
  • 网络cost risk
  1. 在HG酒店项目建设中成本风险管理研究

    In the HG Hotel Project Construction Cost Risk Management Research

  2. 在风险分析与评估方面,将模糊层次分析法和ABC分析法应用于工程成本风险分析中,把定性分析与定量分析相结合,使主观估计客观化;

    In the aspect of risk analysis and assessment , fuzzy analytical hierarchy process and ABC method are applied in the engineering cost risk analysis .

  3. 农村城镇化的伦理道德成本风险及其原因分析

    Analysis of Ethical Risks Costs and Causes in Progress of Rural Urbanization

  4. 研究了成本风险的敏感度问题。

    The sensitivity of cost estimation is also studied .

  5. 阐述施工项目成本风险的管理和应对方法。

    This paper expatiates on the risk management of construction project cost and replying methods .

  6. 基于资源成本风险三维视角的战略联盟稳定性分析

    Analysis of the Strategic Alliance Stability Based on the Three-dimension View of Resource 、 Cost and Risk

  7. 对建筑施工企业来说,工程项目成本风险可分为内部风险和外部风险。

    For construction enterprises , the project cost risk can be divided into internal and external risks .

  8. 农村城镇化是解决三农问题的重要途径,然而,城镇化过程会带来伦理道德的成本风险。

    Rural urbanization is a very important topic for solving the problems of " agriculture , peasant and countryside " .

  9. 文章研究的目标是成本风险,对大型工程成本管理过程中存在的风险进行研究和管理。

    The research object of this paper is cost risk , to study and manage the risk in large engineering cost management .

  10. 对于感知风险来说,自我损失风险、机会成本风险对于品牌转换的影响较为显著。

    In the respect of perceived risk , self-loss risk , perceptive functional risk and opportunity cost risk make more significant influences to brand switching .

  11. 为了帮助汽车企业规避成本风险,提高利润,研究合理的供应商选择方法是十分必要的。

    That , in order to help the auto companies to avoid the cost of risk , to mention profit , researching rational supplier approach is very much desired .

  12. 然后再对项目工期风险和成本风险进行单独分析并分三种情况对项目工期/成本风险进行了联动分析。

    Then , we analyze and estimate the duration risk from different aspects and also make the of linkage analysis of duration risk and cost risk in three situations .

  13. 而且降低了因工期延误、质量因素造成的成本风险,并且为以后的基层财政管理提供了宝贵的借鉴思路。

    And reduce the cost of risk of schedule delays , quality factors , and provide a valuable reference for ideas and for the basic level public financial management .

  14. 由逆向选择和道德风险所带来的委托理财的风险表现为:成本风险、法律风险、信用风险、行为风险、经营风险、收益风险等。

    The financial risks they bring can be generalized as : cost risks , legal risks , credit risks , behavior risks , operation risks , revenue risks , and etc.

  15. 本文主要通过分析成本风险的特点、成因,从防范的角度出发,探讨了成本预警在制造型企业的设计与实施。

    This paper , mainly analyzing the features and causes of cost risk , tries to discuss the question about the design and implement of cost precaution in the manufacture .

  16. 主要从房地产成本风险分析、房地产开发筹资风险分析、金融风险与政策性风险分析三个方面对该项目进行了综合评述。

    Mainly from the real estate cost risk analysis , real estate development financing risk analysis , financial risk analysis and policy risk analysis carried out three aspects of the project reviewed .

  17. 然而,企业在开发新产品过程当中,会遇到各种各样的困难和挑战,新产品开发的过程会遇到多种的风险,比如市场风险、技术风险、组织风险、成本风险等等。

    However , during the new product development process , the enterprise will encounter all sorts of difficulties and challenges , such as market risk , technical risks , cost risk , organization risk and so on .

  18. 在此基础上归纳出四种主要的外包风险后果,并根据风险后果提出将物流外包风险划分为成本风险、质量风险、时间风险和依赖性风险。(2)构建物流外包风险的系统动力学模型。

    Based on this , four types of risk outcomes are concluded , and the logistics outsourcing risks are divided into four types accordingly . ( 2 ) A system dynamics model of logistics outsourcing risks is constructed .

  19. 在投资风险的评价方面。认为投资的成本风险、收益风险、综合风险是企业人力资本投资风险评价的主要衡量指标和内容,并给出评价实例。

    The goal of the risk evaluation should be to get the cost risk , the profit risk and integrated risk . The thesis gives two examples how to evaluate the risk of the enterprise human capital investment from the three aspects .

  20. 文章还从改革产权制度、建立激励与约束机制、建立财务核算与成本风险监控机制、形成技术创新机制等方面,提出了保证战略方案实施的对策和建议。

    Furthermore , the article puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to ensure the implementation of the strategic plan in terms of reforming property right system , establishing inspire and restrictive system , establishing strict financial control system , fostering technical innovation system , etc.

  21. 纵观世界航空业,发达国家的航空公司大都采用各种金融衍生品,尤其是套期保值的方式来应对航空用油价格涨跌,从而实现成本风险控制,以此方式来提高企业的核心竞争力。

    Throughout the world aviation industry , most of the airlines in developed countries using a variety of financial derivatives , hedging way to deal with jet fuel price change , in order to achieve cost risk control as a way to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises force .

  22. 通过大量的文献回顾,本研究将感知价值划分为感知情感价值、感知质量价值两个维度,将感知风险划分为时间和金钱风险、自我损失风险、感知功能风险、机会成本风险四个维度。

    Based on extensive literature review , the study divides perceived value into two dimensions of perceived emotional value , perceived quality value , and it also divides perceived risk into four dimensions of time and money risk , self-loss risk , perceived function risk , opportunity cost risk .

  23. 一方面,IP用户可以利用它从第三方供应商提供的众多同类型IP中选择合适、高可重用性的产品,从而最大程度的降低设计成本和风险;

    On one hand IP users can select appropriate and high reusable products in the IPs library so that they can reduce the design cost and risk greatly ;

  24. 大气数据计算机(AirDataComputer,简称ADC)仿真系统是研究飞机大气数据系统的平台,它也可以取代真实大气数据计算机应用在地面综合航电系统的实验中,大大降低了实验的成本和风险。

    Air Data Computer ( ADC ) is a platform for researching flight air data system . It can reduce cost and risk greatly , when using in ground experiment of integration avionics system .

  25. 这些API具有灵活的可重用性,既降低了成本和风险,也使得整个系统在确保短期效益和持续改善企业IT环境之间找到了一个完美的平衡点。

    The API set has a flexible reusable , not only reduces the cost and risk , but also makes the whole system to ensure that short-term benefits and long-term improvement of corporate IT environment are found a perfect balance .

  26. 通过分析,JT集团面临的主要财务风险分为:债务风险;资金风险;投资风险;资产质量风险;成本竞争力风险;内部控制风险。

    By analyzing , JT Group facing major financial risks are divided into : debt risk ; financial risk ; investment risk ; asset quality risk ; cost-competitive risks ; internal control risk .

  27. 借助SAP-MM系统的实施,及时设定出准确的需求计划,使物料信息在企业各部门间能快速的传递,提高了工作效率,大大降低库存,降低相应的成本和风险,提高生产效率。

    After the SAP-MM is implemented , we can make up the exact requirement plan , speed up the information transmission among stakeholders , improve the working efficiency , and reduce the inventory balance , cost and risk and productivity efficiency .

  28. 政治决策的成本和风险分析

    The Analysis of Cost and Risks for Political Decision - making

  29. 我们必须有和我们成本与风险匀称的利润。

    We must have profits proportionable to our expense and hazard .

  30. 有收不回成本的风险。

    There is a risk that the costs may be irrecoverable .