
  1. 最近在房产市场上遗产税的增加主要是由那些碰巧赶上了好时代同时又在好的地段拥有财产的人交纳的。

    For example , recent gains in the housing market have accrued mainly to people who happen to belong to the right generation and who own property in the right places .

  2. 房价上涨对于卖家来说通常是好事,但其中也涉及一项很多人总是忘记的成本:到业主去世的时候,房产产生的遗产税恐怕要远远高于几年前的水平。

    Higher real-estate prices normally spell good news for sellers , but there 's an associated cost that many tend to forget : A property will probably generate much higher estate taxes upon the owner 's death than it would have a few years ago .