
  • Specialized;【航天】special way
  1. 《SCM协议》是WTO《补贴与反补贴措施协议》的简称,它反对和限制专向性补贴,对全体WTO成员具有约束力。

    SCM Agreement , the abbreviated form of Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures , fights and restricts the specialized subsidies , it has binding forces on all members of WTO .

  2. 第三部分是关于专向性标准的法律研究。

    Chapter three is the legal research of specificity standards .

  3. 我的心专向你的律例、永远遵行、一直到底。

    My heart is set on keeping your decrees to the very end .

  4. 论补贴与反补贴中的专向性标准

    On the Specificity St and ards in the Subsidy and Anti - subsidy Norms

  5. 农户小额信贷是专向低收入阶层提供小额度持续信贷的服务活动。

    Microfinance refers to the consistent services of small credit exclusively offered to low-income groups .

  6. 因此亨利将注意力专向其它方面。

    So Henry turned his attention elsewhere .

  7. 这些研究对于某一模式的专向研究具有指导作用。

    These works can play a directive role when we do specific research on some mode .

  8. 3任何属第3条规定范围内的补贴应被视为专向性补贴。

    2.3 Any subsidy falling under the provisions of Article 3 shall be deemed to be specific .

  9. 专向马的后部,用你的左手拿住牵引索。

    Turn and face the rear of the horse , with your left hand holding the lead rope .

  10. 中央政府和地方政府授予各种工业园区企业的土地使用权,一般情况下不应认定为具有地区专向性;

    Generally speaking , land-use rights in industrial parks authorized by central and local governments are not regionally specific ;

  11. 可申诉补贴以《补贴协议》确立的补贴定义为基础,专向性是它的主要特征。

    Actionable subsides are based on the definition of a subsidy under Agreement on SCM , specificity is their primary characteristic .

  12. 微环境在干细胞谱系专向分化过程中起重要作用,但软组织中的微环境很难描述或调控。

    Microenvironments appear important in stem cell lineage specification but can be difficult to adequately characterize or control with soft tissues .

  13. 结合前文对专向性标准的分析,阐述我国补贴政策的现状及存在的问题。

    Combined with the specific standard analysis discussed before , illustrate the present situation of Chinese subsidy policy and existing problems .

  14. 4根据本条规定对专向性的确定应依据肯定性证据明确证明。

    2.4 Any determination of specificity under the provisions of this Article shall be clearly substantiated on the basis of positive evidence .

  15. 其特点在于自身的专向性,即属于给予特定企业或产业的补贴,才能受该协议的各项纪律与规则约束。

    Its characteristics lie in its specificity , i.e. the subsidy given to specific enterprises are to be recognized by this agreement .

  16. 食客可以把巧克力做的兵马俑和酪饼(专向中国国旗表示敬意)敲碎后吃,这两道都是餐厅的招牌甜点。

    Patrons can crack into a chocolate terracotta warrior or a cheesecake that pays homage to the Chinese flag ( both signature desserts ) .

  17. 论补贴专向性的标准与评判&兼议专向性标准在美国对华反补贴调查案中的适用

    Specificity of Subsidy : Standards and Comments & Application of Specificity Test in the CVD Investigations by United States on the Products from China

  18. 2限于授予机关管辖范围内指定地理区域的某些企业的补贴属专向性补贴。

    2.2 A subsidy which is limited to certain enterprises located within a designated geographical region within the jurisdiction of the granting authority shall be specific .

  19. 特别是地方政府补贴,相比于中央政府,地方政府的补贴政策在补贴的提供主体、利益的授予和专向性的认定上都更为容易。

    Especially the local government subsidies , it is easier to affirm the subject of subsidy , financial contribution and specificity , compared to the central government .

  20. 除了引言和结语以外,全文共分为以下四章:第一章主要论述了补贴与反补贴专向性标准概述。

    Besides preface and epilogue , the text is divided into the following four chapters : Chapter 1 : The summary of the standards of the subsidies and countervailing .

  21. 我国目前还没有对其他国家进行反补贴的实践,有关专向性标准的规定主要体现在我国相关的反补贴法律中,但这些规定还不是十分完善。

    China currently has no countervailing practice experience on other countries , the related provisions of specificity standard is mainly reflected in the anti-subsidy laws , but they are not complete .

  22. 我们同时需要加强学术工程的监管和专向科学基金的审查以保证基金的专款专用。

    " We also need to strengthen supervision of academic projects review and intensify the audit of funds allocated for scientific projects to guarantee the proper use of the funds ," it said .

  23. 专向性标准作为补贴认定的一个过滤器,在补贴与反补贴工作中起着至关重要的作用,通过它对补贴进行过滤和筛选来排除合法合理的政府补贴行为。

    It , as a filter to affirm subsidies , plays a vital role in subsidies and countervailing , and utilizing it can filter and screen the subsidies to exclude legal and rational behavior of government subsidies .

  24. 敌军的注意力总是向着主力红军所在地,抛开主力红军不顾而专向根据地,是很少这种事情的。

    As far as the enemy is concerned , he is afraid to advance into our base area , but the main danger in his eyes is a Red Army that has driven into the White area .

  25. 首先探讨补贴制度中不符合专向性标准的制度,对于这部分制度我国应该尽快作出相应的改革,以使自身在国际贸易争端中处于有利地位。

    First this article discussed the subsidy systems that are not in accordance with specificity test , which our country ought to reform as soon as possible , so that we can keep in a favorable position in international trade disputes .

  26. 近几年来,从专家组审理的补贴案件来看,影响补贴构成与认定的因素主要有补贴的主要形式、补贴的直接影响、出口实绩、专向性和产业损害这几个实体问题。

    In recent years , from the practice of Panel , we find the main elements of the consistence of subsidy including the followings : the way of subsidy , the direct influence of subsidy , export performance , specificity and industry prejudice .