
  1. 我是未来的英国皇后凯特王妃的九代表亲

    I 'm ninth cousins with Kate Middleton the future queen of England

  2. 我是你未来的粉丝

    I am and a fan of your future

  3. 因为我是家乡未来的建设者!

    As the future builder of our hometown , I love my home much better .

  4. 但当他意识到我是他未来长期的“女儿”的时候,他就为我包鸡蛋,然后喂我吃,我开始觉得也许是时候我该搬走了。

    But when he decided that I really was his long-lost-daughter and started chopping my egg for me and then trying to feed it to me I began to feel that maybe it was starting to get time to move out .

  5. 因此,我认为BPM是未来的潮流。

    For this reason , I think BPM is the wave of the future .

  6. 我关注的是未来,而不是过去。

    I focus on the future , instead of on the past .

  7. 我认为正是未来的不确定性决定其非同寻常。

    So the unpredictability , I think , is extraordinary .

  8. 过去很美好,尽管我期待的是未来。

    The past time is so beautiful even I 'm yenning the future .

  9. 我是在展望未来

    I 'm talking about the future .

  10. 我可能是成为未来。

    I might was well become .

  11. 爱德华:爱丽丝看见的有主观性,我是指,未来总是在变。

    Edward : Alice 's visions are . I mean , the future can always change .

  12. 我是家庭的未来,我是中国的未来,我是世界的未来。

    I am the future of my family , the future of China , and the future of the world !

  13. 但我关注的是未来,我有自信认为我的访问将大大促进这一目标的实现,提升美国的利益和价值,为古巴人民带去更美好、更自由、更繁荣的未来。

    But I 'm focused on the future , and I 'm confident that my visit will advance the goals that guide us - promoting American interests and values and a better future for the Cuban people , a future of more freedom and more opportunity .

  14. 我相信,这是未来的发展趋势,至少在WiFi登录点能覆盖全球之前是如此。

    This , I believe , is the future & at least until the whole planet is one big hot spot .

  15. 我的感觉是,未来日本将成为一个要求更高的盟友,美国前总统乔治W布什(GeorgeW.Bush)的亚洲事务最高顾问韦德宁(DennisWilder)表示。

    My sense is that Japan will be more of a demanding ally in the future , said Dennis Wilder , former President George W. Bush 's top Asia adviser .

  16. 我觉得他是BAU未来不可缺少的组成部分。

    I see him as an integral part of the future of the BAU .

  17. 我的理想是在未来当一名作家。

    My ideal is to be a writer in the future .

  18. 我现在是你老板未来的亲戚了。

    I am your boss 's to be relative now .

  19. 我现在是在为未来考虑。

    I 'm thinking about the future right now .

  20. 我是一个信奉未来和梦想的人。

    I am the person of future of a believe in and dream .

  21. 我担心的正是未来

    The future 's what I 'm worried about .

  22. 今天我演讲的主题是未来中国的发展。

    My topic today is China 's future development .

  23. 没有办法,当然,我可以知道这是未来。

    There was no way , of course , that I could have known it was coming .

  24. 我相信这是我们未来几年将确定的财富。

    And I 'm confident that that 's the legacy that we 'll build upon in the years ahead .

  25. 我所担心的是未来的机器人,他们都会是保守党。真可怕!

    What worries me about the coming of the robots is that they , ll all be Tories . Scary !

  26. 我认为这是他未来的年龄,因为他的父亲已在阿兹卡班,他是左赎回的姓氏。

    I think this is his coming of age , since his father has been put in Azkaban and he is left to redeem the family name .

  27. 我的提议是冻结未来五年年度国内开支,其中也包括我个人很关心的项目。这样一来未来十年可以减少赤字四千亿美元。

    My budget freezes annual domestic spending for the next five years – even on programs I care deeply about – which will reduce the deficit by more than $ 400 billion over the next decade .

  28. entire:全部的blown:被毁的我是说至少她的未来没有被击垮我不认为这会让她觉得好受bother:烦扰无论什么时候你有烦心事我都能在这找到你catfight:激烈的争吵你是来吵架的吗?

    I mean , at least her , entire future isn 't blown . - Eric : I don 't think that 's making her , feel a whole lot better right now . - Blair : Whenever something 's bothering , you , I can always find you here . - Serena : you here for another catfight ?

  29. 当我和你在那一刻相遇,我不再是你未来的一部分。

    When I meet you , in that moment , I 'm no longer a part of your future .