
  • 网络cost advantage;cost leadership
  1. FDI对中国制造业劳动力成本优势的影响研究&基于劳动生产率视角的分析

    The impact of FDI on cost advantage of labor force in Chinese manufacturing industry & analysis based on labor productivity

  2. 早期的RD投资使得企业在未来比潜在进入市场的竞争对手具有成本优势,投资机会可以看作策略增长期权。

    The RD investment leads to cost advantage and the investment opportunity can be looked as a growth option .

  3. ARM处理器是一种高性能的微处理器,并且具有低功耗和成本优势。

    ARM processors have a high performance together with low power consumption and system cost .

  4. 反倾销是被WTO认可的一种有效限制贸易的措施,它使中国的低劳动力成本优势成为劣势。

    Anti-dumping is an effective trade restriction authorized by WTO . And it makes China 's advantage of low labor cost become disadvantageous .

  5. 外贸企业可以利用电子商务重构成本优势、差异化优势和先行者优势。现有的Web系统中也普遍存在可复用程度低、可维护性差等问题,且重构成本较高。

    The foreign trade enterprise can utilize E-business to construct advantage of the cost , difference advantage and forerunner 's advantage again . Lots of the existing Web systems are low reusability , maintainability and adaptability .

  6. 这种情况下,无论是设备硬件还是网络配置都具有巨大成本优势的稀疏波分复用(CWDM)技术是非常适用的。

    So CWDM is quite suitable for MAN with its advantages in cost of hardware and network configuration .

  7. LTE(LongTermEvolution)作为下一代通信技术,因其技术和成本优势,被广大运营商普遍接受,相关基站和终端设备的研发成为趋势。

    Recently , research and study on LTE ( Long Term Evolution ) base station and terminal has become a tendency . The LTE has been accepted by the majority of the operators because of its technology and cost advantages .

  8. 中国有成本优势,由于低工资和较少的行业监管,他们没有环境保护局(EPA)和职业安全与健康署(OSHA)与及职业健康保护费用。

    China has a cost advantage due to low wages but also because their industries have very little regulation due to no EPA or OSHA and low health care cost for workers .

  9. 与第二代超音速飞机的其他备选材料相比,Al-Cu-Mg-Ag系合金具有较好的耐热性能和成本优势,代表了中强耐热铝合金的发展方向。

    Compared to the other candidate materials for the next generation supersonic aircrafts , Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloys are creep resistant and most costly , and then become a most promising medium strength aluminum alloy on high temperatures .

  10. 但是到了1995年,面对敌意收购的威胁,ICI的管理层宣布:我们的目标是实现股东价值最大化,专注于具有市场领先地位、技术优势和全球成本优势的业务。

    But , by 1995 , the threat of a hostile bid galvanised the management , and the company declared : Our objective is to maximise value for our shareholders by focusing on businesses where we have market leadership , a technological edge and a world competitive cost base .

  11. 论当前国有医院成本优势的变化

    Discuss the change of the present cost advantage of state-run hospital

  12. 实施成本优势战略提高企业竞争能力

    Implementing advantageous strategy of cost and improving competitive ability of enterprise

  13. 对将未来压宝在成本优势上的公司造成伤害。

    Hurt the firm that rested its whole future on cost .

  14. 鱼和熊掌可以兼得&瓦楞纸箱行业激光制版的成本优势和技术优势

    Cost and technology advantages in the laser plating for corrugated carton trade

  15. 这一标准使得原先中国出口企业的劳动力成本优势受到挑战。

    This standard challenges labor cost advantage of China 's export enterprises .

  16. 劳务派遣用工的成本优势与风险防范

    The cost superiority and risk precautions of labor dispatching-recruiting-using service

  17. 二是良好的商务环境和适中的商务成本优势。

    Second is the good business environment and the medium business cost .

  18. 产品优势其中就包括成本优势和质量优势。

    Product advantages include cost advantage , quality advantages and service advantages .

  19. 所以,那些既无成本优势又无产业优势的企业将无法生存。

    Company without cost advantage and industry benefit will not survive in future .

  20. 企业要生存和发展,关键在于取得成本优势。

    Advantage of costing is the key for company to survive and grows .

  21. 产业升级中的中国劳动成本优势

    Chinese advantage of labor costs when industrial upgrade

  22. 电子政务的成本优势分析

    Analysis on the Advantage of Electronic Governments Cost

  23. 我国产业集群的竞争优势目前主要集中在低成本优势,而这种优势是不可持续的。

    The competitive advantage of industrial clusters in our country focuses on cost advantage .

  24. 分析了山西省建设尿素生产基地的有利条件:资源优势和低成本优势。

    It considered that Shanxi province has many advantages to develop urea production capacity .

  25. 因为在汽车相关产业方面,中国企业在以下方面具有优势:①劳动力成本优势;

    Because Chinese company has advantage as the follows : - lower labor cost ;

  26. 与其他分布式平台相比,这些小型系统拥有很棒的低成本优势。

    These smaller systems provide a great , low-cost advantage over other distributed platforms .

  27. 基于案例研究,比较了现代平幅处理与绳状处理的成本优势。

    The economic advantages of modern continuous open width treatment against rope treatment are compared .

  28. 扩大出口的低成本优势将显著弱化。

    And the advantage will weaken significantly .

  29. 由于它的灵活性和成本优势,受到了发包国跨国公司的青睐。

    Because of the flexibility and cost advantage , it has been complimented by multinational corporations .

  30. 但是随着人口数量红利的逐渐消退,传统出口的低成本优势不断弱化。

    But with the demographic dividend gradually subsided , traditional advantage of exports continue to weaken .