
zhàn shù jiā
  • tactician
  1. 她是个很有谋略的战术家,懂得静观选举的结果。

    She is a good enough tactician to wait and see what the election brings .

  2. 他是一个伟大的战术家,但不是什么了不起的战略家。

    He is a great tactician , but an inadequate strategist .

  3. 战术家在有所可行动时知道怎么做;

    The tactician knows what to do when there is something to do ;

  4. 伽罗什是一个聪明的战术家,一个勇猛的战士,且受属下爱戴。

    Garrosh was a brilliant tactician , a fierce warrior , and loved by those he led .

  5. 身为政治家的查韦斯先生是一位非常冷静的战略家,尽管有时也是一位不计后果的战术家。

    As a politician Mr Ch á vez is a cool strategist , though a sometimes reckless tactician .

  6. “在意大利足坛任何事想有个清晰的见解都非常困难,”这名战术家说。

    It 's very difficult to have a clear view of anything in Italian football , said the tactician .

  7. 这种打法是终结许多战术家生命的毒药,也是第二个赛季大溃败的关键因素。

    This system has been the bane of many a tactician 's life and is the key reason for the second season slump .

  8. 在他那横跨国际经济、外交、金融和政治的职业生涯中,让佐立克引以为豪的是自己作为一名战略家和战术家的技能。

    During a career that spans international economics , diplomacy , finance and politics , Mr Zoellick has prided himself on his skills as a strategist and tactition .

  9. 杰拉德。阿伯拉罕斯:战术家在有所可行时知道做什么;而战略家在无所可行时知道怎么做。

    Gerald Abrahams-The tactician knows what to do when there is something to do ; whereas the strategist knows what to do when there is nothing to do .

  10. 这名战术家同样评论了关于最近前主帅里皮可能会接受回到尤文图斯担任技术指导的传闻。

    The tactician also commented on the recent rumours suggesting that former coach Marcello Lippi might accept a new job with Juventus as the club 's technical director .

  11. 结果,当诺曼底登陆日到来了,德军防御一片混乱,因为战士们没有一个好的战术家领导。

    As a result , when D-Day rolled around , utter chaos reigned in the German defenses as the men were left without one of their finest tacticians .

  12. 目前的计划是先将尤文带回顶级联赛,然后我们再做制定另外一个新的计划,这名战术家说。

    The project to get Juve back into the top flight is nearing its conclusion , then there will be a new plan with other decisions , said the tactician .

  13. 虽然这位葡萄牙战术家和往年一样:志在夺取他的第二个英超冠军头衔。但是在收关之前,仍然有传言从西伦敦机构传出。

    The Portuguese tactician is all set to capture his second Premiership title in as many years but there has still been talk of a close-season exit from the West London outfit .

  14. 斑马军团在星期二以2:0击败那不勒斯之后,目前已经以七分高居榜首,但这名战术家明白,下场做客南方的比赛将是一场硬战。

    The Bianconeri moved seven points clear at the top of Serie B after the2-0win over the Partenopei on tuesday , but the tactician is aware that the in-form southerners will be tough to beat .

  15. 这名战术家和俱乐部的一些人员关系紧张,他的经纪人已经宣称,如果尤文希望他留下来的话,那么他们需要从合同上明确加强他在球队里的地位。

    The tactician 's relationship with some at the club is strained and his agent has declared that Juve needed to strengthen his position from a contractual point of view if they wanted him to stay .

  16. 菲亚特总裁蒙特泽莫罗和球队总经理布兰科的预测都对下赛季球队的实力很乐观,但是这名战术家却更加实际。

    Both Fiat president Luca Cordero di Montezemolo and director general Jean-Claude Blanc have optimistically predicted that the side will fight for major honours next term , but the tactician is keeping his feet on the ground .

  17. 弗格森称哈克特准备与穆里尼奥见面的决定是“完全愚蠢可笑的”,但葡萄牙战术家反击说曼联队主教练应该是最后一个指控别人得到受到优待的那个人!

    Ferguson called hackett 's decision to meet mourinho " absolutely ludicrous " but the Portuguese tactician has now responded by saying the Manchester United manager should be the last person to accuse others of getting preferential treatment .