
  • 网络Professional certification;Professional Accreditation;Professional Recognition
  1. 是什么让CITA专业认证引起大家的注意呢?

    What makes the CITA Professional certification worthy of notice ?

  2. 专业认证是一个漫长、严肃的过程,它将对这些重要的行为进行确认。

    Professional certification is a lengthy , serious process that validates these important behaviors .

  3. IBM在四个领域实现了专业认证:IT架构师、IT专家、IT顾问和项目管理。

    IBM recognizes professional certifications in four areas : IT Architecture , IT Specialist , IT Consultant , and Project Management .

  4. BPP与业界联系紧密,我们的学生既可从中获益又有机会获得专业认证。

    BPP students also have opportunities to gain professional accreditations , as well as benefiting from BPP 's links with the professional community .

  5. 专业认证制度实施中的路径依赖性分析

    On Path Dependence in the Implementation of Professional Programmatic Accreditation System

  6. 有机食品必须通过专业认证机构的认证。

    Organic food must pass the certification by specific certification body .

  7. 安全工程教育(本科)专业认证信息表达模型研究

    Study on Expression Models for Professional Accreditation of Safety Engineering Undergraduate Education

  8. 其次,政府为专业认证提供了相关政策支持。

    Secondly , the government provides related policy support for professional accreditation .

  9. 中国工程专业认证进入稳步发展阶段

    Steady Development Stage of Chinese Programmatic Accreditation of Engineering Education

  10. 澳大利亚和新西兰药学专业认证体系研究

    Study on Accreditation of Pharmacy Degree Course in Australia and New Zealand

  11. 我国高等工程教育专业认证问题研究综述

    A Review of Higher Engineering Education Accreditation in China

  12. 公式化的教材发展使学生获得各种专业认证。

    Formulating curriculums that will enable student to obtain a variety of certification .

  13. 鉴于此,针对高校专业认证的研究尤显重要。

    Hence , the study on professional accreditation of university is absolute important .

  14. 为什么专业认证有助于敏捷开发

    Why professional certification is helpful for agile development

  15. 专业认证是保证高等教育质量的主要方式之一。

    Professional accreditation is a kind of accreditation to guarantee the quality of high-er education .

  16. 吉林化工学院工程教育专业认证工作的探索与实践

    Exploration and practice of the engineering education professional certification in Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology

  17. 美国高等教育专业认证是美国高等教育认证体系中的重要组成部分,它保证了高等院校专业教育的质量和学术水平并促进其提高。

    The professional programmatic accreditation plays an important role in improving the quality of higher education .

  18. 首先对本科工程教育专业认证制度的研究意义与研究背景做了概述。

    First for undergraduate engineering education and professional certification significance do an overview of the research background .

  19. 专业认证还可以提供职业发展指导,否则企业就会变成一个单层管理组织。

    Professional certification can also offer career advancement guidance in what might otherwise be a flat organization .

  20. 专业认证还鼓励使用成功的方法和软件框架,以及重用资产。

    Professional certification also encourages the use of successful methodologies , software frameworks , and re-use of assets .

  21. 不同国家高职教育引进企业要素的方式多种多样,本文将其总结为中介组织专业认证型、学校主体型、企业主体型、模拟替代型及部分时间制。

    The modes of higher vocational education bringing in enterprises ' main factors are various in different countries .

  22. 获取专业认证就像获得一把开门的钥匙。

    Acquiring a professional certification is like obtaining a key to a door we 'd like to open .

  23. 高等工程教育专业认证制度是提高工程教育质量的重要方式之一。

    Higher engineering education professional accreditation is one of the methods to promote the quality of higher education .

  24. 最后,专业认证还提供了一个开发路线图,可用于构建个人的职业规划。

    Finally , professional certification also provides a developmental roadmap that can be used to model an individual 's career path .

  25. 敏捷开发所需的客户业务和协作行为被反映到专业认证的基本核心价值观中。

    The client business and collaboration activities required for agile development are reflected in the fundamental core values for professional certification .

  26. 最后,则对我国实施专业认证制度进行适应性和策略性分析。

    Finally , this article does an adaptive and strategic analysis on the implementation of professional programmatic accreditation system in China .

  27. 没有其他的专业认证机构使用输入规则一样,阿坝:不药而不是在牙科,一事无成。

    No other professional accrediting body uses input rules as does ABA : not in medicine , not in dentistry , nowhere .

  28. 这些属性特征在美国的历史文化背景下,不断推动着美国工程教育专业认证的发展壮大。

    These attributes constantly promote the development of American Specialized Programmatic Accreditation of Engineering in the background of American history and culture .

  29. 在一个专业认证项目上所花费的时间、金钱、精力是企业内部资源的良好利用。

    The time , money , and effort spent on a program of professional certification is a good use of the organization 's resources .

  30. 工程教育专业认证是保障工程教育质量的重要于段,是工程教育研究的基础性问题。

    Specialized Programmatic Accreditation of Engineering is a basic problem of the engineering education research , which directly relates to the quality of engineering education .