
  • 网络Scourge
  1. 于是,玛维告诉玛法里奥,泰兰德被天灾军团杀掉了。

    Accordingly , Maiev told Malfurion that Tyrande had been killed by the Scourge .

  2. 现在这些巨大的猛兽作为最凶悍的战士效力于巫妖王手下,并充天灾军团在诺森德领地的护卫者。

    Now the giant , thundering beasts serve as the Lich King 's mightiest warriors and the guardians of the Scourge 's holdings in Northrend .

  3. 将水晶关进了盒子里,莫格莱尼和其它人决定使用它作为一把武器的主要成份用来对抗亡灵天灾军团。

    Closing the chest with the crystal within , Mograine and the others decided to use it as the basis of a weapon against the undead .

  4. 他决定聚集起最后所有的幸存者,探索生存的道路,并决定将种族名改为辛多雷,意即“血精灵”,以纪念那些被天灾军团残害的同胞们。

    Determined to salvage what he could , Kael'thas rallied all the survivors he could find and renamed them the sin'dorei , or " children of the blood ", in honor of those who had fallen to the Scourge .