
  • 网络I'm Not There;I am not there;I\'m Not There
  1. 2007年“我不在那儿”中的CocoRivington

    Coco Rivington in " I 'm Not There " ( 2007 ) ,

  2. 我不在那儿,那我去找你,你在哪

    I 'm not there . Then I 'll come to you . Where are you ?

  3. 我不在那儿,所以没有看见。

    I wasn 't there , therefore I ddn 't see .

  4. 碰巧那天我不在那儿。

    It happen that I am not there that day .

  5. 我不在那儿,也没有离您而去。

    I am not there ; I did not die .

  6. 今天入夜后,我不在那儿睡。

    I will not sleep there when this night comes .

  7. 如果我不在那儿,他们会杀了彼此的。

    They 'll kill each other ifi 'm not there .

  8. 可我不在那儿了。

    Alison : Well , I am not there .

  9. 因为很遗憾我不在那儿。

    Because , sadly , I was not there .

  10. 哦,我已不在那儿工作了。

    Well , you see , I no longer work there .

  11. 幸好我当时不在那儿。

    It 's a good thing I wasn 't there .

  12. 只是想告诉你要是我朋友不在那儿的话

    Just so you know , if my friends weren 't there ,

  13. 我不记得在那儿看到他。

    I don 't remember seeing him there , No.

  14. 我不打算在那儿过夜。

    I 'm not planning to stay there overnight .

  15. 我不知道在那儿躺了多久,后来一个男人和善的声音劝我试着站起来——我做到了。随后我被轻轻地牵到附近的一个马厩。

    I don 't know how long I was there , but a man with a kind voice persuaded me to try to get up and I managed it.Then I was gently led to some stables close by .

  16. “我想他不在那儿了吧?”——“我觉得希望不大,”她说。

    ' He 's not still there , I suppose ? ' — ' I wouldn 't bank on that , ' she said .

  17. 虽然如此,我不认为他在那儿是学做蛋糕的。

    Although , I don 't think he went there for the pastries .

  18. 我的外套不在那儿,一定是有人拿错了。

    My coat isn 't there , someone must have taken it by mistake .

  19. 但我本不该在那儿:伍德森本不该在那儿。

    But I shouldn 't have been there : Wooderson shouldn 't have been there .

  20. 确定我的钱包不在那儿?

    Sure my wallet 's not there ?

  21. 我不知道自己在那儿站了有多久,我一直无法按下快门。

    I don 't know how many seconds I stood there , unable to snap that shutter .

  22. 我不想呆在那儿,我更喜欢纽约,它比洛杉矶更令人兴奋。

    I didn 't want to stay there . I like New York better . It 's more exciting than Los Angeles .

  23. 不,我觉得问题不在那儿,因为我们前几天去跳舞…他紧紧抱住我的那个样子,

    PHOE : Oohh , um , no , I don 't think that 's the problem . ' Cause we went , um , dancing the other night and the way he held me so close ,

  24. 我做不来德卡斯在那儿呢

    I can 't do it , not while Durkas is there .

  25. 我不知道他会在那儿,我是偶然碰见他的。

    I had no idea he was there . I met him by chance .

  26. 跟我走不你呆在那儿

    So come with me . Don 't you , no , you stay there .

  27. 我知道你不想在那儿耗一天现在起床!

    I know you don 't want to be there all day -- now , get up .

  28. 如果我知道它已经不在那儿,我为什么还要派你的小组去研究呢?

    Why would I send your team to study the thing if I knew it wasn 't there ?

  29. 如果约翰没开门,弗里茨就绕到城堡的另一面来找我。要是我不在那儿,那我就是死了——国王也一样。

    If Johann did not open the door , Fritz would come round to the other side of the castle to find me.If I was not there , then I was dead-and the King , too !

  30. 你不能为此责怪我,当时我根本不在那儿!

    You can hardly blame me for it when I wasn 't even there !