
cún zài jù
  • existential sentence
  1. 存在句的NP突显与结构生成

    NP Salience and Structural Formation in Existential Sentence

  2. 这一部分从句法-语义的角度把存在句分为A、B、C三个部分进行系统的对比分析,讨论了汉英存在句A、B、C三段的构成,意义以及位置的变换。

    From the syntax - semantics angle , this part divides the existential sentence into A , B , C three parts and carries on the systematic contrast analysis .

  3. 基于SFG及物性新模式的英汉隐喻存在句对比研究

    A Contrastive Study on English and Chinese Metaphorical Existential Clauses based on the New Transitivity Model of SFG

  4. 关于英语存在句的一些语言现象,例如there的语法功能与含义,句中的主语和NP的存在量等问题,语言学家们一直争论不休。

    Linguists have been arguing about some language phenomena in English existential sentence , such as the grammatical function and meaning of there , the subject in the sentence and NP quantification .

  5. There-be存在句的优选论分析

    Analysis of English There-be Existential Sentence under the Framework of Optimality Theory

  6. 从中国学习者英语语料库(CLEC)中存在句的分布频率看,中国学习者有超用否定式存在句的倾向。

    According to the distributional frequencies of existential-there sentences in Chinese learner English corpus Chinese learners tend to use more negative existential-there sentences than necessary .

  7. 英汉存在句结构的定量认知对比研究&以BNC和《围城》为语料

    Cognitive Perspective : A Contrastive Study on the Structure of Existential Sentence in English and Chinese Based on the Corpus of BNC and Fortress Besieged

  8. 英语Therebe存在句习得的中介语研究

    An Interlanguage Study on Chinese Learners ' Acquisition of There-be Construction

  9. 首先介绍了不同学者对存在句主位结构的分析。

    Different scholars ' analyses of the thematic structure are introduced .

  10. 英语存在句;舞台模型;心理空间;

    English existential sentences ; stage model ; mental space ;

  11. 存在句A段介词使用情况考察

    On the Usage of Preposition in the Part A of Existential Sentence

  12. 首先讨论了存在句与基本句型结构之间的关系,存在句与末端重量准则之间的关系。

    Then comes the relationship between ETS and the maxim of end-weight .

  13. 关于英语存在句的某些观点,语言学家们一直争论不休。

    Linguistics have been arguing about some ideas in English existential sentence .

  14. 英汉存在句的比较研究

    On comparison between the existential sentences of English and chinese

  15. 中国英语学习者存在句习得之研究

    The Acquisition of Existential Sentences by Chinese Learners of English

  16. 英语存在句定指限制的认知语法研究

    A Study on Definiteness Restriction Effect in English Existentials from Cognitive Grammatical Perspective

  17. 此外,汉语存在句相对于英语存在句更为复杂。

    The existential sentences of Chinese are more complex than those of English .

  18. 系统功能语法的存在句研究

    The Studies of Existential Clauses in Systemic Functional Grammar

  19. ⑵俄汉存在句形式结构的描写;

    ⑵ the description of the formal structures of Russian and Chinese ETS ;

  20. 英语存在句中名词词组的确指限制

    The Definiteness Restriction of NPs in the English Existentials

  21. 英汉存在句及其翻译

    English and Chinese Existential Sentences and Their Translation

  22. 中古汉语的描写型存在句

    Descriptive Existential Sentences in the Medieval Chinese Language

  23. 存在句是汉语比较有特点的一种句式,表现力很强,一般认为是存现句的下位句式。

    Exist sentence of Chinese is character istic and its expression is very strong .

  24. 俄汉语中表有意义存在句对应表达手段

    Expressions conveying the meaning of " there be " in Chinese and Russian correspondingly

  25. 存在句是俄汉语中都大量存在的一种句型。

    The there-be sentence is a common sentence pattern in both Russian and Chinese .

  26. 从功能语言学角度看英语存在句的信息结构

    Analyzing the Information Structure of the Existing Sentence from the Point of Functional Linguistics

  27. 三言存在句研究

    Research on Exist Sentence in San Yan

  28. 基于语料库的英语存在句研究

    A Corpus-based Study of English Existential-there Sentences

  29. 主要论述了存在句的两个基本问题:副主语的确指性和动词的一致。

    This paper discusses two controversial issues of the English existential : definiteness and agreement .

  30. 例(2)这种类型的句子一般被语言学家定义为存在句。

    Sentences like example ( 2 ) are usually defined by linguists as existential sentences .