
  • 网络National CHENG KUNG University
  1. 将面团擀成大的圆形面皮。

    Roll out the dough into one large circle

  2. 为研究脑缺血与脑组织NOS的关系及丹参的影响,采用线栓法制成大鼠大脑中动脉缺血模型,用地高辛精标记的NOS探针进行原位杂交。

    The focal cerebral ischemic models were made with suture embolism of middle cerebral artery .

  3. 通过采用四血管阻断再灌注法制成大鼠VD模型,以碱性羟胺法测定脑组织Ach含量;

    The other VD model was formed by 4-vessel occlusion-reperfusion injury in rats .

  4. 用AC等离子体显示板拼装成大面积平板型显示屏幕,可用于显示各种文字、符号、轨迹和图形等信息。

    A direct-view large-screen display system , with the construction of mosaic AC plasma display panels , used in the areas of alphanumerics and graphics , has been fabricated .

  5. 与对照细胞(野生型细胞W和转导空载体的细胞M)相比,AS细胞在培养中黏附成大团块。

    In comparison to the controls , the wild type cell ( W ) and the cell transduced with the mock ( M ), AS cells formed larger aggregates in culture .

  6. DEM是GIS中应用最广泛的基础数据。文中主要研究了将小范围DEM无缝拼接成大区域DEM涉及到的各种技术,并从可视化的角度实现了拼接数据的质量检查。

    This paper mainly discusses the techniques of joining small-scale DEM into large-scale DEM seamlessly and also finishes the quality check of joined data in visualization as BMP image .

  7. 为了获得大流量,必须加大阀开口量,因此,在结构上把2D阀设计成大行程位移控制阀,来控制主阀开口量。

    In order to achieve large flow , the open amount of valve must be increased . Therefore , the 2D valve is designed into a large stroke displacement control valves in the structure , to control the opening of main valve .

  8. 方法以线栓法制成大鼠右侧大脑中动脉梗死(MCAO)模型,大鼠随机分为假手术对照组、MCAO组、FNS(MCAO+FNS)干预组。

    Methods Mature Wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups : sham operated control group , MCAO group ( right middle cerebral artery occlusion ) and MCAO + FNS group .

  9. 本报告介绍了采用Au/Cr/ZnO/Au/Cr/Z-Al2Oq一维纵向薄膜换能器结构,研制成大功率反射式体声波单端口网络的微波延迟线。

    The successful development of a high power reflective BAW ( Bulk Acoustic Wave ) microwave delay line with a one-port network is repo-rted utilizing the configuration of a one-dimensionally longitudinal Au / / Cr / ZnO / Au / Cr / Z-Al2O3 thin film transducer .

  10. 方法:采用Feeney自由落体法制成大鼠颅脑损伤模型,健康雌性wistar大鼠60只随机数字法分成移植实验组、培养基对照组、假手术组,每组20只。

    60 healthy female wistar rats will be divided by digital method at random into transplantation experimental group , cultivation experimental group and sham operation group , each of which has 20 rats .

  11. 几个月以来一直有消息谣传,J.K.罗琳2001年写的小说要改编成大电影,并由33岁的雷德梅尼担纲主演。

    Rumors swirled for months that Redmayne , 33 , was being courted for the starring role in the big-screen adaptation of J.K.Rowling 's 2001 book .

  12. FRELIMO没有试图发展成大的政党,而一直是组织严密的小秘密集团。

    Instead of trying to develop into a mass party , FRELIMO remained a small tightly organized cabal .

  13. 原生质体在修改的KM8P液体培养基中培养,第10d开始分裂,2周后形成小细胞团,4周时发育成大细胞团。

    The first division of the regenerated cell occured within 10 days . Small cell clusters were formed and then developed into the large cell colonies 2 and 4 weeks after the culture , respectively .

  14. 方法:使用四血管闭塞(4VO)法制成大鼠急性全脑缺血再灌注模型。

    METHODS : The model of acute reperfusion injury after cerebral ischemia in rats was made by vertebral and carotid arteries occlusion ;

  15. 该方法首先把小码书扩展成大的虚码书,然后用网格编码矢量量化(TCVQ)的方法在扩大的二维码书空间中用维特比算法来寻找最佳量化路径。

    This method first expands the small codebook to larger virtual codebook , then uses Viterbi algorithm in two dimension to search the minimal distortion quantized route .

  16. 方法采用线栓法制成大鼠大脑中动脉缺血/再灌流模型,对缺血脑组织NO含量、局部脑血流量(rCBF)、中性粒细胞髓过氧化物酶(MPO)及脑梗塞体积进行测定。

    METHODS The animal models of middle cerebral artery ischemia / reperfusion were established by suture method , the nitric oxide ( NO ) concentration , regional cerebral blood flow ( rCBF ), myeloperoxidase of leukocytes ( MPO ) and cerebral infarction volume were measured .

  17. 在Ni-Cu-Al催化体系中加入少量碳酸钠会降低碳纳米管的产率,使竹节状碳纳米管转变成大内径碳纳米管。

    The addition of sodium carbonate into Ni-Cu-Al catalyst brought about slight decreases in the yield of CNTs and led to the morphology change from bamboo-shaped CNTs to large-inner-diameter CNTs .

  18. 现代汽车的成功故事可谓历经数载方成大器。

    The Hyundai success story has been years in the making .

  19. 一位大胆自信的小女孩在白色房子里成大。

    A brazen little girl grew up in a white house .

  20. 告诉过你,我会把你打造成大英雄

    I told you I 'd make you a hero .

  21. 它可能转变成大的或小的营养遗传规范。

    It can change to a large or small genotroph .

  22. 你答应过要把我打造成大英雄,还记得吗

    Remember when you promised to make me a hero ?

  23. 两类岩浆的小岩体成大矿

    Small intrusions forming large deposits in two types of magma

  24. 让我们把这个家伙打成大老鼠!

    Let 's beat this louse into a rat !

  25. 看看你,都成大姑娘了

    Look at you now , all grown up .

  26. 男孩长大成大男人。

    Boy grow up to be a great person .

  27. 方法:用薄膜-超声法制成大黄素磁性纳米脂质体。

    Methods : Used membrane-ultrasound method to prepare the magnetic nanometer liposome of emodin .

  28. 如果你方的价格做得开的话,我们相信能成大生意。

    If your price are in line , we trust important business can materalize .

  29. 她将全部头发梳向一边成大发鬈,像花一般。

    Her hair was caught all to one side in a great bloom of frizz .

  30. 通过化学反应把小分子联合成大分子量的聚合物。

    Chemical reaction in which smaller molecules combine to form a high molecular weight polymer .