
  • 网络Unknown;unknown identity
  1. 两周前,在发现7700万名用户的个人资料被一位不明身份的黑客侵入之后,索尼关闭了PlayStationNetwork游戏网络。被盗资料包括用户的姓名、生日、电子邮件地址、ID和密码。

    Sony shut its PlayStation Network two weeks ago after discovering that personal details of its 77m members , including names , dates of birth , e-mail addresses , user IDs and passwords , had been accessed by an unknown hacker .

  2. 还有一组是不明身份男子的部分指纹。

    And the other was a partial print from an unknown male .

  3. 关于这些不明身份的人的报道还在铺天盖地地袭来。

    Reports are still flooding in about a group of unidentified individuals .

  4. 在另外一起事件中,今年5月2日,日本方面发现另外一艘不明身份的潜艇驶过鹿儿岛县奄美大岛(Amami-Oshima)以西水域。

    In a separate incident , another unidentified submarine was detected traveling west of Amami-Oshima Island in Kagoshima Prefecture on May 2 .

  5. 不明身份的飞机,你现在位于美军管制空域。

    Unidentified aircraft , you are in restricted US military airspace .

  6. 不明身份的男子:我要请你离开……

    UNIDENTIFIED MAN : I 'm asking you to please leave ...

  7. 好的,注意了,你们后面来了三个不明身份的人。

    All right , be aware , we got three bogeys unidentified .

  8. 不明身份的男子1:(用法语讲话)。

    UNIDENTIFIED MAN \# 1 : ( Speaking French ) .

  9. 不明身份的女性1:(用法语讲话)。

    UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN \# 1 : ( Speaking French ) .

  10. 不明身份的男子2:(用法语讲话)。

    UNIDENTIFIED MAN \# 2 : ( Speaking French ) .

  11. 他被一名不明身份的枪手射杀了。

    He was shot and killed by an unidentified gunman .

  12. 我认为这位不明身份的来电人,正是我们的模仿犯。

    I believe the as yet unidentified caller was our copycat killer .

  13. 不明身份的人群:(用希伯来语吟唱)

    UNIDENTIFIED CROWD : ( Chanting in Hebrew ) .

  14. 有一名不明身份的女子正被困于水塔内。

    Where an unidentified girl has been trapped .

  15. 昨天,红十字会的车辆在叙利亚西北部伊德利卜省遭到不明身份武装分子的袭击。

    Their combo was attacked yesterday by unknown assailants in Idlib province in northwestern Syria .

  16. 对于部分人声称,不明身份的外籍男子在冲突中使用了铁棍或木棒,警方对此并未提及。

    There was no mention of the metal rod or club some claimed the unidentified foreigner was wielding .

  17. 黑帮和无数不明身份和未注册罪犯做出的,以便非法进入我国,威胁美国公民。

    gang members and countless unknown and unregistered criminals to gain illicit access to our country and threaten our citizens .

  18. 当一架不明身份的飞机出现在电脑屏幕上的时候,战士们接到了进入战斗状态的命令。

    When an unidentified plane appears on the screen of the computer , all the soldiers were ordered to panic stations .

  19. 一位熟悉苹果供应链的不明身份人士表示:5.5英寸的iPhone6Plus的生产量仍然不能令人满意。

    ' The output of the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus remains unsatisfactory , ' an unidentified person familiar with Apple 's supply chain said .

  20. 攻击事件发生在过渡政府组建了一只专门对付不明身份武装分子的700人反恐部队之后。

    The attacks happened as the transitional government formed an anti-terror unit of700 troops , which it said would fight with the unknown gunmen .

  21. 本月初,阿里·扎伊丹在黎波里一座酒店被多名不明身份的武装人员带走,6小时后获释。

    Ali Zeidan was taken from his hotel in Tripoli and held by gunmen for about 6-hours earlier this month before eventually being released .

  22. 在这场有罪裁定过去九天之后,一名不明身份的人员驾驶了一辆卡车以极高的速度撞毁了当地的律师事务的玻璃墙,之后倒车呼啸而去。

    Nine days after the guilty verdict , someone drove a pick-up truck through the glass doors of the DA 's office at high speed , then backed up and roared off .

  23. 国营的《环球时报》援引其中一艘船的船长的话称,5月8日上午29名渔民在中国海域被不明身份的朝鲜人员劫持。

    Twenty-nine fishermen were captured by unidentified North Koreans in Chinese waters on the morning of May 8 , the state-run Global Times newspaper said , citing the captain of one of the boats .

  24. 抛售谈判:在与银湖展开谈判过程中,戴尔公司接到过一个不明身份的战略投资方的电话,表示有意按照账面价值(35亿-40亿美元)收购戴尔的金融服务业务。

    Strip sale talks : During negotiations with Silver Lake , Dell received a call from an undisclosed strategic party , expressing interest in purchasing Dell Financial Services at book value ( $ 3.5b - $ 4b ) .

  25. 这位不明身份的男人据说不久后返回便利店,拿着这张彩票说里奇的运气传染给了他,但里奇则否认了这一说法。

    The unidentified man reportedly returned to the store to say he had the ticket , and some of Leachs good fortune may have rubbed off on him after she bought him the winning ticket . Leach denies that account .

  26. 或许正由于社会中介组织在社会转型时期承载了太多的历史使命、人们给予了太高的期望,使得社会中介组织变得有些性质不明、身份难辨。

    Maybe just because social intermediate organization has undertaken so many historical mission and we have given it so much expectation , social intermediate organization that should be marketable changed very difficult to be recognized .

  27. 在对其传播要素具体分析的基础上,发现出版社在微博利用过程中存在传播主体定位不明、身份转变不完全、传受双方互动不足等问题。

    On the basis of analyzing the above components of communication , I found some problems of using micro blog in publishing , including obscure subjects , incomplete transformation of identity and lack of interaction .

  28. 要求确认不明旅客的身份为当务之急。

    That the unidentified extra passenger be our first priority .

  29. 孤儿作品是指作者身份不明或者虽然身份明确但查找无果的作品。

    Orphan works refer to the author unknown , though clearly identified but find nothing works .