
  • 网络jus ad bellum;war power
  1. 美国总统与国会之间的战争权力之争在建国伊始就已拉开序幕,国会在争夺战中鲜有作为,而总统多主动出击,战争权不断扩张。

    Since the founding of the United States , struggle for war power between the Presidents and the Congress has begun .

  2. 总统和国会的战争权:谁决定美国开战

    War Rights by the President and the Congress : Who Decides the United States Starting War

  3. 如果国会将几乎完整的战争权都赋予总统,那么这项异议就是正当的。

    This objection would be a good one if Congress had delegated something approximating its entire warmaking power to the President .

  4. 战争权问题是美国总统与国会间长期争论不休的主要问题之一。

    Problem over the war powers is one of the vexed key problems between American President and Congress for a long time .

  5. 即使是国会1973年通过了限制总统战争权的战争权力决议案,直至今日,总统在对外战争上仍然是不宣而战。

    Although the Congress passed the " War Powers Resolution " in 1973 to limit the presidents ' war-making power and up to now , the presidents have been waging the " undeclared wars " .

  6. 美国总统与国会的战争决策权之争

    War Power Struggle between the President and Congress

  7. 在联合战役中,制信息权将成为赢得战争主动权的关键,指挥自动化系统是夺取制信息权的重要保证。

    Information dominance plays a crucial role in achieving the operation superiority in joint operations , command automation system is the guarantee of obtaining information dominance .

  8. 登陆战役是诸多兵种联合作战的立体战役,其中登陆作战后勤保障系统是取得战争主动权的重要因素。

    The landing campaign is a combined operation of many arms of services . One of the most important factors of winning the war is its logistics support system .

  9. 随着具有高能量和高准直性激光技术的不断发展,开发有效的激光防护器件成为激光设备应用及掌握现代战争主动权迫切需要解决的问题。

    With the rapid development of high energy laser technology , the development of effective protective devices has become the urgent issue in grasping the initiative in modern war and in laser equipment protection .

  10. 游击战争的主动权问题,是更加严重的问题。

    The question of the initiative is even more vital in guerrilla warfare .

  11. 机载雷达由于能够高瞻远瞩,对现代战争中制空权的掌握具有至关重要的作用,而地面动目标检测和定位技术是机载雷达的重要使命。

    For its flexibility , mobility and broad vision , the airborne radar plays an important role in the contention of air supremacy in modern war , and moving target detection and localization is an important mission of airborne radar .

  12. 空空导弹是现代化战争中夺取制空权,取得战争胜利的重要武器装备之一。

    Air-to-air missile ( AAM ) is one of the key weapons to win a modern war .

  13. 在现代高科技战争中,制空权的争夺已经成为战争最重要、最激烈的部分。

    The contention of air supremacy become the most important , fiercest part in modern high-tech wars .

  14. 从伊拉克战争论夺取制空权的军事手段

    On Military Measures for Air Supremacy from the Iraq War On Supremacy of Law On the Military Power

  15. 分别从空域、频域、时域介绍了现代雷达干扰和抗干扰技术,分析了现代战争中夺取信息权的一些手段和方法。

    The modern radar jamming and antijamming technology from airspace frequency domain and time domain , are introduced , and the methods despoiling information authority in modern war are analyzed .

  16. 当前,世界正经历着以信息化为核心的新军事变革,西方大国都在加紧培养高素质军事人才,以掌握未来战争获胜的主动权。

    At present , the world is experiencing a new revolution in military affairs as the core , the Western countries are stepping up training high-quality military personnel in order to grasp the initiative to win future wars .

  17. 现代战争中,制空权争夺战是主要焦点,作为航空母舰主要作战武器的舰载机,在制空权的争夺中发挥着十分重要的战略作用。

    Mastery of the sky is the main focus in the modern war . As one of the main battle armaments of the aircraft carrier , the carrier borne plane plays a damned important tactic role in scrabbling for mastery of the sky .

  18. 不断创新舆论战法,加强舆论战与心理战、法律战之间的高度协同,完善舆论管控体系,加快专业人才队伍建设,是夺取现代战争制舆论传播权的根本保障。

    To capture command of the public opinion communication in modern warfare , we should inaugurate the fighting form of public opinion warfare , strengthen its cooperation with psychological warfare and legal warfare , consummate system of public opinion control and expedite construction of special experts .

  19. 从美军伊拉克战争看现代战争制心权的发挥

    Viewing the Exertion of the Psychological Superiority in Modern Wars From the Iraq War

  20. 从世界军事局势的发展来看,未来战争模式之一就是用精确制导武器夺取战争主动权,形成常规威慑力量。

    Judging from the development of word military situation , using accuracy guidance weapon to form conventional deterrence force to capture war initiative is one mode of the future war .

  21. 现代战争更依赖于信息战,谁掌握了信息控制的主动权,谁就掌握了战争的主动权。

    Modern war is greater depending on information war . People gain the initiative of the war only when they grasp the initiative of controlling the information * In modern war , the commanders must communicate with each other in time .

  22. 它除了具有大量的军事思想外,还带有朴素的战争法思想。这其中就主要表现在三个方面:一是对战争权的态度;

    This masterpiece presented not only a large amount of military thinking , but also simple law of war thoughts .

  23. 未来战争是信息化的战争,越早发现敌方动态就越能较好地掌握战争的主动权。

    Warfare in future is informational warfare and the earlier one can discover enemy dynamic movements , the better one would gain the initiative in the war .

  24. 未来战争必定是多维的、立体的战争,各兵种之间必须相互支援、相互配合才能取得战争的主动权。

    The warfare in the future must be multidimensional and tridimensional , to win the victory , every arm should support and cooperate with each other .

  25. 从近年来的几场高技术局部战争来看,在未来高技术局部战争中,交战双方都将广泛使用电子手段,谁拥有了“制电磁权”,谁就能掌握了战争的主动权。

    Judging from the high-tech local wars in recent years , in the future high-tech local wars , both of the fire exchanging sides will widely use electronic warfare means .

  26. 在现代战争中,尽可能地在远距离上检测并跟踪目标,可以确保指控系统获得足够的预警时间,实现有效打击,进而决定战争主动权的归属。

    In modern warfare , in order to achieve effective strike , remote targets should be detected and tracked to ensure enough time for command-control system .