
  1. 拓宽专业口径,优化课程体系,培养新世纪合格人才

    Widening Specialty Caliber , Optimizing Curriculum System , And Training Qualified For The New Century

  2. 第二部分:培养方向的异同&从培养目标、专业口径、职业适应面进行重点突出的叙述和比较;

    The second part , the differentiation between education methods-comparing from the objective , specialty , professional adaptation ;

  3. 进一步拓宽专业口径,打破专业壁垒,可以自由选择、转换专业;

    To further widen special field , break up special bulwark , then students can choose and change their special very freely ;

  4. 适应时代要求拓宽专业口径培养IT人才&对电子信息类高校专业建设途径的探索

    Meeting Age Demand , Expanding Specialty Caliber , Training IT Talents & Exploration of the Specialty Construction Channel in University of Electronics and Information

  5. 本文从全面提高教学和人才培养质量、不断拓宽专业口径、培养创新型和复合型人才为出发点,探讨了建设具有地球科学类材料专业特色的材料物理课程的体会。

    Aiming at improving teaching quality , widening speciality and cultivating talents , experience in course construction and innovation of materials physics is discussed in this paper .

  6. 为适应拓宽专业口径的需要,在临床医学专业单独设置麻醉学课程势在必行。

    To meet the demand of widening specialty range , it is imperative to set up the course of anesthesiology separately in the specialty of clinical medicine .

  7. 高校必须拓宽专业口径,培养综合性人才,政府必须大力发展经济,高度重视劳动力市场建设,增强社会对大学毕业生的吸纳能力,才能有助于大学毕业生就业问题的有效解决。

    Therefore , colleges and universities , only by enlarging specialty scope to cultivate comprehensive talent , only by actively developing economy to enhance the capacity of accepting graduates and strengthening the construction of labor market , could they promote to solve the question of the employment of graduates effectively .

  8. 关于师范院校英语专业宽口径、厚基础的思考

    On Broad Knowledge and Solid Foundation of the English Faculties of Normal Colleges

  9. 地方综合性大学化学专业宽口径复合型人才培养的课程体系设计与研究

    Research and Design on the Curriculum System for Training Width Caliber Interdisciplinary Talents of Chemistry Specialty in Local University

  10. 专业设置口径要宽,多上专业,形成相互支撑的专业群;

    The speciality setup should take wide with multi majors to form a speciality group which supports each other ;

  11. 我公司专业生产大口径直缝埋弧焊钢管,欢迎来电咨询!

    We are specialized in fabricating LSAW steel pipe , welcome to contact us any time !

  12. 依此,以“强英语、懂专业、宽口径”作为办学特色,设立了主干课程。

    Therefore , we finally established our backbone courses with thecharacteristics of strengthening English ability , understanding medicine and have profound basic knowledge .

  13. 最后,文章探讨了当代中国高职人才培养目标达标的要点,有四个方面:一是专业应拓宽口径;

    Finally , we discuss four key points for the practical operation of cultivation of high-level technicians in modern China : ( 1 ) we should broaden the scope of educational majors ;

  14. 课程建设的措施有:调整专业结构,拓宽专业口径,培养专业面宽、适应性强的专门人才。

    Specialist with widely specialized subjects and strong adaptability is cultivated by adjusting professional structure and broaden their knowledge aspects .

  15. 加之大学阶段存在的专业划分过细,专业口径过窄等多方面原因,使得学生难以受到良好的人文素质教育。

    In addition , speciality in university is divided carefully , and broadened major is too narrow , all which prevent students from receiving qualified education of humanistic quality .

  16. 最后,重新调整民族传统体育专业,进一步拓宽专业的口径。

    Finally , the major of traditional national sports should be readjusted to further widen the field of the academic subject .

  17. 本文针对大土木工程专业覆盖范围广、专业口径宽的特点以及《道路勘测设计》课程教学中存在的问题,提出《道路勘测设计》课程教学改革方案。

    According to the characteristic of width covered scope and width specialties adaptation , and the problem in teaching , the teaching reform scheme is proposed in road surveying design course .

  18. 高等教育中的专业设置和人力资本的这种分类存在密切的关系,专业口径较窄的毕业生人力资本的特殊性比较强,就业的难度相对大一些。

    This classification of human capital has a close relation with speciality setup of higher education : the narrower the speciality caliber is , the stronger the speciality of graduate 's human capital .

  19. 指出:我省社会体育专业的开设,有利于进一步拓展体育专业体系,拓宽体育专业口径,满足社会对新型体育人才的需求,推动全民健身事业的发展,进而实现体育事业的可持续发展。

    The paper points out that it is beneficial to develop the system of sports speciality , widen the range of sports speciality , promote the process of Plan of Fitness for All and realize the continuous development of sports undertaking .

  20. 培养电子类专业人才的实践和创新能力不仅是就业形势所迫,同时也是拓宽专业口径,培养高素质人才的需要。

    Developing the ability of practice and creating of electronics talent is not only the demand of getting employment , widening profession , but also the demand of fostering the quality talent .

  21. 在具体阐述我国高等学校专业特征的基础上,对我国高等学校的专业结构、专业模式、专业口径进行了探讨和研究。

    The traits of the major in university of our country is described in this article first , then the structure of the major , the pattern of the major and the adaptation of the major are discussed thoroughly .