
  • 网络component index;Constituent index
  1. 深圳成份股指数收益率序列的分形维

    Fractal Dimension of Shenzhen Component Index

  2. 作为股指期货标的物的应是沪深两市的统一的成份股指数,且样本股应在300家以上。

    The underlying index should include 300 sample stocks enlisted in both the Shanghai and the Shenzhen stock markets .

  3. 拥有30支成份股的该指数上涨至14273点。

    The index of 30 stocks rose to 14273 .

  4. 另一个系列的涵盖范围较为狭窄,成份股选自基准指数系列的股票群。

    The other series has a relatively narrow scope , whose constituent stocks are selected from the benchmark indexes stocks .