
  • 网络Ambition;When I grow up;My Aspiration
  1. 我的志愿是要当总统,虽说我是天主教徒

    My ambition is to be President despite the fact that

  2. 我的志愿是成为一名很棒的英语教师。

    My ambition is to be great English teacher .

  3. 祖国的需要就是我的志愿。

    My wish is to do what my country needs me to do .

  4. 志愿者培训和准备工作跟我的志愿工作是相关联的且有用的。

    The training or preparation I received was relevant and useful to the volunteer service I perform .

  5. 和全党同志共同一起向群众学习,继续当一个小学生,这就是我的志愿。

    It is my wish to go on being a pupil , learning from the masses , together with all other party comrades .

  6. 是啊,Dartmouth是我的第一志愿。

    Nate : Yes , well , Dartmouth is my first choice .

  7. 我国的志愿服务是伴随着改革开放而诞生发展的新事物。

    The volunteering service was new born with the development of reform and opening up .

  8. 随着经济社会发展,我国的志愿服务事业逐步兴起,开始蓬勃发展。

    With economic and social development , Chinese voluntary services begin to rise and flourish .

  9. 我国的志愿军人在战场上英勇无畏,坚贞不屈,表现了无比高尚的情操和气节。

    The volunteers of our military are unrelenting in battle , unwavering in loyalty , unmatched in honor and decency .

  10. 我国的志愿服务事业起步较晚,在二十多年的发展历程中取得了显著的进步。

    Voluntary service in China started relatively late , it has made significant progress in the course of twenty years of development .

  11. 2008年的汶川大地震灾区志愿服务、北京奥运会残奥会志愿服务,无疑把我国的志愿服务工作推向高潮。

    In 2008 , the volunteering service in both Wenchuan earthquake and Beijing Disabled Olympic Games pushed our Chinese volunteering service to the high .

  12. 然而,基于与西方社会不同的国情背景和志愿组织不同的成熟程度,我国的志愿失灵发生的机理和表象呈现着一定的中国特色。

    However , based on different social circumstances , the mechanism and the appearance of voluntary failure in china has showed certain " Chinese characteristics " .

  13. 我国的志愿服务活动就是在学雷锋活动的基础上成长起来的,所以雷锋精神和志愿精神在实质上基本一致,就是服务社会、服务大众、服务他人。

    In our country , the volunteer work is developing on the base of Follow Leifeng , so the spirit of Lei Feng is the same as the spirit of volunteer in essence , that is providing service for society , for public , for people .

  14. 像很多足球迷一样,我小时候的志愿,是当职业足球员。

    When I was young , I wanted to be a professional footballer .

  15. 伴随着改革丌放和社会主义现代化建设的步伐,以及社会结构转型的必然要求,我国的青年志愿服务事业开始蓬勃兴起。

    With the process of the reform and opening-up policy , the construction of modernization of socialism , and under the demand of the transition of social structure , there has been a great development of the young volunteering in China .

  16. 读了这位海军部长的来信,三秒钟之后,我才理解到我的真正志愿,我生平的唯一目的,就是要捕捉这样捣乱的怪物,把它从世界上清除出去。

    Three seconds after reading this letter from the honorable Secretary of the Navy , I understood at last that my true vocation , my sole purpose in life , was to hunt down this disturbing monster and rid the world of it .

  17. 从高中开始我当过科学博物馆和天文台的志愿工作者,在专业科学家的工作时间之外我也继续这样的志愿工作。

    I have volunteered and worked for science museums and observatories ever since high school , and continue to do so on my spare time when not working as a professional scientist .

  18. 我想当老师。这就是我的志愿。

    I want to be a teacher . that 's what I wand to be .

  19. 我非常高兴,因为ABC大学是我的第一志愿。

    I 'm very glad because ABC University was my first choice .

  20. 古奇:那就是说我的分数没有达到他们的要求,我的志愿表被系统自动删除了。

    Gucci : It means my score is under their requirement and my application was automatically eliminated from the system .

  21. 近年来,我国志愿服务取得了长足发展,但是相对于世界发达地区的志愿服务而言,我国的志愿服务事业仍属新生事物,存在着不少问题。

    However , in terms of voluntary service , it is still a new thing in China relative to the developed regions of the world .

  22. 对于我的血统我感到十分遗憾,为了证明我的清白我成为了战争的志愿服务者。

    I found that so unpleasant that I wanted to prove myself and volunteered for the service .

  23. 两年之后,我仍然能收到一些学生的电邮,他们或想与我谈论他们自己的志愿活动,或为创建自己的志愿工作计划而来寻求建议。

    I still get emails , over two years later , from students who want to discuss their own volunteer activities or who ask for advice on how to set up their own programs .

  24. 我会努力的完成我答应自己的事情,我会做到我以前立下的志愿和理想,我不会让他们永远都是空谈和理论,我相信自己可以。

    I 'll finish my promise to yourself , I 'll do the volunteer and before me , I will not let them are always talk and theory , I believe I can .

  25. 我非常感激我在那里的经历,所以我整个高中都定期地在我的社区志愿服务。

    I appreciated my experience there so much that I continued to volunteer regularly in my community all throughout high school .