitis etc.

  25. 胃肠钡餐和CT提示十二指肠巨大憩室(直径大于10cm)。

    Barium meal and CT examination showed that there was a giant diverticulum ( > 10 cm in diameter ) in the duodenum of 3 patients .

  26. 腹腔镜辅助Meckel憩室切除术

    Laparoscopic-assisted resection of Meckel 's diverticulum

  27. 有并发症的成人Meckel憩室的急诊手术治疗:附29例报告

    Emergent operation for Meckel 's diverticulum with complications in adults : a report of 29 cases

  28. 在切除有并发症的Meckel憩室(MD)标本中,43%含有异位组织。

    In the Meckel diverticulum ( MD ) with complications , ectopic mucosa presented in 43 % of the resected specimens .

  29. 胎儿的Meckel氏憩室

    Meckel 's diverticulum in fetus

  30. 目的:评价SPECT显像在美克耳憩室并出血诊断中的价值。

    Purpose : The purpose of this study is to assess the value of SPECT scintigraphy in the diagnosis of Meckel 's diverticulum ( MD ) with hemorrhage .