
  1. 别的男人看到天使,然而我的眼里只有你。这就足够了。

    Other men have seen angels , But I have seen thee , And thou art enough .

  2. 如果你的爱人在这个情人节对你说“我的眼里只有你”,这句话可能比你想象的更真诚。

    If your loved one claims to " only have eyes for you " this Valentine 's Day , it might be truer than you think .

  3. “我的眼里只有你”(只被一个人吸引):“他现在眼里只有苏茜一个人,老朋友一个都不理了。”

    To have eyes only for = to be attracted to one person only : " He 's dropped all his old friends , now that he has eyes only for Susie . "