
  • 网络Movana CHEN;Cecilia Chan;Wendy Chan;Lai-wun Chan
  1. 陈丽云在香港生活和工作。

    Movana Chen lives and works in Hong Kong .

  2. 陈丽云创作的主要工具是杂志和碎纸机。

    Movana Chen 's main art production tools are magazines and the shredding machine .

  3. 切碎和编织杂志这个简单的行为里包含了陈丽云对消费文化的挑衅和抵制。

    Movana 's simple act of shredding and knitting magazines is in itself a defiant act of resistance to consumer culture .

  4. 通过将废旧消费品转换成艺术表达的新形式这种循环利用的过程,陈丽云含蓄地提出了一个问题:“这些杂志在何时何地还能再派上用场?”

    By recycling disposable consumer commodities into new forms of artistic expression , she implicitly asks the question ," Where and when are magazines still useful ?"