
  • 网络way;my way;My road;myway
  1. 你得挪一挪,你挡了我的路。

    You 'll have to move ─ you 're in my way .

  2. 别挡我的路,行不行?给我让个地方过去!

    Keep out of my way , can 't you ? I need room to get past !

  3. 菲律宾岛上的KTV有一个禁忌:不管在什么情况下,绝对不要唱弗兰克·辛纳屈的歌曲《我的路》。由演唱这首歌引发的血案是如此怪异,以至于新闻媒体将这些案件都划分到了一个特殊的类别。

    Karaoke bars in the island nation have only one taboo : Do not , under any circumstances , sing Frank Sinatra 's " My Way . " Murders caused by amateur renditions of the song are so bizarrely common that the news media has a special category just for them .

  4. 走我的路,释放你自己。

    Go my way , let go of your own self .

  5. 《我的路》有多少个转录版本?

    How many cover versions have been made of'my way ' ?

  6. 我的路,现在,终点已经靠近。

    My way , And now , the end is near .

  7. 但是试着别档我的路!

    But just try to stay out of my way !

  8. 一旦他挡住我的路嘣。

    As soon as he crossed my path , boom .

  9. 那你就该知道最好不要挡我的路。

    Then you know better than to block my way .

  10. 问情为何物让星辰眼亮我的路。

    Show me what love is be my guiding star .

  11. 她没通往我的路。

    And she has no way of reaching me .

  12. 别挡我的路。我比你重要得多。

    Move out of my way . I 'm more important than you .

  13. 希望她不要走我的路。

    Please don 't let her be like me .

  14. 站着一动不动,因为它沿着我的路走过。

    Stand so still as it walks my way .

  15. 这只猫总是挡我的路。

    The cat is always getting in my way .

  16. 请让一下,你挡住我的路了。

    Please move , you 're in my way .

  17. 你想挡我的路?

    You want to get out of my way ?

  18. 让开!你挡住我的路了!

    Step aside ! You 're in my way !

  19. 他们没有说,“这是我的路或者高速路。”

    They didn 't say " it 's my way or the highway . "

  20. 他准备挡住我的路。

    He was preparing to block my way .

  21. 没有人能挡住我的路。

    Nobody is going to stand in the way of me and my malibu .

  22. 你别挡著我的路好吗?

    Would you get out of my way ?

  23. 忘记你我的路。

    Forget me your on your way .

  24. 你的爱永远把我的路照亮

    Your love illuminates my road of future

  25. 如果你敢挡我的路我会连你一起收拾

    that I would take you down if you tried to get in my way .

  26. 他仍然挡着我的路。

    He was still blocking my way .

  27. 没人能挡着我的路。

    Nobody get in my way .

  28. 所以别挡我的路

    So stay out of my way

  29. 一只熟睡中的狗挡住了我的路,而我不小心辗过了它的尾巴。

    A sleeping dog was in my way and I ran over its tail by accident .

  30. 我的路通向船上。

    My road leads to shipping .