
zhàn yì bù shǔ
  • disposition of troops for campaign
  1. 将军为该战役部署军队。

    The general planned the disposition of his soldiers for the battle .

  2. 将军为即将来临的战役部署士兵。

    dispose The general disposed soldiers for the coming battle .

  3. 一月又一月,她参与活动的计划安排相当于一场大规模的战役部署。

    Month by month her plan evolved into a campaign equal to a full-scale battle plan .

  4. 欲达此目的,战役部署指挥的适当,作战休息调节的适当,是决定性关键。

    The decisive factors for the achievement of this objective are the proper disposition and command of troops in campaigns and a proper balance between fighting and rest .

  5. 建立了战役后勤部署单位优化配置的遗传算法模型,其简化的模型已在某战役后勤部署辅助决策支持系统中得到初步应用,取得了良好的配置效果,得到了军事专家的肯定。

    The unit allocation 's optimization genetic algorithms model of campaign logistics deploy is built , its simplified model has been applied preliminary in the research of campaign logistics ' decision-making , and the result is satisfied .

  6. 文章系统的论证了石牌战役的战略部署及其战略影响,对石牌战役进行了中肯的历史评价。

    This paper discusses in detail the strategy and its effect of the battle and proceeds to make a positive comment on it .

  7. 介绍江苏省卫生厅在抗击非典的战役中,超前部署,把握工作主动权的做法和经验:建立健全医疗救治网络;

    The article introduces that Jiangsu Provincial Department for Health made a pre-deployment to gain the initiative for SARS medical help , the approaches and experiences are : to establish and improve the network for medical help ;

  8. 现代战争中,战役工程保障在隐蔽战役部署、提高野战生存能力、确保战场快速机动等方面发挥着重要作用,是夺取联合战役胜利的重要保证。

    In the modern warfare , the battle engineering support plays an important role in concealing battle deployment , enhancing viability of the troops in battlefield , ensuring rapid action in battlefield , etc. It is an important assurance to win in joint operations .