
  1. 冷战以后,世界向着全球化、区域化的趋势发展。

    After the Cold-War , the world is undergoing the simultaneous trends of globalization and regionalization .

  2. 文章从美国国内政治的角度,分析了冷战以后美国对华政策的发展变化。

    This paper analyzes the changes and development of the American policy toward China after the ending of Cold War .

  3. 这是冷战以后国家关系的新方式,顺应了和平与发展的世界潮流。

    This new type of partnership , conforming to the historical trend of the times , is helping promote the world peace and development .

  4. 自从两国在冷战以后关系正常化以来,韩中关系在各方面迅速改善。

    Since the two countries normalized ties following the end of the Cold War era , Korea-China relations have rapidly improved in every sphere .

  5. 冷战以后,由于全球化的深入发展,民族文化在向外扩散的同时不断吸收外来文化的新元素,民族文化认同具备了多重含义,在身份归属的某些层次上,不仅仅是与地域和血缘密切相关的了。

    After the cold war , because the development of globalization , national culture is absorbing the new element of outside culture constantly while spreading outwards , and identification has multiple meaning . It is not merely closely related to the region and blood relationship .

  6. 冷战结束以后,阿帕网分离出一部分成为民用网,也就是今天所说的互联网(INTERNET)。

    After the end of the Cold War ," ARPANET " isolated part of a civilian network , today said the Internet ( INTERNET ) .

  7. 冷战结束以后非洲地区性冲突的前景

    Prospects of regional conflicts in Africa after the end of Cold War

  8. 冷战结束以后,国际形势发生了巨大变化,中国外交的任务、目标、方式也进行了重大调整。

    In the post Cold War era , the international situation underwent dramatic changes .

  9. 中文摘要冷战结束以后,日本社会呈现出整体右倾保守化趋势。

    After the Cold War ended , the overall Japanese society emerged rightist conservative trend .

  10. 冷战结束以后,欧洲面临着严峻的安全挑战。

    With the end of the cold war , Europe was confronted with grim challenges of security .

  11. 冷战结束以后,西方学者吹嘘意识形态已经终结。

    After the end of Cold War , the Western scholars boast that ideology has been ended .

  12. 冷战结束以后,美日同盟也经过短暂的漂流后,随机找到了新的同盟战略方向。

    After the Cold War , following the short-term " drift ", the allies find a new strategic direction .

  13. 自冷战结束以后,联合国安理会改革被提上日程。

    Since the end of the Cold War , the United Nations Security Council reform has been put on the agenda .

  14. 文章从冷战结束以后亚太地区经济与安全合作的理论与实践出发,分析地区合作对国际政治经济新秩序建立的影响。

    This article focuses on the analysis of the impacts of regional cooperation based on the international order in the Cold War era .

  15. 但冷战结束以后,在全球化的背景下,意识形态似乎失去了它存在的基础。

    After the cold war , in the background of globalization , the ideology has seemed to lose its foundation on which it has relied before .

  16. 冷战结束以后,以美国为首的西方发达国家,通过各种途径、运用各种方法向目标国家渗透和输出资本主义意识形态。

    The western developed countries led by the United States permeated and output capitalist ideology to target countries through various channels and different methods after Cold War .

  17. 冷战结束以后,世界面临许多新出现的共同问题的挑战,这给寻求普遍的国家利益提供了契机;

    After the Cold War , the world is facing new challenges coming from common issues , which provides a good chance to seek the common interests of states ;

  18. 二十年多来,特别是冷战结束以后,中国外交在利用美国跨国公司方面已积累了一定的经验。

    After the accumulation of more than two decades , especially after the end of cold war , China has gained some experience in regard with the application of TNCs to diplomatic practice .

  19. 20世纪后期,特别是冷战结束以后,全球化进程加速进行,国际政治关系和国际经济关系都获得了新的发展。

    During the latter period of the 20th century , especially after the Cold War , the globalization is speeding up , and the international political and economic relationship develops to a new stage .

  20. 冷战结束以后,在全球化的背景下,东亚地区经济合作进展顺利,但与之相对的是,东亚在安全事务上的合作则明显滞后。

    After the cold war , under the background of globalization , the economic cooperation of east Asia makes good progress . But the cooperation in security affairs of east Asia obviously lags behind .

  21. 冷战结束以后,随着世界多极化、经济全球化的发展,各发达国家经济实力不断增强,国际竞争加剧。

    After the end of the cold war , with the development of the world multi-polarization and economic globalization , the developed country economy has been improved , and the international competition has been strengthened .

  22. 冷战结束以后,日本相继出现了各种官方和民间的研究组,就日本未来战略提出了各类政策报告。

    After the end of the Cold War , there appeared varieties of study groups , which were either official or civilian , to put forward many reports of policies dealing with Japan 's future strategies .

  23. 发展中国家一直是国际政治中不容忽视的一支重要力量,在冷战结束以后,对发展中国家在国际关系格局中的地位与作用存在着不同的认识和观点。

    Developing countries have always been an important force that allow of no neglect in international politics though the end of the Cold War has witnessed different views on their status and role in the pattern of international relations .

  24. 冷战结束以后,和平与发展表现为时代主题,加速了全球化进程,对国际经济、政治、文化关系都产生了广泛而深刻的影响。

    With the end of the Cold War , peace and development have become the subject of modern times , which accelerates the process of globalization , and influences international economy , politics and culture relationship broadly and profoundly .

  25. 冷战结束以后,东盟以软均势为手段,对中美等大国实行软均势制衡,分别借助中国的政治力量、日本的经济力量和美国在亚太的军事力量,成功实现了其对外战略目标。

    With the means of the Soft Balancing , in virtue of the political influence of China , the economic strength of Japan and the martial strength of the United States , ASEAN have achieved the strategic aim successfully .

  26. 冷战结束以后,美国在欧洲的地位面临全面的挑战,其中,德国统一所带来的德国全面崛起对美国的挑战尤为突出。

    After the cold war ended , the status of U.S.A faced the overall challenges in Europe , thereinto , the challenge of the unification of Germany , which brought Germany grow up in an all-round way , is very prominent .

  27. 冷战结束以后,面对日益复杂的地区局势,加之联合国的作用有限,越来越多的区域组织以其独特的自身优势参与到国际维和事业中来。

    After the end of the Cold War , by facing the increasingly complex situation in the region , coupled with the limited role of the United Nations , a growing number of regional organizations participate in international peacekeeping operations by their own unique advantages .

  28. 特别是冷战结束以后,各国为了适应战略形势变化,纷纷加快国防科技工业特别是武器装备工业的调整,整个世界国防工业都处在一个剧烈变革的转轨年代。

    In order to meet the strategic situation changes , Countries one after another speed up national defense technology industrial restructuring , particularly the weaponry industry . Since the end of Cold War , The entire world defense industry has been occupying a dramatic change in the transition era .

  29. 摘要“冷战”结束以后,世界政治经济格局发生了很大变化。

    The layout of world politics and economy changed greatly after the " cold-war " .

  30. 他说,在冷战期间和冷战以后没有发生核灾难,这是一个奇迹。

    The former Australian foreign minister says it is " a bit of a miracle " that a nuclear catastrophe had not occurred during the Cold War or afterward .