
  • 网络Miracle Run;Retro Platformer;Magical Journey;Enchanted Journey;Voyager from the Unknown
  1. 在参观哈利波特和他的神奇之旅时,经过邓布利多校长的办公室。

    On their way to experience Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey , the marquee attraction of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter , guests will pass through Dumbledore 's office .

  2. 张家界中国国际旅行社更是开出了“《阿凡达》潘多拉神奇之旅”和“《阿凡达》漂浮山头奇迹之旅”两条线路。

    Reuters also reports that Zhangjiajie branch of China International Travel Service Corp ( CITS ) is now offering a Magical tour to Avatar-Pandora as well as a Miracle tour to Avatar 's floating mountain .

  3. 现在这家人正在试图搞清楚这封信的神奇之旅,它是如何穿越菲律宾海进入印度洋,再穿越南北大西洋海域飘到英国海滩的。

    Now the family are trying to work out if the letter has managed the extraordinary journey across the Philippine Sea , into the Indian Ocean and through both the South Atlantic and the North Atlantic Ocean 's before washing up on the shores of Great Britain .

  4. 这个头的灵感来自给3岁以上的女孩观赏的家庭电影-芭比与神奇飞马之旅。

    The head , inspired by a character from the home movie Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus , is for girls over the age of three .

  5. 《哈利·波特》系列的结束,对全世界的书迷来说仿佛是一个毁灭性的灾难,这意味着《哈利·波特》系列的神奇魔法之旅已经走到尽头。

    After the end of the series , fans across the world were devastated that the magical ride of the Harry Potter series had come to an end .