
  1. 田村奈惠(NaoTamura)制作的TheFlow灯使用棕色威尼斯玻璃材质,并设计成城市建筑物水中倒影模样。天蓝色与绿色泻湖款目前有售,今年theFlow[T]还推出了自己的白色款式。

    The Flow [ T ] light by Nao Tamura is made from blown Venetian glass and is designed to look like the reflections of the city 's buildings in the water . Available in turquoise / green lagoon , this year the Flow [ T ] was also launched in white .

  2. 众志才能成城,聚沙才能成塔,我们责无旁贷。

    Zhongzhi can into the city , sand-to-tower , we obliged .

  3. 这家新旅馆被人吹成城里最好的旅馆。

    This new hotel is being touted as the best in town .

  4. 初论风成城沥青脉地质构造特点及其形成机制

    A discussion on the tectonic character and formed mechanism of bituminous vein in Fengcheng

  5. 群发性火灾,是非连续分布的可燃性材料同时燃烧而形成的火灾场景,易发展成城市或森林大规模区域火灾。

    Group fires , generated by the burning of discrete combustible materials , can easily develop into urban or wildland mass fires in practice .

  6. 截止2009年底,濮阳市共建成城市社区卫生服务机构56家,其中城市社区卫生服务中心12家,城市社区卫生服务站44家,覆盖市城区95%以上居民。

    Until the end of 2009,56 urban community health service organizations have constructed , including 12 urban community health service centers and 44 urban community health service stations , covering more than 95 % urban citizens .

  7. 纵观发达国家的经济发展史,几乎都经历了农业化向工业化转变,农村向城市转移,农民转变成城市工人的历史过程。

    Throughout the history of economic development in developed countries , almost all went through to the industrialization of agriculture and changes in the rural areas to cities and peasants into urban workers in the course of history .

  8. 那小镇很快发展成一个城。

    The little town mushroomed into a city .

  9. 投资房地产换取合法移民身份成了纽约城的一项大买卖。

    Investing in real estate projects in exchange for legal immigration status has become big business in New York City .

  10. 目前正在调查最佳影片奖是如何被错误地念成《爱乐之城》而非真正得主《月光男孩》的。

    An investigation is continuing into how La La Land was wrongly named Best Picture rather than the triumphant Moonlight .