
  • 网络COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS;Cost benefit analysis;cost-effectiveness analysis;CBA;CEA
  1. 你认为在GIS咨询过程,成本效益分析是否做得充分?

    GIS WORLD : Do you see enough cost-benefit analysis being done in GIS consulting ?

  2. 基于遗传算法发电规划的BOT电厂成本效益分析

    Cost-benefit analysis of BOT based on Generation Expansion Planning

  3. NSCLC患者行PET检查的成本效益分析

    Cost-effective analysis of PET application in NSCLC

  4. 食品企业实施HACCP体系的成本效益分析研究初探

    Study on the Cost of Implementing HACCP for Enterprises

  5. 从学校品牌塑造因素提出基于因素的策略,从当今学校品牌塑造过程中的三大问题介绍了顾客满意、ISO9000和成本效益分析三个策略。

    Three policies are presented : Customer Satisfaction , ISO9000 and Cost Effectiveness analysis . Brand competition is the focus of the competition among the vocational and technical colleges .

  6. 本文认为:①成本效益分析是以规范经济学的Pareto效率为基础的,不能反映出以逆偏好选择为基础的存在价值。

    Two conclusions are given as follows : ① Benefit cost analysis is based on Pareto efficiency of normative economics . Existence value based on counter preferential choice can not be measured with classic economics .

  7. 紫杉醇药物洗脱支架用于经皮冠状动脉血运重建的成本效益分析:TAXUS-IV临床试验的结果

    Cost Effectiveness of Paclitaxel-Eluting Stents for Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Revascularization . Results From the TAXUS-IV Trial

  8. 该部分拟通过成本效益分析和博弈分析,揭示非对称信息条件下有效期约的形成,探求OTC公司信息披露的动机。(2)从信息需求者角度,研究OTC公司信息披露的外在原动力。

    This Part will do a cost-benefit analysis and game analysis to reveal the motivation of accounting information disclosure . ( 2 ) From the perspective of information demands , studying the external driving force of the OTC companies to disclose information .

  9. 应用成本效益分析法对宁夏回族自治区固原市某10kV中压配电网的12套开关配置方案进行评估,得出了最优方案,验证了该方法的工程实用性。

    The paper presented 12 switching device schemes for a medium voltage power distribution networks in Guyuan , Ningxia , assessed the schemes with the cost-benefit analysis and obtained the best schemes . The engineering applicability and correctness are verified by the case .

  10. 主要介绍了经济增长理论与模型、IS-LM模型与宏观调控理论、不确定性分析法、成本效益分析法以及博弈理论等土地利用规划经济学分析的基本理论与方法。

    A number of basic theories and methodologies of land use planning analysis in economics are mainly introduced , for instance , the theories and models of economic growth , the macro-control theories and IS-LM models , uncertainty analysis , cost-benefit analysis and game theory , etc.

  11. 高剂量乙肝疫苗免疫策略成本效益分析

    Cost-benefit Analysis of High-dose Immunization Strategy of Infant Hepatitis B Vaccination

  12. 目的对怀柔区实施调节水氟浓度预防龋齿项目进行成本效益分析。

    Objective To conduct the cost-effective analysis of water fluoridation program .

  13. 精神分裂症、情感性障碍和老年期痴呆住院患者的成本效益分析

    Cost-effect study for inpatients with schizophrenia , affective disorders and dementia

  14. 高校图书馆采购全文电子数据库的成本效益分析

    Cost and Benefit Analysis on Full-text Database Acquisition of Academic Libraries

  15. 成本效益分析。分析培训对效率和生产率产生的影响。

    Analysis of the impact of training on efficiency and productivity .

  16. 汽车座椅面料用超纤皮革的性能与成本效益分析

    Analysis on ultra-effective application of microfiber leather used car seat fabrics

  17. 电力市场环境下需求侧管理的成本效益分析模型及优化

    Cost-benefit analysis model of DSM in power market and its optimization

  18. 为你正做的工作做一个成本效益分析。

    Analyze the cost / benefit of what you are doing .

  19. 峰谷分时电价的成本效益分析模型及其应用

    Cost-Benefit Analysis Model and its Application of Peak-Valley Time-of-Use Electricity Price

  20. 政府公共投资决策与成本效益分析

    An Analysis on Policy-making and Cost Efficiency of Governmental Public Investment

  21. 成本效益分析在电能质量经济评估中的应用

    Application of Cost Benefit Analysis in Economic Evaluation of Power Quality

  22. 大型医疗设备成本效益分析系统设计与应用

    Design and application of cost accounting system for large medical equipment

  23. 注重成本效益分析,使公共资源效用最大化。

    It emphasizes cost-benefit analysis to realize utility-maximization for public resources .

  24. 医院医疗设备项目成本效益分析方法探讨

    A Discussion on Cost-Benefit Analysis Approaches of Hospital Medical Equipment Investment

  25. 电子政务建设中的成本效益分析及体制创新

    Analysis of cost efficiency and system innovation in e-commerce construction

  26. 用成本效益分析确定矿井服务年限

    Determining the mine life by the cost and benefit analysis

  27. 上海市新生儿疾病筛查成本效益分析

    Cost benefit analysis of screening for neonatal diseases in Shanghai

  28. 网络版权制度与信息的有效传播及公平使用网络版权权利扩张与限制的成本效益分析

    Internet Copyright Regulations and the Effective Dissemination and Fair Use of Information

  29. 企业竞争策略中的成本效益分析方法

    Cost - Benefit Analysis Method in Competitive Strategy of Enterprise

  30. 以成本效益分析为基础的医院预算管理

    Hospital budget management : based on cost - benefit analysis