
zhuān hào
  • special issue
专号 [zhuān hào]
  • [special issue] 专门报道、论述、研究某一主题的某期报刊

  • 打假专号

  • 李白研究专号

专号[zhuān hào]
  1. 现代传播学视野下的五四期刊专号

    On the May 4th Periodical Special Issue with the Modern Communication Research View

  2. 季刊针对每一次政策的变动,均会设专号进行探讨,对时政进行褒贬。

    Each policy changed , the journal would set up to explore the special issue and speak ill of current affairs .

  3. 职工刊物,专号,未装订或平装本这个杂志专门刊载科技文章。

    Staff journal , in single issues , unbound or paperbound This magazine is devoted to science .

  4. 报纸,不论是否有插图,专号,未装订或平装本,一周出版少于四次

    Newspaper whether or not illustrated in single issues unbound or paperbound appearing fewer than four times a week

  5. 刊物,专号,未装订本(不包括主要用作广告宣传刊物)

    Journal , single issues , bound otherwise than in paper ( excl. those devoted primarily to advertising )

  6. 杂志,不论是否有插图,专号,未装订或平装本(不包括主要用作广告宣传的杂志)

    Magazine whether or not illustrated , in single issues , unbound or paperbound ( excl those devoted primarily to advertising )

  7. 近代语境中的山水与风景&以《国画月刊》中西山水画思想专号为中心

    The Scenery and Landscape in the Context of Modern History : The Special Issues on Chinese and Western Landscape Paintings by National Painting Monthly

  8. 这年五月北京出版的进步刊物《新青年》、《新社会》以及《北京大学学生周刊》等都出版了专号。

    In may , of the same year , the new published magazine new young , new society and the weekly publication of the students in Beijing university came in public in special number .

  9. 1935年,《国画月刊》分正、续两期刊出的中西山水画思想专号,是抗战以前我国民间学术团体组织的一次重要的学术活动。

    In 1935 the National Painting Monthly had published two special issues on ideas in Chinese and Western landscape paintings , which was an important academic activity organized by a non-official group before the anti-Japanese War .

  10. 译者群体背后的商务印书馆作为《小说月报》的发行机构,其管理层的经营理念,译作和教材的出版传统以及20年代初对旗下期刊杂志的改革都从一定程度上促进了专号的刊发。

    As the publisher of Short Story Magazine , Commercial Press makes impact on the special issue via the management ideas , the tradition of translation and textbook publication and the reforms in all subordinate journals and magazines .

  11. 应通过设置专号代码,规范文体代码,强化族性关系等办法予以修正,以便更好地体现图书分类的科学性、简明性和通用性,以适应组建图书情报网络的需要。

    In order to improve the above , one should set up a special code , standardize the style code and intensify the internal category relation in a scientific , simplified and universal way , thus meeting the demand of information network construction .

  12. 荧光光谱法研究有机污染物的环境行为本文是《分析试验室》定期评述专号中发光分析专题的第一篇评述文章。它评述了国内1984~1988年期间发光分析的工作进展。

    Environmental Behavior of Organic Pollutants by Molecular Luminescence This paper is the first biennial review on luminescence analysis and reviews the advance in the field of molecular luminescence spectrometry in China during the period of 1984-1988 , including general fluorescence , phosphorescence , chemiluminescence and bioluminescence analysis .