
  • 网络mature proglottid
  1. 其他标题也用这种方式转化成节。

    Every additional heading also becomes a section in this manner .

  2. 本实用新型还可以设置成节风窗、盲巷封闭。

    The utility model can be set into an air-saving window or blind drift block .

  3. 从一开始的只在个别条款中规定环境犯罪到后来的环境犯罪独立成节,从环境犯罪罪名的增加到环境犯罪构成要件的变化,都反映出立法者的重视和立法技术的进步。

    From the beginning of the " Regulations of environmental crime " in individual terms to later " environmental crime is a separate section ", from the change of environmental crime increases to the constitutive elements of environmental crime , reflects the attention of legislators and legislative technology .

  4. 他把甘蔗截成几节。

    He cut the sugarcane into several pieces .

  5. D630单绞机成缆节距的计算

    Calculation of laying-up pitch of D 630 Single Twist Cabling Machine

  6. 多效唑在抑制营养生长的同时也促进了生殖生长,有效地促进花芽形成,降低了始花节位,增加了成花节位数和复花芽节位数。

    Paclobutrazol promoted the flower formation , lowered initial node of the flower bud .

  7. 对于分子轨道,定义了成键节面和反键节面。

    For molecular orbital , we define bonding nodal planes and anti-bonding nodal planes .

  8. 此外,副通道以所需的一定间隔横向或斜向焊封或胶粘而分隔成纵向节段;

    Two vertical edges of the utility model are overlapped and welded up or glued to form a main channel and an assistant channel .

  9. 本实用新型装置在使用和存放时皆为一个整体,杆与杆之间铰链连接,能折叠成三节;

    The utility model is an integrity either when using or storage , the rods are hinged together and can folded into three sections ;

  10. 如果您想创建一个用于将问题分隔成不同节的标题,或想提供一些说明性的文字,请选择标题。

    If you want to create a header that divides the questions into sections , or if you want to provide explanatory text , select Header .

  11. 不幸的是,有时候,八目鳗类鱼会成为自己防卫机制的受害者。但通常情况下,它会把自己拧成几节,然后从粘液中逃脱。

    The hagfish , unfortunately , sometimes falls prey to its own defense mechanism , but normally it twists itself into knots to escape the gelatinous goop .

  12. 其基本想法是:沿梁的纵轴线将梁体横向切割成若干节段,节段数目由计算精度控制。

    The girder is discretized along its longitudinal axis into a number of blocks , the number of which is depending on the degree of accuracy of the solution required .

  13. 而粽子也成了端午节的传统食品。

    Naturally , zongzi is the traditional food for the Dragon Boat Festival .

  14. 圣诞节学生和家长都要带一些礼物去教师家慰问。这天实际上也成了教师节。

    Parents will bring some gifts to teachers on Christmas , 25th Dec is also the teachers'day .

  15. 目的:探索使用钛镍合金牵引器弹性加载自动牵引成骨重建节段性缺失下颌骨的动物建模方法。

    Objective : To establish suitable animal models for elastic distraction osteogenesis using titanium-nickelalloy distractor for reconstruction of mandibular segmental defect .

  16. 藏有密信的月饼是在八月的第15天送出的,因此这天就成了中秋节。

    The secret-laden cakes were delivered on the15th day of the eighth month , which became the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival .

  17. 茎的初生结构中多个维管束排列成环状,节部为单隙三迹,叶迹分别来自于3条维管束或同一条维管束。

    The vascular bundles of the primary structure in stem are ring arranged , and the node is unilacunar and 3-traced , which is from three vascular bundles or one vascular bundle .

  18. 从那以后,登山、佩戴茱萸、喝菊花酒成了重阳节的传统习俗,用来驱灾避祸。

    Since then , climbing a mountain , carrying a spray of dogwood and drinking chrysanthemum wine became the traditional activities of the Double Ninth Festival , to avoid evil spirits and misfortunes .

  19. 据说牛郎星、织女星只能在七夕相会,所以这天就成了情人节。

    B : It is said that the Cowherd and the Spinster , the lover stars in heaven , can only meet on the seventh Eve , so this day has become the Lover 's Day .

  20. 结果表明:双短胶圈牵伸浮游区长度小,胶圈中部摩擦力界大,能有效控制短纤维,成纱粗节、细节明显减少,成纱质量提高。

    The result shows that double short apron draft has small floating zone length , big friction field in middle apron , it can control short fibers , yarn slubs , thin places and enhance yarn quality .

  21. 分别沿椎间盘剖面中心画水平线横贯2幅图像,即可将椎动脉分割成多个节段,显示椎动脉与颈椎椎体、椎间的相对位置。

    Drawing transverse lines through the center of the inter vertebral disc separately across both images , vertebral artery thus can be divided into many sections , displaying relative locations between vertebral artery and cervical vertebral body and interval .

  22. 而新闻国际却花了数年时间将克莱夫古德曼(clivegoodman)与穆尔凯尔一同入狱的前记者塑造成唯一的叛节者。

    News International instead spent years portraying Clive Goodman , a former reporter who was jailed with Mr mulcaire , as a lone renegade .

  23. 不过,日惹有个非常偏离传统的木偶剧团:“纸月亮剧团”(ThePapermoonPuuppetTheater),它成了全球艺术节盛会中的中坚力量,使用谜一般的现代主义木偶讲述各种故事,从古代神话到现代印尼的诞生。

    One puppet act in Yogja , however , is far from traditional . The Papermoon Puppet Theater has become a staple of the global arts festival circuit , with enigmatic modernist puppets that tell stories from myth to the birth of modern Indonesia .

  24. 过了清水河之后,道路再一次成了乱泥节。

    Beyond Qingshuihe , the road turns into a mud fest .

  25. 后来逐渐演变成了民间中秋节必不可少的象征性食品。

    Later it gradually became a symbolic food of the Moon Festival .

  26. 那它不就成了“野鸡节”了?

    Then can it be " street prostitute festival "?

  27. 今天它最终能装配成一列九十节车厢的货车。

    Today , it 's at work adding cars to what will eventually be a90 car freight train .

  28. 总部位于北京的大本营“高丽之旅”公司成了平壤电影节(每两年举办一次)的国际联络站;

    From its base in Beijing , Koryo Tours serves as international liaison for Pyongyang 's biennial film festival .

  29. 它的树干弯成弓状,多节的树枝狠揍着车身上它能够到的每一块地方。

    Its trunk was bent almost double , and its gnarled boughs were pummeling every inch of the car it could reach .

  30. 为了适应我国西北地区油田开展欠平衡钻井技术工程的特点,研制成计算机伺服控制节控箱。

    In the light of the characteristics of underbalanced drilling in the oilfields in west China , a computerized servo control throttle control box is developed .