
  • 网络Our Father
  1. 我们的父亲气得涨红了脸,说话开始语无伦次。

    Our father 's face had reddened with rage and he began to sputter

  2. 有时因开头的两个字而称PaterNoster(拉丁文意为“我们的父亲”)。

    It is sometimes called the Pater Noster ( Latin : " Our Father ") for its first two words .

  3. 凯西的女儿Kerri周日早晨在推特上宣布了这个消息:就在这个父亲节早上,我们的父亲在亲朋的陪伴下安详离世。

    Kasem 's daughter Kerri broke the news on Sunday morning tweeting , Early this Father 's Day morning , our dad Casey Kasem passed away surrounded by family and friends .

  4. 我们的父亲去年过世了但是我发誓

    We lost our dad last year , but I swear ,

  5. 我们的父亲去世后留下了这个商店。

    Our father left us this business when he died .

  6. 这方面他像极了我们的父亲。

    He 's very much like our dad that way .

  7. 我要呆在这里,这里是我们的父亲斯巴达的故乡。

    I 'm staying , this place was our father 's home .

  8. 你记不得我们的父亲的教名是什么了吗?

    Can 't you recollect what our father 's Christian name was ?

  9. 当我将这件事告诉我们的父亲时,他的心几乎要迸出来。

    When I told our father about this , his heart burst .

  10. 我们的父亲见没有童子,他就必死。

    Sees that the boy isn 't there , he will die .

  11. 她对我说过,我们的父亲以前是个非常富有的人。

    She told me that our father was a very rich man .

  12. 我们的父亲自始至终支持我们。

    All through , our father backed us up .

  13. 这是我们的父亲的高尚的成就。

    It is the honorable achievement of our fathers .

  14. 你一直像我们的父亲一样。

    You have been like a father to us .

  15. 我们的父亲是位优秀的设计师,但他没有商业头脑。

    Our father was a good designer , but he had no business sense .

  16. 我们的父亲才是国王之手。

    Our father is Hand of the King .

  17. 我们的父亲邀请我母亲参加舞会。

    Our dad asked my mom to prom .

  18. 这是我们的父亲自杀的地方。

    This is where our father killed himself .

  19. 他们回答说:“你仆人我们的父亲平安;他还在。”

    They replied , " your servant our father is still alive and well . "

  20. 他被当作我们的父亲。

    He is regarded as our father .

  21. 琼斯先生奉其母之命给我们的父亲写了一封信。

    At his mother 's bidding , Mr Jones wrote a letter to our father .

  22. 我们的父亲说,你们再去给我籴些粮来。

    And our father said , Go again , and buy us a little food .

  23. 我们的父亲给了你这个。

    Our father gave you this .

  24. 他把它留给了我们的父亲,你们家对这幅画根本就没有发言权。

    Who left it to our father , and your family has absolutely no say in it .

  25. 就算我们的父亲决定我们应该如此,也不会有结果。

    It will not happen even if our own father decides that is what we ought to be .

  26. (罗马天主教徒的)用拉丁文向上帝的祈祷;翻译成我们的父亲。

    ( Roman Catholic ) the Lord 's Prayer in Latin ; translates as " our father " .

  27. 那你的仆人们就要使你的仆人,我们的父亲带着白发在忧苦中下入阴府了。

    Your servants will bring down the gray hairs of your servant , our father , with sorrow to Sheol .

  28. 但是,我发现一件事情一次又一次的出现:我们的父亲是我们自己强大和持久性的一部分。

    But I found one thing time and again : Our fathers are a potent and enduring part of ourselves .

  29. 西尔维亚和我与我们的父亲切斯特·朗宁一同旅行,他从前是驻中国的加拿大外交官。

    Sylvia and I were traveling with our father , Chester Ronning , who had been a Canadian diplomat in China .

  30. 慢着,如果我们的父亲是同一个人…那你的意思是,你是我同父异母的兄弟吗?

    Well , wait , so if we have the same father ... I mean , are you saying you 're my half-brother ?