
  • 网络strategic reciprocal relations
  1. 王家瑞表示,加强中日战略互惠关系,符合中日两国人民的根本利益。

    Wang noted that strengthening the two countries ' mutually strategic relations is in line with the fundamental interests of the two peoples .

  2. 第一,中方认为应该如何进一步促进中日战略互惠关系?

    First , what measures does the Chinese side believe should be taken to further enhance the strategic relationship of mutual benefit between China and Japan ?

  3. 同时,作为战略性物资,石油安全的合作更容易建立信任关系,从而有利于整个地区安全关系的改善。而双方提出的关于建立战略互惠关系,可以成为改善双边关系、促进能源合作的有效框架。

    Meanwhile , oil security cooperation can build confidence more easily and will become the effective frame for the improvement of bilateral relation and energy cooperation .

  4. 不过,日本政府在扩大交流的同时,应该注意回归教育交流的本来功能,只有这样,才能真正实现中日睦邻友好、战略互惠关系。

    However , the Japanese government should return to the original function of educational exchanges as well . Only in this way can Sino-Japanese good-neighborly friendship and mutually beneficial strategic relationship be achieved .

  5. 在会面后签署的一份联合新闻公报中,双方表示,就构筑战略互惠关系上“达成共识”,其中包括领导人定期互访。

    The two sides said in a joint statement issued after the meeting that they " reached consensus " on a how to achieve a strategic and mutually beneficial relationship , including regular visits between leaders .

  6. 因此,本文采取从战后中日两国各自发展的不同道路这一视角来探讨如何建立战略互惠关系。

    In this paper , We would take the perspective that China and Japan have made different choices for their development after World War II . To discuss on how to build the Sino-Japanese strategic and mutually beneficial relations .

  7. 从某种程度上讲,这反映了安倍去年10月访华所取得的成功,在他访问期间,中日双方签定了措辞热情的联合声明,承诺努力构筑基于共同战略利益的互惠关系。

    In part , it reflects the success of Mr Abe 's October visit , during which the two sides signed a warmly phrased joint declaration committing them to a mutually beneficial relationship based on common strategic interests .