
  • 网络infinitive
  1. 本书带你一步一步慢慢深入探讨不定词的用法。

    This book leads you step by step to learn how and when to use the infinitive .

  2. 你是否被禁止分开不定词?

    Are you forbidden to ever split an infinitive ?

  3. 人们听到她在音乐会上演唱。不定词强调事实。

    She was heard to sing in the concert .

  4. 「不定词+数词一+助数词」与否定形式呼应使用,对有关对象进行部分否定、全部否定。

    It carries through the part negation and full negation with the related objects .

  5. 假设玛莉正值任意不定词阶段,列出所有她可能用上列词汇说出的句子。

    Assuming that Masha is in the Optional Infinitive stage , list all the possible sentences she might produce using the lexical items above .

  6. 当你拿不定一个词的意义时,就查一下词典。

    When you are in doubt about the meaning of a word , look it up in the dictionary .

  7. 动词“let”与“permit”不同,习惯上与不带“to”的不定词连用。

    The verb " let ", unlike " permit ", is construed with an infinitive omitting the " to " .