
  • 网络Logistics;Delivery
  1. GIS在物流配送车辆监控导航信息系统中的应用

    GIS Applied in Logistics Vehicle Monitor and Navigation System

  2. 超级市场是船物流配送是帆

    Super market is boat and logistics is sail

  3. 物流配送问题的知识表示及其在GIS中的映射研究

    Knowledge representation for E-commerce logistics distribution and its mapping in GIS

  4. 基于GIS的港口物流配送系统分析设计

    The Analysis and Designing of Physical Distribution System on Port Based on GIS

  5. GIS与城市物流配送集成技术的研究

    The Research of GIS and Urban Logistics Distribution Integrating

  6. GIS在物流配送应用中的研究

    On Application of GIS in Logistics Distribution

  7. 基于Multi-Agent的服饰企业分销与物流配送管理系统

    Sale and allocation management system based on Multi-Agent technology in clothing enterprise

  8. 通过该系统的调试运行,证明将Agent技术应用于物流配送决策提高了决策的效率。

    This system 's operation proves that the decision making efficiency for enterprise 's network distribution can be raised by using the technique of Agent .

  9. 而MIS又是军事物流配送系统的中枢神经,其功能作用至关重要。

    How MIS is a central part of military logistics delivery system , and its function is fatal .

  10. 物流配送系统的车辆旅途问题是一个NP-hard问题。

    The vehicle problems in logistics delivering system are NP-hard problems .

  11. 电子商务与连锁经营结合解决B2C物流配送短板

    E-business Combines With Chain Enterprises , Solve the Short Board of B2C Logistics

  12. 货运物流配送中的运输车辆路线安排问题(VRP)是一个典型的NP难问题。

    Vehicle routing problem is a typical NP-hard problem .

  13. Voronoi分割模式下连锁企业物流配送系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of chain enterprise logistics distribution system based on voronoi tessellation

  14. 从系统的技术架构、框架、GIS基础设计、数据库设计等方面对基于GIS的城区物流配送等值线生成系统加以设计。

    Designs the GIS-based urban distribution isoline-generating system from several respects , such as technology building , frame , basic design of GIS , and design of the database .

  15. 城市物流配送系统的多目标优化LRP模型研究

    Study on Optimizing Multi-objective LRP Model of the Urban Logistics Delivery System

  16. 为此,本文设计了一个基于WebServices的安全物流配送系统模型,并给出了基于J2EE平台的实现方案。

    For this reason , this paper has designed a model of secure logistics providing and delivering based on Web Services , and also provide the scheme of realization based on J2EE platform .

  17. 本文就军事物流配送的基本内涵、MIS的要求、MIS的功能结构模块的分析与设计等方面进行了初步探讨。

    This paper primarily studies some aspects about basic content of military logistics delivery , request of MIS , analysis and design of function construction of MIS .

  18. 对企业在实施ERP中的业务流程重组中物流配送的优化过程,提出了一种基于Petri网的物流网络优化理论模型。

    From the view of optimizing logistics transportation for business process reengineering in implementing ERP , a theoretical model for optimizing logistics net based on Petri net is presented .

  19. 本文分析了VMI对于供应链物流配送系统优化的作用。

    On the VSP in VMI , this paper analyses the contribution of the optimization of logistic distribution 's system .

  20. 建立了选址决策的模糊评价矩阵,应用支持向量机方法(SVM)来处理数据,进行物流配送中心的选址决策。

    A new distribution centers site selection method is proposed , using support vector machine ( SVM ), where the data derived from a fuzzy appraisal matrix is processed .

  21. 针对某物流配送公司,给出了基于改动后的Floyd算法的程序实现,开发了一个配送路径优化决策系统。

    Finally , an example of logistics delivery route optimization based on Floyd algorithm is given .

  22. 2005年是中国加入WTO后,零售业全行业开放的一年,大量的国际零售巨头进入中国,我国连锁零售企业要在激烈的竞争中站住脚,必须以有效的物流配送作支撑。

    The whole retail trade has be opened in 2005 after China had entered WTO , and many international retailing magnates are coning into China , so multiple shops must depend on effective distribution to win in competition .

  23. 但由于物流配送路径优化问题是一个NP-hard问题,使用传统优化方法很难得到最优解或满意解。

    However , as a NP - hard problem , VRP is hard to draw as satisfactory conclusion by using traditional optimal algorithm .

  24. 本文针对一个具体的物流配送企业&M公司,在充分调研的基础上,运用Excel软件对一些管理环节进行了优化建模和求解。

    The targeting of a specific enterprise & M logistics and distribution companies , with full investigation on the basis of the use of Excel software to optimize the management of some modelling and GIS .

  25. 如何提高连锁企业物流配送的效率与效益,是我国连锁企业发展中有待解决的重要问题,也是我国加入WTO之后,连锁企业在与外资企业竞争中取胜的关键。

    How to improve the efficiency and benefit of chain-store logistics distributing is the key problem that needs resolving in the development of Chinese chain-store enterprises , and also the crux to win while competing with overseas-funded enterprises after China entering WTO .

  26. 本文以GIS在通化市邮政局邮政物流配送系统中的应用为例,为了解决邮件的分拣环节存在的问题,运用计算机系统来简化处理流程,共享分拣和配送信息。

    All in Tonghua City Post Office postal logistics and distribution systems development , for example , to address the sorting of mail link problems and the use of computer systems to simplify the processing procedures , information sharing sorting and delivery .

  27. 车辆调度问题(VRP)作为现代物流配送过程中的一个重要环节,一直是学术界研究的前沿和热点。

    Vehicle routing problem ( VPR ) is a front and research focus in academics , as a crucial link in modern logistics and distribution processing .

  28. 本文在分析甘草加工企业的物流配送中心工作流程的基础上,通过Witness仿真软件对物流配送中心业务流程进行仿真研究。

    In this paper , on the basis of analyzing logistics process of the logistics distribution center of liquorices goods fabrication plant , a simulation model of the logistics distribution center ' flow of work was set up by Witness .

  29. 第三章对多车辆物流配送VRP求解方法进行了研究,分析了多车辆配送的VRP模型和算法,并着重对多车辆VRP中的客户群划分的聚类算法进行了研究。

    The third chapter explored the optimization of Multi - route vehicle problem . The model was ste up . Then the method base on Clustering Algorithm is studied .

  30. 物流配送路径优化,即车辆路径问题(Vehicleroutingproblem,VRP),是当今物流配送优化中关键的一环,也是电子商务活动不可缺少的内容,一直是近二十多年来的研究热点。

    Logistics Distribution Routing Optimization , i.e. Vehicle Routing Problem ( VRP ) is not only an important constituent of modern logistical system , but also an essential part of E-commerce . The research is a hot spot in the field of Logistical distribution in recent 20 years .