
chénɡ rén qī
  • adulthood
  1. “CHD曾经被认为是一种只会在儿童期发生的疾病,可是现在它已经转变为一种同样可以发生于成人期的严重的病变”,Marelli说道。

    " CHD has been thought of as a disease of childhood , but it has become an important disease of adulthood as well ," Marelli said .

  2. 孩童期和成人期的界线不复存在了。

    And the dividing line between childhood and adulthood ceases to exist .

  3. 成人期高BMI与青春期超重高度相关,青春期的超重可能对绝经前乳癌发生更加重要。

    " A high BMI during adulthood is highly correlated with a high body mass during adolescence , which may be more important for the development of breast cancer before menopause ," the authors write .

  4. annexinⅡ在成人期表皮KC中的表达明显高于胚胎期,主要分布于基底上层的分化KC中。

    The expression of annexin ⅱ in adult epidermis was much higher than that in embryonic epidermis , and it was mainly localized in the superficial , more differentiated layers of the epidermis .

  5. 结论我国人群中,以低出生测量指标反映的宫内发育迟缓可能使成人期发生高血压、糖尿病、胰岛素抵抗、高血清TG和低HDL-C等冠心病生物学危险因素的风险增加。

    Conclusions In China , low birth measurements which represent the fetal growth retardation might contribute to the present of biological risk factors of coronary heart disease during adulthood , such as hypertension , diabetes , insulin resistance , high serum triglyceride and low HDL C.

  6. 成人期人际性问题解决的策略取向研究

    The Orientation of Strategy for Solving Interpersonal Problem across Adulthood

  7. 孩童时期多服维生素D能防止成人期发生糖尿病的风险吗?

    Could more vitamin D in childhood cut risk of adult diabetes ?

  8. 他们帮助在向成人期的过渡中的学生培养健康的行为。

    They help students begin healthy behaviors that build toward a healthy adulthood .

  9. 成人期自我策略的年龄与性别差异

    Age and Gender Differences of Ego Strategies in Adults

  10. 破坏性行为障碍对注意缺陷多动障碍患儿成人期预后的影响

    Effects of Disruptive Behavior Disorders on Prognosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adulthood

  11. 在成人期,它影响生产率和就业能力。

    In adulthood , it affects productivity and the ability to find a job .

  12. 这些波一直持续到成人期。

    These waves last into young adulthood .

  13. 因此,对亲吻的调查结果说明早期的头部转向偏好可能影响到了成人期的行为。

    So the results on kissing show that early head-turning bias may affect behavior in adulthoods .

  14. 这种习惯一直延续到成人期,表现在男人寻求女人的认同。

    This habit carries on to adulthood in the form of guys seeking approval from women .

  15. 此疾病可发生于婴儿时期,儿童时期,以及成人期。

    A prepubescent child . It may be present in infancy , childhood , or adulthood .

  16. 作为一种文化,我们把实际上是成人期中最重要的一个十年列为不重要的东西。

    As a culture , we have trivialized what is actually the defining decade of adulthood .

  17. 大学生群体正处于青春期向成人期的转变阶段。

    As we know , college students are in the transition stage of adolescence to adulthood .

  18. 过去,科学家们认为:当你步入成人期时,你的大脑就不再变化了。

    A few decades back , scientists thought that people could have very limited influence over their brains .

  19. 儿童早期外部问题行为对后期的学业、行为和同伴关系以及成人期的生活都有消极的影响。

    Early externalizing problem behaviors negatively affect later academic , behavioral , peer relationships and life outcomes in adulthood .

  20. 复方氟米松软膏联合新霉素软膏治疗青年成人期特应性皮炎的观察

    Clinical effect observation of combination of compound flumethasone ointment and neomycin ointment in the treatment of atopic dermatitis in adult

  21. 或者说100%,如果你考虑到没人能在不经历二十几岁这个阶段的情况下经过成人期。

    or 100 percent if you consider that no one 's getting through adulthood without going through their 20s first .

  22. 在校的五年是他们从青春期向成人期过渡的关键时期。

    The five years they spend in VSMS is the key period for them to transfer from adolescence to adulthood .

  23. 儿童期体重过重和肥胖症最显著的健康后果常常要到成人期才显现,其中包括

    The most significant health consequences of childhood overweight and obesity , that often do not become apparent until adulthood , include

  24. 我们知道大脑在你二十几岁时为了适应成人期达到第二次也是最后一次成长期的高峰,

    We know that the brain caps off its second and last growth spurt in your 20s as it rewires itself for adulthood ,

  25. 克里斯莱蒙希望读者能意识到在引导儿子走向成人期的过程中父子关系的重要性和普遍性。

    Chris Lemmon hopes readers will realize how important and universal the father-son relationship is in guiding the sons ' passage to adulthood .

  26. 大学时代是大学生从青春晚期到成人期的转变阶段,是他们逐渐走向成熟,走向独立的一个重要历程。

    College students from the youth is the transition to adulthood late stage , they gradually mature , is an important course towards independence .

  27. 没有哪部法律条款标明何时算作成人期,但确有法律条款标明青春期的具体时间段。

    None of these legal provisions determine at what point adulthood has been reached but they do point to the prolonged period of adolescence .

  28. 目前哮喘已是一个全球关注的公共健康问题,也是儿童至成人期最常见的慢性疾病。

    Current asthma is already a global concern of the public health problem , also is the children to adulthood the most common chronic disease .

  29. 体重过重和肥胖的儿童很容易到成人期仍然肥胖,并更有可能在较年轻的年龄患上糖尿病和心血管病等非传染病。

    Overweight and obese children are likely to stay obese into adulthood and more likely to develop noncommunicable diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases at a younger age .

  30. 儿童行为问题不但影响儿童的学习、日常生活和社会活动,还可以导致成人期社会的适应不良、情绪障碍、药物滥用、违法犯罪和精神疾病。

    Children s behavior problems can not only affect their study and social activities , but also result in the abuse of drugs , crime and psychopathy of adults .