
nuò ruò wú néng
  • be weak and useless
懦弱无能[nuò ruò wú néng]
  1. 他是个懦弱无能的人。

    He was a weak little mouse of a man .

  2. 从中就可以看出了小日本懦弱无能,欺软怕硬的一面!

    Can be seen from the small Japan cowardly incompetence Qiruanbogeng side !

  3. 要是我早知到王如此懦弱无能。

    Had I known that the king was so powerless .

  4. 她不会攫住路遇的爱情,是多么懦弱无能!

    How weak she was not to grasp the love thrown in her way !

  5. 资本金过高是懦弱无能的表现。

    Surplus capital was for wimps .

  6. 过度忍耐,就是懦弱无能,&个习惯了逆来顺受的身躯不会挺直,一颗唯命是从的心灵不会散发生活的激情。

    Excessive patience , that is cowardly incompetence-a body will not be used to put up straight , an obedient soul will not be distributed from the passion of life .

  7. 该研究的主要发现如下:1、方鸿渐是一个具有复杂性格的人,其中最明显的是易受骗、懦弱和无能。

    Fang is a man of complex personalities , among which the most striking ones are his gullibility , cowardliness and incompetence .

  8. 不然怎么觉得难以说出口,爸爸妈妈对不起,你们会原谅我的自私,懦弱,无能么?

    How otherwise to think that says the mouth with difficulty , father and mother sorry , you will forgive my selfish , spiritless , will be incompetent ?
