
bù xiāng guān
  • Unrelated;irrelevance;uncorrelated
不相关[bù xiāng guān]
  1. 基于统计不相关最优鉴别矢量集的GIS局部放电模式识别

    PD Pattern Recognition Based on Optimal Sets of Statistical Uncorrelated Discriminant Vectors in GIS

  2. 新增k种资产与前n种不相关时证券组合前沿的漂移问题

    A Study of Shifting Movement of Portfolio Frontier with k New Increased Securities Uncorrelated to the n Former Securities

  3. 两个彼此不相关的研究部门得出了同样的结论。

    Two independent research bodies reached the same conclusions .

  4. 政治家的私生活与他们的公众角色不相关。

    Politicians ' private lives have no relevance to their public roles

  5. 他吸收利用互不相关的零碎信息的能耐惊人。

    His ability to absorb bits of disconnected information was astonishing .

  6. 当局声称在两次不相关的袭击中已有6名平民丧生。

    The authorities say six civilians have been killed in two separate attacks .

  7. 政府认定他们的证词与案件不相关。

    The government decided that their testimony would be irrelevant to the case .

  8. 在写文章时,不要把坏消息夹在毫不相关、拐弯抹角或过度铺垫的开头和结尾中间。

    When you write , avoid sandwiching the bad news between an irrelevant , indirect , or overly cushioned beginning and end .

  9. 一定要紧扣主题,不要提供不相关的信息。

    Be sure to stay on topic and not offer irrelevant information .

  10. YouDidn'tEffectivelyRelateYourExperiencetotheNeedsoftheCurrentPosition你述说的工作经验和这一职位不相关你必须解释过往的经历如何让你具备了胜任这一职位的资格。

    You must explain how your previous experience qualifies you for the open position .

  11. “隐形宿舍”是指由一群不相关的人,尤指大学生,承租的独栋房屋。隐形宿舍也可以写成stealthdormitory。

    Stealth dorm refers to a home zoned1 as a single-family residence but rented by a group of unrelated individuals , particularly college students .

  12. 这跟讨论的主题完全不相关。

    That is completely irrelevant to the subject under discussion .

  13. 约会对象在一次约会后突然消失,原因多种多样,有些原因甚至与约会进展毫不相关,与性别也同样不相关。

    Ghosting , after a date , is based on different reasons and some far from how the date turns out .

  14. 铵态氮与土壤pH值、交换性盐基总量、交换性酸含量均不相关。

    Ammonium nitrogen had no significantly correlated with pH value , total exchangeable bases and exchangeable acidity .

  15. 一个不相关的事件帮助我理解了Twitter的真实价值。

    An unrelated event helped me understand Twitter 's real value .

  16. 然后把样本图像序列投影到这个PC特征空间上,得到不相关的PC系数;

    Firstly , PCA is performed on image sequences of all persons to get the uncorrelated PC coefficients .

  17. 不相关的转换是指那些未包含在If、Elseif和Else细分中的转换。

    Unrelated transforms are those that are not contained within the If , Else if , and or Else refinements .

  18. 右心室动力学指标的变化与左心室动力学指标及MAP的变动值,统计学分析不相关;

    There is no obvious correla-tion between the changes of dynamic indices of right and left ventricles and variable values of MAP .

  19. 最糟糕的是:当前线程使用的CPU时间可能是不相关的。

    Worst of all : the CPU time used by the current thread can be irrelevant .

  20. 经典MM定理3表明:在无磨擦的完全市场下,财务政策和资本结构是不相关的。

    MM theorem 3 indicates that financial policy is not related to capital structure in a market without friction .

  21. 然而,用这一度量标准可能会得到诸如X→Y,但X与Y不相关(或独立)的规则。

    However , it is possible to extract association rule such as X-Y , but X and Y are independe ü t.

  22. 无论使用一些Java应用程序、或Web服务、或任何不相关的内容能或不能严格地实现这些步骤中的任何一个。

    Whether or not any of those steps can or cannot be implemented strictly using some Java application or a Web Service or whatever is irrelevant .

  23. 从目前调查的例数中,中国广东汉族人群TNF-α基因-308G/A多态性与广东人群中MS不相关。

    The gene polymorphisms of TNF - α - 308G / A is not associated with MS in Han nationality of southern China .

  24. 新生儿ABO溶血的发生率与母亲抗体效价相关,效价越高,新生儿ABO溶血发生率越高,差异有显著性(P0.05),但母亲抗体效价与新生儿溶血性贫血的发生率不相关。

    The rate of ABO hemolytic disease of newborn was positive correlation with mothers antibody titer .

  25. 实际上,CAM就是作为XML实例来描述的,但带有一些不相关的内容,这一点我会在下面解释。

    The reality of the situation is that it really is depicted as an XML instance , but with irrelevant content , which I will explain anon.

  26. 其他分型的SNP位点则与哮喘易感性不相关。

    Other SNPs were not associated with asthma .

  27. 业务逻辑层通过业务逻辑类或Struts的action类实现,Spring框架提供的面向方面编程技术,提供了解决分散在多个不相关模块中的共同问题的方法。

    Spring framework provided technique to solve the co-problems of multi-irritated modules with AOP . Business logic class or action class of Struts realized business logic tier .

  28. 甲状腺机能亢进和机能低下患者,血清中的T3或T4含量,与其血清基础胃泌素含量的相关系数r分别为0.17和0.16,均不相关(P>0.05)。

    Both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism showed no correlation between fasting serum gastrin level and serum T_3 ( or T_4 ) level , and their coefficient of correlation was 0.17 and 0.16 respectively .

  29. 在卵巢癌中,p53与MDM2表达的阳性率不相关(P>0.05)。

    In the malignant epithelial tumors , there was no significant association between p53 and MDM2 expression ( P > 0.05 ) .

  30. 指出了统计不相关的最优鉴别分析是经典的Fisher线性鉴别分析的进一步发展。

    It is stressed that uncorrelated optimal discriminant analysis ( UODA ) is further development of the classical Fisher linear discriminant analysis in theory .