
  1. 亚里斯多德悲剧观是世界文艺理论的重要内容。

    The tragedy idea of Aristoteles is an important content in the world theory of literature and art .

  2. 唐诗中的许多优美篇章,不仅传诵国内,脍炙人口,而且早已超越国界,成为世界文艺宝库中的珍品。

    Many beautiful Tang poems are still on everyone 's lips in China today and turn to be gems in the treasure house of world literature .

  3. 众所周知,文学是文化的重要组成部分之一,新的苏维埃政权的文学也在这个崭新的国家以全新的面貌出现在世界文艺舞台上。

    As is known to all , literature is an important part of culture , the new Soviet regime of literature also appears in the world literature stage in this new country .

  4. 胡风的文艺思想,既承传了生于斯长于斯的本土文化传统,又得力于二十世纪世界文艺思潮如生命哲学、黑格尔美学的浸润,同时在风起云涌的时代大潮中不断吸纳养分完善自我。

    It was born in Slovakia live here Tradition of the native cultural traditions , and effective in the world of the 20th century and ideas such as life philosophy , Hegel aesthetic excitement , and in the mounting tide of the times and continuously improving self-absorb nutrients .

  5. 可以说,《文心雕龙》乃是中国古代最为系统、最具理论深度、最贴近文学创作实际的文学美学著作,也是世界文艺理论史和美学史上不可多得文学美学著作。

    We can say that , Wen Xin Diao Long is a monograph of literary aesthetics which is most systematic , profound and close to the practice of writing in ancient China . It is also rare in the history of theory of world literature and art and world aesthetics .

  6. 用人的眼光看政治世界&文艺复兴时代与新政治观

    Watch the political world in view of human & the Renaissance time and new political idea

  7. 它承接了古典文明,使古代世界与文艺复兴乃至近现代西方世界相沟通;

    They had inherited Greco-Roman cultural legacy to some extent , connecting ancient times with Renaissance and modern times .

  8. 作品曾荣获金奖、一等奖、铜牌奖,世界优秀文艺作品奖。

    His work has won the gold medal , first prize , bronze medal , the World Award for outstanding literary and artistic works .

  9. 古代神话、宗教世界观、文艺复兴时的巫术中都存有它的踪迹,从培根到马克思都对此有不同的表述。

    It can be seen that in ancient mythology , religion world outlook and the Renaissance witchcraft . It is different representations from Bacon to Marx .

  10. 后印象主义绘画是19世纪后半期~20世纪初期流行于法国、欧美乃至世界的一种文艺思潮。

    The Post-impressionism painting was the second half of the 19th century-the 20th century initial period is popular in French , European and American and even the world one kind of trend of literary and artistic thought .