
zhàn dòu bù shǔ
  • Combat deployment;battle disposition;combat disposition
  1. 反TBM战斗部署的优化问题

    Optimization of Anti - TBM Disposition

  2. 兵力区分是防空兵战斗部署的重要环节。

    The troops distinction is an important step of the deployment .

  3. 善战的将领能预知敌军动向而作好战斗部署。

    A good general can anticipate what the enemy will do .

  4. 逼近理想点法在防空兵战斗部署方案排序中的应用

    Application of TOPSIS for Arraying the Air-Defense Operation Deployment Schemes

  5. 地面防空战斗部署方案评估模型

    Evaluation Model of Ground to Air Defense Tactical Disposition Assignment

  6. 对战役方向地面防空战斗部署进行了详细分析,建立了兵力优化分配的数学规划模型。

    A mathematical programming model for arms optimal apportionment is established according to the detailed analysis of the ground air defense disposition on the campaign direction .

  7. 此处引述的战斗部署一点也不比先前他打胜仗的所有战斗部署更差,甚至还要好些。

    The instructions that have been reproduced here are by no means inferior , are indeed superior , to many similar arrangements by which he had gained victories in the past .

  8. 这意味着,美国在伊拉克驻军将继续成为总统竞选活动的一个主要议题,而反复又漫长的战斗部署将继续给美军带来压力;

    That means the presence of U.S. troops in Iraq will remain a key issue in the presidential election campaign , and the U.S. military will continue to be strained by repeated , lengthy combat deployments .

  9. 我决心要看到,如果这项法律被废除,这些变化以这样一种方式被实施,会最小化的为军队士气带来任何负面影响,而且关乎部队凝聚力和有效性的战斗部署,而且也关乎前线部署。

    I am determined to see that if the law is repealed , the changes are implemented in such a way as to minimize any negative impact on the morale , cohesion and effectiveness of combat units that are deployed , about to deploy to the front lines .

  10. 军队已按战斗队形部署好。

    The troops were arrayed for the battle .

  11. 周四,第25步兵团第一史崔克战斗旅部署仪式在阿拉斯加州的费尔班克斯市举行。佩林在仪式上发表讲话。

    Republica vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin , speaks during a deployment ceremony for the1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team , 25th Infantry Division in Fairbanks , Alaska Thursday .

  12. 雷恩少将说,这将是核动力航母战斗群首次部署在日本。

    Wren says it is the first time that a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier will be deployed in Japan .

  13. 战术是战斗前或战斗中部署或调动作战力量的艺术。

    It is the art of placing or moving fighting forces for or during battle .

  14. 在整个战斗过程中发号施令的也不是拿破仑,因为他的战斗部署没有一条是付诸实行的,而且在战斗中间他不知道他前面的情况。

    And it was not Napoleon who ordained the course of the battle , because none of his instructions were put into execution , and he knew nothing of what was passing before him .