
chéng běn kòng zhì
  • COSTING;cost control;Cost Controller;control of cost
  1. 具有H∞干扰抑制的中立型系统保成本控制

    Guaranteed Cost Control with H ∞ Disturbance Attenuation for Neutral Systems

  2. 不确定离散时滞系统具有H∞干扰抑制的保成本控制

    Guaranteed cost control with H_ ∞ disturbance attenuation for polytopic uncertain discrete-time systems with delay

  3. 第六部分,物流成本控制的绩效评价

    Chapter six discusses the appraisement of controlling logistics cost .

  4. 虚拟企业运行过程中基于ABC的成本控制方法

    Cost Control Method in Process of Virtual Enterprise 's Operation

  5. HY公司产品成本控制研究

    The Study on Product Cost Control in HY Company

  6. 成本控制和信用控制在AK通信公司中项目上的应用研究

    The Research for Cost Control and Credit Control on Project in the Communications Industry

  7. JL公司生产成本控制研究

    JL Company Product Cost Control Analyze

  8. 因此,系统地辨识水电EPC总承包风险、量化风险,分析各种风险因素对项目管理与成本控制的影响,对于总承包商明确风险以及有针对性采取相应措施防范和控制风险具有十分重要的意义。

    Therefore , it is significant for general contractor to definite risks and takes appropriate precaution that identifying EPC general contract risks systematically , quantifying risk and analyzing the impact of various risks on project management and cost-control .

  9. 然后通过分析三亚LN公司设计阶段成本控制现状,对目前采用的引入价值工程、限额设计、目标成本约束等纯系统性的控制方法的效果进行分析,找出其不足之处。

    Then through analysis of cost control conditions happened in design period in Sanya LN real estate company , analyzes effects of pure systematic control methods often taken nowadays such as introducing value engineering , quota design , target cost constraint etc. and finds deficiencies .

  10. 优化施工项目管理加强项目成本控制

    Optimizing the Construction Project Management and Strengthening the Construction Cost Control

  11. 关于会计信息质量成本控制模型的探讨

    A Discussion on the Control Model of Accounting Information Quality Cost

  12. 火力发电企业价值链分析与成本控制

    Value Chain Analysis and Cost Control of Coal Fired Power Companies

  13. 工程项目全方位动态成本控制

    Discuss on Overall and Dynamic Cost Control of Construction Engineering Projects

  14. 水利水电工程施工成本控制的探讨

    Discussion on Construction Cost Control in Water Conservancy and Hydropower Projects

  15. 略论大学成本控制的对象与策略

    A study on the targets and strategy of university cost control

  16. 基于数据挖掘的铁路机务段成本控制系统

    Cost Control System in railway locomotive depot based on data mining

  17. 高品位住宅建筑的施工技术优化和成本控制

    Construction Technique Optimization for High-Quality Residential Building and its Cost Control

  18. 供应链成本控制体系及其有效性评价

    The Supply Chain Cost Control Systems and Their Effectiveness Evaluation

  19. 所以,对销售环节的成本控制也是必要的。

    Therefore , to sells link 's cost control is also necessary .

  20. 结构不确定离散系统的最优非脆弱保成本控制

    Optimal non-fragile guaranteed cost control for linear discrete-time systems with structured uncertainty

  21. 成本控制的一般技术分析与对策

    The technical analysis of cost control and the relative strategies

  22. 离散企业产品全生命周期成本控制问题研究

    Study on cost control of product lifecycle in manufacturing enterprise

  23. 工程建设项目采购费用与成本控制

    Control of Procurement Expenses and Cost in Engineering Construction Project

  24. 作业成本控制对传统成本控制的改进

    Operation Cost Control to the Improvement of Traditionally Cost Control

  25. 公共财政体制下行政成本控制的经济效率研究

    Research on Economic Efficiency of Controlling Administration Costs under Public Financial System

  26. 重庆国有企业成本控制现状调查分析

    Analysis of current situation of state-owned enterprises cost of Chongqing

  27. 不确定有损网络控制系统的保成本控制

    Guaranteed Cost Control for Uncertain Networked Control Systems with Data Packet Dropouts

  28. 浅议住宅项目的成本控制

    Discussion on the Cost Control of the Residential Construction Project

  29. 浅谈施工单位对工程项目的成本控制

    Discussion on cost control of engineering projects by construction firms

  30. 浅析施工企业如何进行工程项目成本控制

    Brief analysis on how to control the project cost of construction enterprise