
fánɡ chǎn shuì
  • Property tax;building tax;house tax;tax on premises;house duty
  1. 完善房产税的一个设想

    The Tentative Plan to Perfect House Tax

  2. 这些长期的债务人兼房奴将很可能永远无法完全拥有这个房子,因为炫耀性消费需要周期性的再融资来提供资金,也因为房产税的存在。

    These perpetual debtors / serfs will probably never own the home outright1 , thanks to cyclical refinancing ( used to fund conspicuous2 consumption ) and property taxes .

  3. 房产税税制改革探讨

    A Probe into the Reform of the Taxation on House Property

  4. 房产税的征收会使得商品房价格相应的下降。

    Property tax will make commercial housing prices to drop accordingly .

  5. 揭示了当前新开征房产税存在的问题。

    Then reveal the problems of the current personal property taxes .

  6. 浅谈我国房产税改革

    Discuss Lightly the Reform of the House Property Tax of Our Country

  7. 本部分首先介绍了房产税的涵义。

    Firstly , it introduces the meaning of the housing property tax .

  8. 上海市表示,将对二套房征收0.6%的房产税。

    Shanghai said it would charge 0.6 per cent on second homes .

  9. 中国欲在上海和重庆试行征收房产税。

    China to launch trial property tax in two cities .

  10. 房产税改革作为新鲜事物,需要有逐步完善的过程。

    As a novelty , the property tax reform needs gradual improvements .

  11. 正在讨论中的另一个议题是引入房产税。

    The other issue under discussion is the introduction of a property tax .

  12. 房产税公平财富分配功能缺位研究

    Research on Absence of Real Estate Tax on Adjusting Distribution of Personal Wealth

  13. 限购和房产税能降低房价吗?

    Can House Purchase Quota Policy and Property Tax Reduce the Housing Price ?

  14. 她每月还贷(包括房产税)1100美元。

    Her monthly mortgage payment , including property taxes , is $ 1,100 .

  15. 纳税人:自用或出租在纳税上有什么区别吗?房产税及与租赁有关的所有税费由甲方承担。

    Premises tax and other leasing related taxes shall be paid by PARTY A.

  16. 本部分首先指出房产税改革的必要性。

    Firstly , it points out the necessity of housing property tax reform .

  17. 这时候房产税的改革已经刻不容缓。

    At this time the real estate tax reform has been crunch time .

  18. 根据前文的研究结论,对当前我国房产税如何改革提出合理化建议。

    According to the above research conclusion , then put forward reasonable suggestions .

  19. 房产税改革中核心部分是税制设计,本文主要对税制设计中的难点题进行了探讨。

    Design of taxation system is the core part of house taxation reform .

  20. 上海可能是中国第一个征收房产税的城市。

    Shanghai may be the first city in China to impose a property tax .

  21. 第二部分:国外及台湾地区房地产流转税的研究与借鉴。介绍了国外和台湾地区的房地产流转税的征收情况,主要介绍了英国的增值税、营业房产税、继承税和印花税;

    The second part : The research foreign and Taiwanese real estate devolving tax .

  22. 蒙蒂选择提高房产税也是正确的。

    Mr Monti was also right to opt for an increase in property taxes .

  23. 很多州给与公民在特定年龄免除房产税。

    Most states give residents over a certain age a break on their property taxes .

  24. 提出在当前阶段房产税主要是引导和调节职能。

    The main functions of the real estate tax is to regulate and guidance consumers .

  25. 第三部分是房产税改革试点的现状与问题。

    The third part is the present situation and problems of House property tax reform .

  26. 当地人均住房面积应该免征房产税。

    Local average living space per capita should be exempt from the house property tax .

  27. 随着房地产调控的深入,房产税改革势在必行。

    With the deepening of regulation of real estate , property tax reform is imperative .

  28. 这些省下来的钱以较低的房产税的形式转嫁至所有者手中。

    These savings are passed on to owners in the form of lower property taxes .

  29. 我对缴纳房产税,学校税,州所得税,等等各种税厌烦了。

    I 'm tired of paying property taxes , school taxes , state taxes , etc.

  30. 《莫里斯评估》建议,应该用土地税取代营业房产税。

    The Mirrlees review recommended that a land tax should be used to replace business rates .