
  1. 将迎来世界和平的胜利曙光。

    By the dawning of the light of global peace .

  2. 西班牙夺得世界杯的胜利,打破了荷兰队连续25场不败的记录。

    With the World Cup victory , Spain ped the Netherlands ' 25-match

  3. 对于第二次世界大战的胜利的意义估计不足,将是一个极大的错误。

    It will be a very great mistake to underestimate the significance of the victory of World War II .

  4. 反法西斯战争是全世界人民的胜利,美国却是世界胜局的最大受益者。

    The victory of Anti-Fascist war belongs to the people of the whole world , but America became the biggest winner .

  5. 这是全中国人民的胜利,也是全世界人民的胜利。

    This is a victory for the people of all china , and also a victory for the peoples of the whole world .

  6. 过去四个月,我们取得了世界瞩目的胜利。我们一直不知疲倦地实现我们的美国梦,其他许多人也有着自己的美国梦。

    It has been a world win for the past 4 months , one in which we have worked to realize an American dream , which so many others share .

  7. 去年世界大赛的胜利也因他向击球手回掷球棒而蒙上阴影,他的名声也因此遭致玷污;还有他整季因伤所困,长期名列伤兵名单。

    Last year 's World Series triumph was overshadowed by a bat-throwing incident that sullied his reputation , and he has spent more than his share of time on the disabled list .

  8. 昨天下午,哈里·凯恩(HarryKane)的帽子戏法成功帮助英国以6:1比分拿下巴拿马,获得英国队在世界杯的最大胜利。

    Hat-trick hero ? Harry Kane helped England secure their biggest ever World Cup ? victory as the Three Lions thrashed Panama 6-1 yesterday afternoon .

  9. 这次,马尼预测荷兰,而不是西班牙,将夺取世界杯决赛的胜利。

    And Mani has forecast that the Netherlands - not Spain - will win the final .

  10. 日本女足上周日意外取得世界杯决赛的胜利,她们将以国家英雄的身份凯旋回国。

    Japan 's women will return home as national heroes after their astonishing World Cup success on Sunday .

  11. 这种极端性艺术主要追求自足独立性原则,更多地仰赖非理性直觉的创造力,充分显示了意志在非理性世界所取得的胜利。

    The art of extreme experience , depending on the intuition , pursued the autonomy principle which displayed the triumph of the volition in the irrational world .

  12. 这是一个伟大的胜利,是中国从古未有的大胜利,也是十月革命以后一个带世界性的大胜利。

    This is a great victory , a great victory without parallel in the history of China , a great victory of world significance following the October Revolution .

  13. 中国人民也对世界反法西斯战争的胜利作出了重大的贡献。

    And in their turn , the Chinese people made an important contribution to victory in the Anti-Fascist War as a whole .

  14. 由于中国对世界反法西斯战争的胜利所做出的巨大贡献,使得中国的国际地位得到了国际社会的承认。

    Because of the Chinese tremendous contribution to the victory of the World War against Fascism , the international status of China is greatly enhanced and widely recognized by the international community .

  15. 华东回族为保卫祖国,抗击日本法西斯,前仆后继,英勇战斗,为中国的抗日战争及世界反法西斯战争的胜利作出了突出贡献。

    It reveals the outstanding contributions of the Hui for the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan of China and the War of the Anti-fascist War of World in East China .

  16. 云南军民为开辟和维护这四条攸关抗战成败的战略通道进行了艰苦卓绝的努力,对中国抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争的胜利作出了重大贡献。

    The soldiers and the people of Yunnan made great efforts to protect the strategic channels , which greatly influenced the triumph of the War of Resistance against Japan and the Anti-fascist War of the World .

  17. 此外,乌拉圭在世界杯成型期的胜利造就了延续至今的血统,它的很多球员如今都在海外的一些世界豪门俱乐部踢球,如利物浦的苏亚雷斯和巴黎圣日耳曼的卡瓦尼。

    Moreover , Uruguay 's victories in the World Cup 's formative years established a pedigree that endures to this day , with many of its footballers -- such as Liverpool 's Luis Su á rez and Paris Saint-Germain 's Edinson Cavani -- playing abroad for some of the world 's biggest clubs .