
In1813 , The Battle of Leipzig concludes , giving Napoleon Bonaparte one of his worst defeats .
Upon the conclusion of the campaign , the top ten online piracy cases will be chosen from the cases they handle during the three-month campaign , according to the NCA .
The propaganda in initial period of the campaign ( by the end of Fifth Campaign in War ) was especially large in scale , having various types and the greatest research value .
Arriving in Boston after the Battle of Breed 's Hill , Washington gathered men and supplies , and early in 1776 placed the guns captured at Fort Ticonderoga on the heights overlooking Boston .
There was no doubt that Denisov tried to take care of Rostov , and to expose him as rarely as possible to danger , and after action it was with unmistakable joy that he saw him return safe and sound .
I flatter myself that this campaign will put an end to the war
Poltava also ended Ukrainian s for independence from Russia .
The outcome of the Tunisian compaign was of course eminently satisfactory .
Everyone celebrates the end of the Northrend campaign .
Now we are in a battle to finish strong and carry out the season , just trying to keep momentum rolling .
In1945 , the world war two battle for Okinawa officially ended ; 12520 Americans and110000 Japanese were killed in the81-day campaign .
Each year , a quarter of a million people tour this battlefield , a remarkable number , considering the battle was fought so long ago .
This battle marked the end of Operation Overlord , the liberation of France by the Allies , the restoration of the French Republic and the exile of the Vichy government to Sigmaringen in Germany .
Maybe the fight to save Yahoo is almost over . Or maybe the company is just coming to the end of another losing season .
So that 's really made incredible headway , yet I have to emphasize the battle is not over , the war is not over .
Fewer people are getting infected and fewer are dying from it . But the battle against Ebola is far from over , warned the U.N. official , Anthony Banbury .
Everyone knew that one battle would end the war and every young man hastened to enlist before the war should end & hastened to marry his sweetheart before he rushed off to Virginia to strike a blow at the yankees .
Over 150000 total soldiers converged on the scene , and when the battle was over as many as 50000 were killed , wounded , or missing .
That has given greater freedom to central bankers , who have largely succeeded in keeping inflation in check although the battle is far from over in South Asia .