
  • 网络Strategic Guarantee
  1. 实施依法治林战略保障林业健康发展

    Implementing the Forestry Administration by Law and Ensuring Forestry Healthy Development

  2. 实施全球资源战略保障资源供应安全

    Carrying out the strategy of global resources to ensure the security of resources supply

  3. 在战略保障方面,论文从思想观念;

    On the fact of strategy security , such as renew ideas and unify the thought ;

  4. 并制定了战略保障措施,帮助企业提高战略能力,最终实现战略目标。

    The author has established guarantee strategy in order to enhance the company 's strength to archive the final goal .

  5. 研究结果表明,不同任务约束参数条件下,战略保障网络级联失效抗毁性差异很大。

    The results show that the cascading invulnerability of strategic logistic support networks has remarkable difference under different task constraints .

  6. 同时,也为国家耕地安全和粮食安全提供了及时的战略保障。

    At the same time , it also provides the strategic support for national arable land security and food security timely .

  7. 从物流保障网络的结构和功能层次上,将其划分为战术保障网络和战略保障网络。

    Based on structure and function , logistic support networks are divided into the strategic logistic support networks and the tactical logistic support networks .

  8. 从库存管理、成本管理、安全管理、资金管理、水务管理、环境保护等六个方面构建了马头发电厂的战略保障体系。

    The strategic security system of Matou Power Plant is designed from six aspects of stocking management , cost management , safety management , capital management , water affair management and environment protection .

  9. 以及相应的战略保障体系,希望这些战略选择对新疆棉花产业尤其是机采棉战略的中长期发展具有一定的参考价值。

    And the corresponding strategic security system and hope that these war of choice in Xinjiang Cotton Picker machine industry in particular the industrialization of the medium and long-term development of a reference value .

  10. 国内商业银行盈利模式的同质性,加大了同业之间的竞争,营销策略的广泛运用已成为银行取得竞争优势的战略保障。

    Because of the homogeneity of domestic commercial Banks ' profit model , competition between peers had been increased . The widespread application of the marketing strategy has become a strategic safeguard for Banks to gain a competitive advantage .

  11. 据此,本文将战略保障网络的任务约束条件划分为任务空间约束和任务时间约束,分别分析了任务空间约束和任务时间约束下的战略保障网络级联失效抗毁性。

    Hereby , the task constraints are divided into the task space constraints and the task time constraints . The cascading invulnerability of strategic logistic support networks with the task space constraints and the task time constraints are studied respectively .

  12. 第六部分介绍天津市建设生态城市战略保障体系,重点说明信息集成系统的支持服务作用,最后提出建设生态城市的实施步骤、顺序和时间安排。

    The sixth part introduces the guarantee system , explains the supportive function of the information integration system , and in the end , it brings forward the steps , sequence and the time arrangement of building the ecological city .

  13. 在相关理论知识指导下,本文给出了品牌定位的原则、具体过程以及提升品牌竞争力的战略保障措施,对普洱茶中小型企业具有较强的实际指导意义。

    The principle , process of brand positioning and strategic guaranty measure of how to enhance brand competitiveness will be presented in this paper based on correlated theory , which will give the Pu ' er tea MSTC guidance significance practically .

  14. 在战略保障措施部分重点阐述集团管控、企业文化、人力资源开发、资本运营、技术研发、信息化管理、资源开发、绩效考核、风险防控、政策研究等保障措施。

    In the strategic safeguard measures part focuses on group control , enterprise culture , the development of human resources , capital operation , technology research and development , information management , resource development , performance appraisal , risk prevention and control , policy research and so on safeguard measures .

  15. 知识经济时代,培训在企业获取和保持竞争优势的过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用,把培训作为企业可持续发展的重要战略保障,逐渐成为理论与实践工作者的共识。

    In the time of intellectual economies , training plays an increasingly important role in enterprises ' process of gaining and maintaining a competitive advantage . Viewing training as the crucial and strategic security for sustainable development of enterprises becomes a common sense of the theory and practice of workers .

  16. 最后,论文提出TF游泳俱乐部的战略实施保障措施。

    Finally , to ensure the implementation of development strategies , this paper presents the strategic safeguard implementation of TF Swimming Club .

  17. 第六章探讨XD公司实施以循环经济为基础的相关多元化经营战略的保障措施。

    Chapter six discusses the measures that XD should take when it carries out the relater-diversification strategy on the foundation of the circulation economics .

  18. 实现我国渔业发展战略的保障措施

    Guarantee measures for realization of Fisheries Development Strategy in our country

  19. 最后编写了对今后公司实施战略的保障措施。

    Finally it edits security measures for the strategy execution .

  20. 论日本信息安全战略的保障型

    Talk about " Safeguard type " of Japan 's Information Security Strategy

  21. 最后,对聚醚部发展战略及保障体系进行介绍。

    Finally , the text introduces the stratagem and guarantee system of Polyether Department .

  22. 第四章战略实施保障。

    Fourth chapter , implementing guarantee of strategy .

  23. 国土资源标准化战略的保障体系建设浅析

    The Pilot Study on the Establishment of Guaranteeing System of Standardization Strategy for Land and Resources

  24. 最后,提出了西部证券投资银行业务的竞争战略实施保障。

    Finally , put forward the western securities investment banking business competitive strategy implementation of the security .

  25. 并在网络建设、营销能力、信息安全等方面提出了一系列的战略实施保障建议。

    And proposed a series of network construction , marketing , information security strategy to implement safeguards recommendations .

  26. 最后,就水电八局实施其发展战略及其保障措施做了具体探讨。

    Hydropower eight innings last , measures to ensure its developmen strategy and its implementation makes concrete discussion .

  27. 因此,研究制定金牛高科技产业园产业发展战略及其保障体系显得十分必要和重要。

    Therefore , it is incredibly necessary and important to constitute the industry development strategy and its supporting system .

  28. 统筹力量,优化重点学科升级战略的保障条件;

    Firstly , we deepened our ideas to emphasize the historical affects of the strategy of upgrading our key disciplines .

  29. 最后,论文对泰达东区实施节能战略的保障措施提出自己的几点看法。

    Finally , I put forward to my own views about the implementation of the TEDA Eastern energy plan safeguards .

  30. 后面两种情形具有明显的非竞争性和隐蔽性。(3)不确定性下的战略创新保障。

    The latter two cases have obvious non-competitiveness and concealment . ( 3 ) The protection of strategic innovation under certainty .