
fánɡ dì chǎn jīnɡ jì rén
  • realtor;real estate broker;estate agents
  1. 彭妮&12539;麦金泰尔(PennyMacIntyre)是一位身材苗条、说话直截了当的房地产经纪人,她说:这幢别墅独一无二。她很乐于向我们展示建筑师在设计时融入建筑之中的游泳池和瀑布。

    ' This is a unique property , ' says Penny MacIntyre , a slim , no-nonsense realtor who delights in showing off the reflecting pools and waterfalls that the architect has incorporated into the house 's design .

  2. 你还想怎么样?让我当你的房地产经纪人?

    What do you want me to be , your realtor ?

  3. 他正在寻找房地产经纪人。

    He is looking for a real estate broker .

  4. 而优秀的房地产经纪人做得可比这多得多。

    The great real estate brokers do far more than this .

  5. 今天,我雇有身价昂贵的律师、会计师、房地产经纪人以及股票经纪人

    Today , I have expensive attorneys , accountants , real estate brokers and stockbrokers .

  6. 劳伦斯·云(LawrenceYun)是美国房地产经纪人协会首席经济学家。

    Lawrence Yun is chief economist of the National Association of Realtors .

  7. 维拉滩更像一个家庭度假村,当地居民、房地产经纪人彼得梅森(PeterMason)说。

    Vera Playa is very much a family resort , says local resident and estate agent Peter Mason .

  8. 据全美房地产经纪人协会(USNationalAssociationofRealtors)统计:过去10年(截止2013年),美国二手房主的平均年龄从52岁降到了43岁。

    The average age of second-home buyers in the US dropped from 52 to 43 in the 10 years to 2013 , according to the US National Association of Realtors .

  9. 全美房地产经纪人协会(nationalassociationofrealtors)称,经济学家原本预计未交屋房屋销售将下降2%,而实际降幅为12.2%。

    Economists had expected pending home sales to fall 2 per cent , but instead they dropped 12.2 per cent , according to the National Association of Realtors .

  10. 我是EileenHsu(许小姐)一个会讲中文普通话在这里房地产经纪人在曼哈顿纽约。

    I am a Chinese Mandarin speaking Real Estate agent here in Manhattan New York .

  11. 另一个房地产经纪人更是离谱,声称伊顿公学(EtonCollege)今年秋季入学的新生中,有三分之一是中国人。实际上,真实的比例还不到3%。

    Another estate agent got into a muddle , saying one-in-three pupils starting school at Eton College this autumn is Chinese . The true figure is less than 3 per cent .

  12. 内华达州房地产经纪人安娜•克林格(AnnaKlinger)表示:房地产开发商现在后悔莫及。

    Anna Klinger , a Nevada real estate agent , says : The developers are repenting for what they did .

  13. 房地产经纪人AlvinYeung表示,在他的客户中,约有五分之一为内地人。

    Alvin Yeung , an estate agent , says about a fifth of his clients are mainland Chinese .

  14. 比如,如果你是个会计或者房地产经纪人,你也许考虑重构你的主页或者加个podcast(货到付款的意思么?)

    For example , if you are an accountant or realtor , you might think about redoing your website or adding a podcast .

  15. 伊利诺伊州房地产经纪人协会(illinoisassociationofrealtors)的数据显示,肯德尔县7月成屋销售同比增加19.7%,为芝加哥地区最高增速。

    Sales of existing homes rose 19.7 per cent in July from last year , the fastest growth in the Chicago metropolitan area , according to the Illinois Association of Realtors .

  16. 全美房地产经纪人协会(NationalAssociationofRealtors)的数据显示,经季节因素调整后,美国上月成屋销售量增加2.9%,折合成年率为503万套,但较上年同期减少了23.8%。

    Figures from the National Association of Realtors showed that existing home sales rose by 2.9 per cent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 5.03m units last month , still 23.8 per cent lower than a year ago .

  17. 全美房地产经纪人协会(NationalAssociationofRealtors)的一份报告称,中国人现在是美国房地产遥遥领先的最大外国买家,无论以数量、美元销售额还是交易价格衡量都是如此。该协会追踪全美各地的房地产购买交易。

    Chinese are now by far the biggest foreign buyers of US real estate in terms of units , dollar volume and price paid , according to a report from the National Association of Realtors , which tracks property purchases across the country .

  18. 全美房地产经纪人协会(NationalAssociationofRealtors)的数据显示,中国大陆和香港的买家如今成为继加拿大人之后,第二大外国投资者群体,从2011年3月到2012年3月期间,购房金额达90亿美元。

    Data from the National Association of Realtors shows buyers from mainland China and Hong Kong are now the second-largest group of foreign investors in US residential real estate after Canadians , spending $ 9bn in the period from March 2011 to March 2012 .

  19. 但即使是房地产经纪人的这项职能,也可以被轻而易举地颠覆:可以雇佣一个Uber司机带人看房,他可以让可能的买家进入房屋,这项服务不需要花费2万英镑,一小时大约只需要10英镑。

    But even this function could be easily disrupted : there could be an Uber of house-showers , who could let prospective buyers into properties , charging not £ 20000 , but about a tenner an hour .

  20. 在蒂姆•伯纳斯-李(TimBerners-Lee)放弃数火车,发明万维网之前,房地产经纪人早就遭人怨恨了。随着互联网时代的到来,房地产经纪人本应是第一批消失的人。

    Estate agents , who were hated long before Tim Berners-Lee gave up train spotting to invent the world wide web , were always going to be the first to go , come the internet age .

  21. 然而事实正好相反:有一天我骑自行车穿过伊斯灵顿(Islington)回家,我数了数,在一条街上就有17家房地产经纪人门店。

    Instead the reverse is happening : as I cycled through Islington on my way home the other day I counted 17 estate agent shop windows in one street .

  22. 在贝里克郡扎根了30年的房地产经纪人尤安艾奇逊(euanaitchison),对这种他称之为“来自南方的兄弟和来自北部的朋友们的钳形运动”表示了欢迎。

    Euan Aitchison , an estate agent based for 30 years in Berwick , welcomes what he calls " a pincer movement of brothers from the South and friends from the north " .

  23. 可以看看Redfin如何利用科技打造更好的房地产经纪人,而不是取代他们;也可以看看Duolingo应用如何通过对人类智能开展“众包”来提供比机器更好的翻译。

    Look how Redfin used tech to create better real-estate agents rather than replace them , or how the app Duolingo crowdsources human intelligence to produce better translations than machines are capable of .

  24. 根据全国房地产经纪人协会(NAR)周二公布的一项研究报告,在截至今年三月的十二个月里,中国买家们花费了220亿美元在美国房产上,以美元来算占海外销售额的24%。

    Chinese buyers spent $ 22 billion on US homes in the 12-month period ending in March , or about 24 percent of total foreign sales by dollar value , according to a study released Tuesday by the National Association of Realtors ( NAR ) .

  25. 到了此时,房产记录里登记的转发地址已经不再位于哥伦比亚,而是指向了佛罗里达州韦斯顿的霍内·巴列斯特罗斯(JhonBallesteros)。代表卖家的房地产经纪人约翰·伯格(JohnBurger)在接受采访时说,他甚至都不知道阿迪拉牵涉其中。

    By then , the forwarding address on property records was no longer in Colombia , but went to a Jhon Ballesteros , in Weston , Fla. John Burger , a real estate agent who represented the seller , said recently that he did not know Mr. Ardila was involved .

  26. 房地产经纪人从业道德水准的演化分析

    An Evolutionary Analysis about the Professional Morality of Real Estate Brokers

  27. 房地产经纪人将那套公寓描写成玲珑别致的住宅。

    The estate agent described the flat as a Bijou residence .

  28. 马克·哈德逊是华盛顿特区的房地产经纪人。

    Mark Hudson is a real estate agent in Washington , D.C.

  29. 房地产经纪人和抵押经纪人位置也消失了。

    Real estate agents and mortgage broker positions have also disappeared .

  30. 房地产经纪人资格认证制度的若干问题探讨

    On the Identification of the Authentic Qualification of Real Estate Agents