  • place;station
  • 处,地方:住~。哨~。场~。处~。

  • 机关或其他办事的地方的名称:研究~。派出~。

  • 量词,指房屋:一~四合院。

  • 用在动词前,代表接受动作的事物:~部(所率领的部队)。~谓(a.所说的;b.某些人所说的,含不承认意)。无~谓(不关紧要,不关心)。~有。各尽~能。~向无敌。有~不为而后可以有为。

  • 用在动词前,与前面的“为”或“被”字相应,表示被动的意思:为人~敬。

  • 姓。


(处所) place:

  • 住所

    dwelling place;

  • 各得其所

    each in his proper place;

  • 居无定所

    without definite residence



  • 派出所

    local police station;

  • 研究所

    research institute;

  • 诊疗所


  • 指挥所

    command post


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 所忠

    Suo Zhong



  • 两所学校

    two schools;

  • 一所房子

    a house;

  • 这所医院建于1982年。

    This hospital was instituted in 1982.


(跟“为”或“被”合用, 表示被动):

  • 被表面现象所迷惑

    be misled by outward appearances;

  • 为群众所欢迎

    be welcomed by the masses;

  • 为人所笑

    be laughed at


(跟动词连用, 代表接受动作的事物):

  • 各尽所能

    from each according to his ability;

  • 闻所未闻


  • 无所不为

    stop at nothing (in doing evil)



  • 大家所提的意见

    the opinions various people put forward;

  • 我所认识的人

    the people I know


(跟动词连用, 动词后再用“者”或“的” 代表接受动作的事物):

  • 所见者广

    have wide experience;

  • 他所考虑的,我们都没想到。

    We never thought of what he did.

  • 这是我们所拥护的。

    This is what we support.

  1. 然后,根据研究的需要,对随机Petri网的库所和变迁进行了扩展,提出了扩展了服务信息的随机Petri网。

    After this , according to the purpose of the paper , both place and transition of Stochastic Petri Net are expanded , and Extended Stochastic Petri Net which has service information attached is introduced .

  2. 在对COPS协议作详细非形式化分析的基础上,用扩展的库所/变迁网对其主要部分进行了形式化的描述,从而为COPS协议的分析与改进奠定了基础。

    This paper presents a formal protocol description of COPS with extended place / transition net on the base of detailed informal analysis , thus lays a foundation for analysis and improvement of the COPS .

  3. 三所学院合并成了一所新的大学。

    Three colleges have come together to create a new university .

  4. 这与我所习惯的大不相同。

    It 's very different to what I 'm used to .

  5. 这封信是写给这所房子的住户的。

    The letter was addressed to the occupier of the house .

  6. 这是她所扮演过的最重要的角色之一。

    It is one of the greatest roles she has played .

  7. 这跟你昨天所讲的不大吻合。

    That isn 't quite square with what you said yesterday .

  8. 有了数字电视你就可以选择你所需要的摄像角度。

    With digital you can choose the camera angle you want .

  9. 从某种意义上来说,这是我们所犯的最大错误之一。

    In a way it was one of our biggest mistakes .

  10. 他为改善状况所作的努力应该受到赞许。

    His efforts to improve the situation are to be applauded .

  11. 他对所遭受的待遇感到非常愤怒。

    He was outraged at the way he had been treated .

  12. 就下面所列主题各写一个段落。

    Write a paragraph on each of the topics given below .

  13. 他的语言能力对他所选择的职业大有帮助。

    His linguistic ability served him well in his chosen profession .

  14. 我所说的只涉及你们中的一些人。

    What I am saying applies only to some of you .

  15. 我们低估了抵达那里所需的时间。

    We underestimated the time it would take to get there .

  16. 想到所失去的东西,我真想痛哭一场。

    I could have wept thinking about what I 'd missed .

  17. 我们参观了那所学校,并跟校长进行了交谈。

    We looked around the school and talked with the principal .

  18. 我们存了足够的钱,能一次付清款项买下这所房子。

    We had saved enough money to buy the house outright .

  19. 我们学校与法国的一所学校进行交流。

    Our school does an exchange with a school in France .

  20. 她的绘画风格为其他画家所模仿。

    Her style of painting has been imitated by other artists .

  21. 他所得到的那点建议结果证明几乎完全没用。

    Such advice as he was given has proved almost worthless .

  22. 政府赞同报告所提出的建议。

    The government looks with favour upon the report 's recommendations .

  23. 正如他们所预料的,比赛结果难分上下。

    It was a close finish , as they had predicted .

  24. 火灾之后仅两个星期,这所学校就重新开学了。

    The school was reopened just two weeks after the fire .

  25. 这所学校班上的人数少于全国平均数。

    Class sizes in the school are below the national average .

  26. 那所学院不是官方认可的英语学校。

    The college is not an officially recognized English language school .

  27. 直到那时她才意识到他所承受的压力。

    Only then did she realize the stress he was under .

  28. 新驾驶员所出的事故是老驾驶员的两倍。

    New drivers have twice as many accidents as experienced drivers .

  29. 头脑清醒之后,她想起了所发生的一切。

    As her mind cleared , she remembered what had happened .

  30. 我佩服他对自己的工作所抱的坚定信心。

    I admire his passionate belief in what he is doing .