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  1. 可能对抗标志着当前战乱时期的结束。

    THE confrontation probably marked the end the current fighting season .

  2. 战乱时期的日本女性文学

    Japanese feminist literature during the war times

  3. 战乱时期;一场不平静的婚礼。

    Unpeaceful times ; an unpeaceful marriage .

  4. 战乱时期,领主可以召集封臣为其赴战。

    In times of trouble , the lord could call upon the vassal to fight for the lord .

  5. 此后,中国进入了一个长达200余年的战乱时期。

    Afterwards , the imperial of China was left in chaos of wars in more than two hundred years .

  6. 但是那个年代通讯并不发达,特别是在战乱时期,通信是根本不可能的。

    But communications in those days were poor at best , and during wartime , it was almost impossible to get letters through .

  7. 王氏兄弟为国家效力多年,在战乱时期屡立战功,但是他们对征战功名感到了厌倦。

    The Wang brothers had done their country a great service during those troubled times , but they had had enough of fighting and military glory .

  8. 战国时代和魏晋之际都是中国历史上比较典型的战乱时期,同样也是思想史上比较活跃的时期。

    The Warring States Period and the Wei & Jin Dynasties are both typical war eras in Chinese history and the most active periods in the history of thought at the same time .

  9. 在他近六十年的艺术生涯中,虽然历经战乱时期的颠沛流离和晚年生活的坎坷,但其作品始终保持一贯的诗趣盈然、恬淡静美。

    In the nearly sixty years artistic career , although his life is rough and wander after the period of war , but his works always keep consistent interest surplus ran , tranquil tranquility .

  10. 其次,沿着两种文化观在20世纪中国的演进,从五四新文化运动,科玄论战,战乱时期,到新中国成立后的时期,揭示了两种文化在中国所凸显的特性;

    Secondly , several historical events have revealed the true identity of the two cultures highlighted in China : from the " May Fourth New Cultural Movement ", the debate pf science and metaphysics , the period of war , to the establishing the " New China " .

  11. 同时,新市民小说家也以其贴近世俗生活的姿态和注重人生安稳的一面,尤其是艺术上注重趣味的追求,迎合了当时战乱时期读书市场的需求,从而赢得了大量的读者群体。

    Meanwhile , new citizens novelist has its close to secular life attitude and pay attention to life in one side , especially the pursuit of art on notice interest at war period , catering to the needs of the market , and read won a lot of reader groups .

  12. 周朝时(公元前1045年—公元前221年),中央集权统治力量世代衰败,分裂为七个小国,各国首领为争夺霸权,频繁开战,中国进入战乱时期,周朝的统治名存实亡。

    During the Zhou Dynasty ( 1045-221 BCE ) , the centralized rule of the state of Zhou deteriorated over the centuries to the point where China was divided into seven smaller states that paid the Zhou lip service as their rulers while in effect they were locked into a period of near-constant warfare for supremacy .

  13. 那是个战乱的时期。

    It was a time of war between states .