
suǒ zhǐ yì yì
  • referential meaning
  1. 第一个环节是在上下文中排除表达的歧义或多义,确定其在上下文中的所指意义。

    In the first step , he gets rid of ambiguity and polysemy of expressions in context so as to decide their real referential meaning .

  2. 第三章主要论述了文学翻译中所指意义的实现。

    Chapter Three discusses the referential meaning in literary translation .

  3. 会话语境可以扩大、弱化或模糊会话话语的所指意义,使会话话语具有审美意味;

    Discourse context expands , reduces or even obscures the denotative meaning .

  4. 词语意义分为两个层面,所指意义和内涵意义。

    There are two aspects of word meaning : referential meaning and connotative meaning .

  5. 由于内涵意义的特殊性,内涵意义的可译性限度低于所指意义的可译性限度。

    Due to its special feature , connotative meaning has a lower translatability than referential meaning .

  6. 在语义学中,词的概念意义是词义的核心,也就是所指意义。

    In semantics , conceptual meaning ( sense ), also called referential meaning , is the core of meaning .

  7. 语义内容的失又具体表现为所指意义、实用意义及语言内部意义3个方面。

    The loss of semantic content lies in the three aspects of referring meaning , pragmatic meaning and linguistic internal meaning .

  8. 第二章通过对英汉语词汇的对比,分析了在翻译过程中所指意义丧失的主要原因。

    By comparing the vocabulary of English and Chinese , Chapter Two analyzes the causes of loss of referential meaning thoroughly .

  9. 语用意义可分为六类,即言外之力、隐含意义、修辞意义、所指意义、情感内涵及言外效果。

    The subcategories of pragmatic meaning are : illocutionary force , implicate meaning , figurative meaning , reference , emotional tone , and perlocutionary effect .

  10. 在词汇层,情感语义具有所指意义、伴随意义和潜在意义三种语义地位,分别存在于情感意义词、情感伴随词和情感潜义词中。

    At the lexical level , affective semantics includes referent meaning , accompanying meaning and potential meaning , which respectively lies with affective semantic words , affective accompanying words and affective potential words .

  11. 在翻译亲属称谓时,四位译者主要译出其所指意义,同时通过加注等形式将源语的文化信息较为完整地提供给目的语读者。

    Referential meaning is mainly conveyed when the four translators render the kinship terms . Meanwhile , all the four English versions employ footnotes and other means to deliver the connotations and cultural informations of the Chinese kinship terms to TL readers .

  12. 基于语言符号学理论,从语言符号的所指意义、语用意义及语言形式意义等三方面描述了中英文化交流中所存在的陷阱,强调了中英文化交流中加强语言文化修养的重要性。

    Based on linguistic semiotics , this paper describes the pitfalls in Chinese-English cultural communication from the following three aspects : reference meaning , pragmatic meaning and linguistic form meaning emphasizing the importance of cultivating linguistic and cultural knowledge in cross-cultural communication .

  13. 从这个意义上讲,一篇好的译文并不能只是像大多数科技文章那样实现信息的传递,而是应该同时实现所指意义、言内意义和语用意义在源语和目标语之间的传递。

    In this sense , good literary translation is not the one that merely conveys the information of the source language like those scientific translation works do but the one that fully expresses the referential , linguistic and pragmatic meanings of the original .

  14. 传统理论之一的结构主义语言学认为,语言符号由能指(形式)和所指(意义)构成,它们之间的关系是任意的。

    Structuralists proposed that linguistic signs consist of " significant " ( form ) and signified ( meaning ) and their relationship is arbitrary .

  15. 非指称用法的英文人名(nonreferentialEnglishnames)是一种特殊的文化现象,是人名的非表层意义,其来源广泛,所指具有引申意义;

    As the special cultural phenomenon , non-referential English names which are non-surface meaning of personal names have extensive sources and extending meaning , which can make the language more vivid and meaningful .

  16. 象似性理论认为,在语言的能指和所指或者形式和意义之间,有内在的认联系。

    Iconicity reveals that there are some inner relationship between signifier and signified or between form and meaning .

  17. 语言理据是辨识或诠释语言符号意义的依据,它反映能指与所指(形式与意义)之间的各种联系,或者体现形式与形式之间的关系。

    Motivations in language indicate various relationships between the signifier and the signified , or those among signifiers .

  18. 索绪尔符号学说中能指和所指概念的思想意义符号学视角中的颜色意义

    On the Concepts of Signification and Signal in Saussure 's Semeiology What Can Semeiology Say about Meaning of Color

  19. 从印象派到现代主义艺术符号的能指大于所指,或者所指意义抽象、模糊,或者所指意义被能指形式抽空。

    In the period from Impressionism to Modernism , either the signifier meant more than the signified , or the latter was abstract and vague , or it was rendered meaningless by the form of the former .

  20. 通过特定语言和符号的演绎,PI把产品和品牌的价值转化为消费者所熟悉的特定所指,即意义。

    By the given language and symbols , PI effectively transfer the value embodied to meanings familiar to consumers .

  21. 组成小说的五节不仅垂直切分了文本,而且以一级所指和二级所指拓展其意义。

    The five books constituting the whole novel not only cut the text vertically but expand the meaning through the first and second order signification .