
qì xī
  • rest
憩息 [qì xī]
  • [rest] 休息

  1. 憩息片刻后,我们继续前进。

    We went on after a short rest .

  2. 黄昏星亮了!爱情和憩息的星辰!

    The evening star , the star of love and rest !

  3. 狂风过后,下了班的值夜人员在一盏提灯下憩息。

    The off-duty watch relaxed under a lantern after the squall .

  4. 憩息或扎营时远离步道与其他游人。

    Take breaks and camp away from trails and other visitors .

  5. 不安的心,这时候该在怀里憩息

    Dear restless heart , repose upon His breast this hour

  6. 麻雀在树枝上憩息了一会儿。

    The sparrow perched on the branch for a moment or two .

  7. 他在自己房子里憩息不与他人来往。

    He sits in his house and keeps to himself .

  8. 没有,所以我不能憩息。

    No , so I can 't take breaks .

  9. 他们多次憩息在肯辛顿花园的大树下。

    They sat on various occasions beneath the great trees in Kensington Gardens .

  10. 王是否在其中散步,且在我灵的树荫下憩息?

    Does the King walk within , and rest in the bowers of my spirit ?

  11. 呵,趁现在时流还平静,作你的梦吧——且憩息,等醒来再哭泣。

    Whilst yet the calm hours creep , Dream thou-and from thy sleepThen wake to weep .

  12. 辽阔的大洋上任何浮物都能让疲累得鸟儿憩息。

    Out in the ocean any floating refuge can save the life of an exhausted bird .

  13. 可以泡在热气腾腾的温泉或以热岩为炉的水池里悠然憩息;

    You can relax in steaming hot springs , or pools of water heated by hot rock .

  14. 直到闪耀的火光浮现,我们才背转身,向着我们遥远的憩息处开始跋涉。

    Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs . And towards our distant rest began to trudge .

  15. 然而,国家乃至艺术,也投入这超时间的洪流中,以便解除目前的负荷和热望,以便憩息一下。

    But the state no less than art dipped into this current of the timeless to find rest in it from the burden and the greed of the moment .

  16. 艺术的恩惠为“潜行者”预备着一份憩息之水滨的想象,使得人们能想象现实之外仍有救赎之可能。

    The saving grace of art is that it provides these " sleepers " with the idea of a shore to rest on , so that they can imagine the possibility of redemption somewhere beyond reality .

  17. 趁天空还明媚,蔚蓝,趁着花朵鲜艳,趁眼睛看来一切美好,还没临到夜晚;呵,趁现在时流还平静,作你的梦吧&且憩息,等醒来再哭泣。

    Whilst skies are blue and bright , Whilst flowers are gay , Whilst eyes that change ere night Make glad the day ; Whilst yet the calm hours creep , Dream thou – and from thy sleep Then wake to weep .

  18. 几千英里之外的某个地方,横跨这个荒芜海岸的茫茫大海,丹尼尔也许正飞奔着穿越圣热蒙大道,或者漫步在卢浮宫散发着霉味的走廊上,又或者正托着下巴,坐在左岸咖啡馆里憩息。

    Thousands of miles away , somewhere out past the ocean waves breaking on the deserted shore , he might be scurrying across Boulevard Saint Germain , strolling through a musty hallway of the Louvre , bending an elbow in a Left Bank cafe .

  19. 横跨拍打着这个荒芜海岸的茫茫大海,几百英里之外的某个地方,丹尼尔也许正飞奔着穿越圣热蒙大道,或者在罗浮宫散发着霉味的走廊上徘徊,又或者此时正托着下巴坐在左岸咖啡馆里憩息。

    Thousands of miles away , somewhere out past the ocean waves breaking on the deserted shore , he might be scurrying across Boulevard Saint Germain , strolling through a musty hallway of the Louvre , bending an elbow in a Left Bank caf é .

  20. 思念有长度,却无法度量,比岷江长一点,比大海短几分,成天的奔忙,在憩息的瞬间,又带着隐隐的疼痛,幽幽的伤感。

    Miss a length , but can not measure longer than the Minjiang River , shorter than the ocean a few minutes , all day in the bustling , in the rest of the moment , but also with a faint pain , faint sad .