
  1. 想知道房产市场如何糟糕吗?

    Want to know how bad the real estate market is ?

  2. 国家下决心整顿房产市场。

    State determined to straighten out the real estate market .

  3. 零售商们已放弃等待房产市场上的转机。

    Retailers have given up waiting for a turn in the housing market .

  4. 不过,过去几年经济形势的变迁让很多初次购房者面对房产市场望而却步。由此诞生了所谓的“租房一代”,他们可能永远都无法拥有一套自己的房子。

    Changes in the economic situation during the past few years however have made it increasingly difficult for first-time buyers to get started in the property market , so that there is an emerging2 generation , the so-called generation rent , who may never own their own homes .

  5. MsYao认为在未来6个月内房产市场必将迎来一段调整期。

    Ms Yao herself thinks a " correction " in the next six months is inevitable .

  6. 一家在纽约证券交易所(NewYorkStockExchange)上市的中国公司开始涉足美国居住房产市场,希望利用中国投资者对美国公寓的火热需求在美国有所作为。

    A Chinese company listed on the New York Stock Exchange is beginning to develop residential property in the U.S. , hoping to tap into the hot demand among Chinese investors for U.S. apartments .

  7. 可到头来,这个占地面积大约是纽约中央公园(CentralPark)3倍的巨大项目,既体现出中国房产市场的过度建设,也突显出该市场近期的急转直下。

    Instead , the enormous project , which is about three times the size of New York 's Central Park , exemplifies both the excesses and more recent sharp downturn in China 's property market .

  8. 宾夕法尼亚州利哈伊大学的StephenThode表示,除非就业市场有所改善,否则房产市场取得的进展始终有限。

    Stephen Thode at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania says progress in the housing market will be limited until the job market gets better .

  9. “我没有看到任何一个总统为房产市场负责”StevenBlitz说,一个纽约的ITG投资研究公司的高级经济师,联邦政府和国家防政策在地方水平上有一个限制性的影响。

    The federal government and national housing policies have a limited impact on a local level .

  10. 这个政策组合很可能促使经济实现惊人的强劲增长,因为房产市场已经稳定,私人部门的去杠杆化取得了长足进展,美联储(federalreserve)也已承诺要为复苏提供持续的支持。

    This combination could well deliver surprisingly strong growth , since the housing market has stabilised , deleveraging of the private sector has gone a long way and the Federal Reserve has promised sustained support for recovery .

  11. 全球视野经济学家NigelGault称,房产市场在经历了几十年来的低谷之后,销量上涨是行业改善的标志。

    Global Insight economist Nigel Gault says the sales jump is a welcome sign of improvement in an industry that has suffered its worst slump in decades .

  12. 房地产投资智能决策分析系统(IDAS)是一个涉及房产市场、市政建设和建筑材料等诸多因素的决策分析系统,需要大量的模型系统的支持。

    Intelligent Decision Analysis System ( IDAS ) for Real Estate Investment involves a great deal of factors , such as market of house property , urban construction , construction material , etc.

  13. 再来看美国的经济情况,据CoreLogic分析机构发布的春季购买指数表明,最近房产市场更像是卖方市场。

    Turning to the economy in the US , it may be feeling more like a seller 's market these days if may spring buying numbers from CoreLogic-running indication .

  14. 据地产经纪人拉里称,该男子本想在当地的税收拍卖季即上千所丧失抵押品赎回权的房子涌入房产市场之前卖掉这所房子,可一直未能如愿,于是决定将房子标价从最初的5000美元降低为一部新iPhone6的价格。

    The owner has dropped the asking price on a three-bedroom home in east Detroit from $ 5000 to a new iPhone 6 as the owner is desperate to sell ahead of the area 's tax auction season where " thousands " of homes near foreclosure will flood the market , real estate broker Larry Else told ABC News .

  15. 我们的经济和房产市场已经准备好,

    Our economy and our housing market are poised for progress ,

  16. 一般来说,指数低于50点表明了房产市场的负面情绪。

    Rating below 50 generally suggest negative sentiment about housing market .

  17. 百万级美元的住房,是丧失抵押品赎回权的房产市场中增长最快的部分。

    Million-dollar homes are the fastest-growing segment of the foreclosure market .

  18. 关于住宅房产市场分析的问题解析及对策

    The Analysises and Countermeasures in the Problems of Housing Market Analysis

  19. 但今年,房产市场有所降温。

    But this year , the housing market has cooled .

  20. 房产市场突然活跃了一阵子。

    There was a sudden spurt of activity in the housing market .

  21. 一二手房交易比例逆转上海房产市场成熟了?

    Housing transactions a second-hand property market in Shanghai reverse proportion mature ?

  22. 美国房产市场崩溃是导致经济衰退的主要原因。

    The American housing collapse was a major cause of the recession .

  23. 还导致了澳门房产市场严重的投机现象。

    You 've also created huge speculation in the Macao property market .

  24. 我正在考虑趁房价未涨时把房子买下来。现在上海的房产市场可谓热闹非凡,房价也是节节攀升。

    I am considering buying the house before the prices go up .

  25. 在过去的几年里,房产市场一直萧条。

    The housing market has been very sluggish these past few years .

  26. 这导致股票和房产市场的上涨。

    And that drives up the stock and property market .

  27. 而它还是最受欢迎的新兴房产市场之一。

    And yet it remains one of the most popular emerging property markets .

  28. 如今托马斯已在房产市场出售该房,要价35万英镑。(环球网)

    And now Thomas has put his350,000-pound property on the market for sale .

  29. 北京房产市场购买力强劲谁是市场的主流?

    Beijing real estate market strong purchasing power who is the mainstream market ?

  30. 计划中可能包括减税和提振房产市场的举措。

    The plan could include tax cuts and measures to boost the housing market .