
  • 网络for sale;house for sale
  1. 我在报纸的房屋出售栏中找到了几个可能的选择。

    I found a couple of possibilities in the homes for sale category of the newspaper .

  2. 大多数频繁见到“房屋出售”标志的地区,房价间隔回升还很远。

    In most areas where " For Sale " signs are common , home prices are far from recovery .

  3. 有很多房屋出售,但提供出租的却很少。

    There are many houses on sale but few for rent .

  4. 当地政府已勒令Dinh及其家人将房屋出售给T&T。但他坚称,开发是非法的,他们不会被迫搬离自己曾经美丽、但现已破旧的家园。

    The local government has ordered Mr Dinh and his family to sell their property to T & T. But he insists that the development is illegal and that they will not be forced from their once-elegant but now faded home .

  5. 房屋出售时要支付高昂的佣金。

    You will pay a hefty commission to sell .

  6. 房屋出售后,买方可以承继的房屋贷款。

    A mortgage that can be taken over (" assumed ") by the buyer when a home is sold .

  7. 此老妇固执己见,拒绝以任何价格将其房屋出售给开发者们。

    The old lady dug her heels in and refused to sell her house to the developers-at any price .

  8. 你可以看看房屋出售报价和实际售价之间的价差。

    Look at list-to-sales price ratios , which is the difference between the listing price of a home and the price at which it sold .

  9. 这两家公司不存在竞争关系,但拉斯科夫发现,从儿童服装信息个性化得出的经验,非常适合房屋出售。

    The two companies aren 't competitive , and Rascoff find that the lessons of personalizing messages about children 's apparel translates well for homes .

  10. 租赁房屋出售时,承租人在同等条件下有优先购买权。

    When a building that is being leased is for sale , the lessee has , under equal conditions , the fight of first refusal to purchase .

  11. 民主党人表示,修正案改善了法案的内容,其中包括对要求更改房贷条件的房主采取更严格的规定,要求那些得到法官帮助减少贷款金额的房主必须将房屋出售所得利润与房贷公司共享。

    Democrats pointed to changes they said substantially improved the bill , including stricter conditions for homeowners who are bankrupt and seeking mortgage modifications , and requiring homeowners to share with a lender profit from any sale of a home whose principal was reduced by a bankruptcy judge .

  12. 曲线B可用以描述房屋经纪商出售住宅所需天数的频率分布。

    Curve B could represent the frequency of the number of days required to sell a real-estate brokerage business .

  13. 邻近工厂的房屋经常出售得不那么顺利,因为它们被认为所处环境不理想。

    Houses near industrial sites often do not sell to quickly because they are regarded as undesirable .

  14. 英国最便宜房屋即将出售,仅卖1英镑。

    THESE are Britain 's cheapest homes - set to go on sale for just a POUND .

  15. 房地产市场泡沫破灭以及随后经济衰退导致的房屋强制出售,对于房屋价格以及银行的资产负债表都将构成拖累。

    Forced sales resulting from the burst bubble , and from the recession that has followed it , weigh on house prices and banks ' balance sheets alike .

  16. 但是如果在中国投资数百万建造房屋并出售,你不一定能够收回投资。

    But if you put millions into a building in China and sell it , it is not clear that you will be able to take your money out .

  17. 他们把房屋投放市场出售。

    They put their houses on the market .

  18. 但这不太可能是唯一的解释,因为流动性在2008年危机爆发前10年就已出现下滑了,那时房屋很容易出售。

    But this is unlikely to be the only explanation since mobility was already declining in the decade before the crash of 2008 , a period when houses were easy to sell .

  19. 农民的住房收入,指农民通过房屋的出租、出售和拆迁补偿而取得相应的收益。

    Farmers ' income from houses refers to the revenue derived accordingly from house rent , sales or compensation for housing demolition .