
wù huà
  • materialization;change;pass away
物化 [wù huà]
  • (1) [pass away]∶去世;死亡

  • 昔者庄周梦为蝴蝶 周与蝴蝶则必有分矣。此之谓物化。--《庄子.齐物论》

  • (2) [change]∶变化

  • 于是事变物化,目骇耳回。--《汉书.扬雄传》

物化[wù huà]
  1. ActiveXML文档物化终止性检验算法

    Checking termination of Active XML documents materialization

  2. Web数据的数据仓库化包括数据抽取、数据集成和数据物化三个连续的阶段。

    The warehousing of Web data includes three consecutive stages : data extraction , data integration and data materialization .

  3. 物化视图作为复制品,提供了数据的本地访问

    The optimizer transparently rewrites the request to use the materialized view .

  4. 介绍了物化水解酸化CAST工艺在处理制革废水中的应用。

    The application of physico chemical hydrolytic acidification CAST process treating tannery wastewater is presented .

  5. 新闻纸厂过程用水DCS的物化特性与化学控制

    Physico-Chemical Characteristics of DCS in the Process Water of Newsprint Mill

  6. 物化与SBR工艺处理油脂精炼加工废水

    Physicochemical and SBR Processes for Treatment of Oil and Fat Refining Wastewater

  7. 因此,在Web的环境下,选择哪种视图物化,必须动态地决定,需要同时考虑性能和数据更新。

    Therefore , in the context of the Web , selecting which views to materialize must be decided dynamically and needs to consider both performance and data freshness .

  8. 水热处理后FCC催化剂及Y型沸石的裂化活性及其物化性质表征

    The cracking activity and physic-chemical characterization of FCC catalysts and Y Zeolites after steam treated

  9. 介绍新开发的低焦炭产率渣油裂化催化剂(CC-16)的物化性质和反应性能。

    The physicochemical properties and reacting performance of the newly developed residue FCC catalyst CC-16 was introduced .

  10. 介绍了LS系列硫回收催化剂的研制和物化性质,以及工业应用情况。

    The development , physicochemical properties and commercial application of LS series sulfur recovery catalysts are described .

  11. Cr~(4+)∶YAG晶体优良的物化性能,使它作为被动调Q开关和激光增益介质已实现了不同种类的调Q和锁模运转。

    The Cr + : YAG crystal has been operated differently as passive Q-switching and mode-locking medium by researchers at home and abroad .

  12. 采用XRD、SEM及化学分析的方法对高钙固硫粉煤灰的物化性能及其活性进行研究。

    The physical and chemical properties and reactivity of high calcium and solid sulphur flyash have been studied by XRD , SEM and chemical analysis .

  13. 生命最初的愉悦及其物化&论原始艺术的发生生产原料(PI)用的起始物料来自哪个国家?

    The Initial Delight and Materialization of Life & On the Emergence of Primitive Art The starting material for producing API from which country ?

  14. UASB-改良式氧化沟-物化工艺处理高得率APMP浆废水

    Treatment of UASB-improved oxidation ditch-flocculation process on high yield APMP pulping wastewater

  15. RExOy对中间包覆盖剂物化性能的影响

    Effect and Mechanism of RE_xO_y on Physical and Chemical Properties of Cover Fluxes

  16. 通过XRD,NH3-TPD,TG,BET和SEM等手段对分子筛产物的物化性质进行了系统的表征。

    The physicochemical properties of the products were systematically characterized by means of XRD , NH_3-TPD , TG , BET and SEM .

  17. 无汞碱性电池用电解MnO2的物化性能

    Physical and chemical performances of electrolytic manganese dioxide used in mercury-free alkaline battery

  18. OODB中连接视图的物化和增量保持技术

    Materialization and Incremental Update Technique of Joined View in OODB

  19. 同时,借助于SEM和XRD等分析手段,对厚膜电阻的导电机理、力敏特性与浆料物化特性之间的关系也进行了一些探讨。

    The corre - lation of conduction mechanism , strain effects and the physical and chemical properties of the paste is also studied with aid of XRD and SEM techniques .

  20. 催化剂前驱体的物化性能用BET、TPR、XRD、TG&DTA、TEM及强度测定仪进行表征。

    The materialization performance of forerunner 's body of catalyst determines the appearance to signify with BET , TPR , XRD , TG-DTA , TEM and intensity .

  21. CoSi2中As~+和BF2~+注入杂质再分布形成硅化物化浅结性能研究

    Shallow Silicided Junctions Formed by Dopant Redistribution of As ~ + and BF_2 ~ + Implanted into CoSi_2

  22. 对于类似的企业级动态数据仓库的构建,实时ETL和物化样本视图的实现,具有一定的参考价值与实践意义。

    And it will be helpful and valuable for similar enterprise dynamic data warehouse building , real-time ETL and materialized sample view implementation .

  23. 提出了一个实现OODB中连接视图物化和增量保持的算法。

    A series of algorithms to facilitate incremental update of joined view within OODB are presented .

  24. 对于基于关系数据库的ROLAP,加速OLAP查询最常用的一种方法是使用物化视图。

    Using materialized view to accelerate OLAP queries is one of the most common methods used in ROLAP based on relation database .

  25. 采用PFS物化混凝破乳及PAC生物处理技术,对炼油、皂脚混合废水处理工艺进行了研究。

    Study on treating technology of mixing wastewater containing oil and soap residue has been conducted by using PFS coagulation demulsification and PAC biological treatment system .

  26. 物化查询表(MQT)是一种以一次查询的结果为基础定义的表。

    A materialized query table ( MQT ) is a table whose definition is based upon the result of a query .

  27. 通过煤岩对CO2吸附量的相关因素分析基本了解了煤岩各自的物化性质、温度以及水分是影响吸附的重要因素。

    Through the coal and rock to the CO2 absorption capacity of the related factors of a basic understanding of their physical and chemical properties of coal and rock , temperature , and moisture is an important factor affecting adsorption .

  28. 以Petri网的形式构造出文档数据流变化的数据模型,通过一组血统追踪的测试表明,该方法可以较好的实现文档工作流形式的数据血统追踪问题,扩展物化视图更新的应用范围。

    Petri net in the form of document workflow constructed the data model , a set of lineages tracing test show that this method has solved the problem of document workflow lineages tracing effectively , expand the application of materialized views update .

  29. 采用物化法及絮凝-生化一体化法处理OCC制浆造纸废水,并对比了几种方法的处理效果和循环使用情况。

    In this paper , the effluent of the mill using recycled fiber OCC as raw material was treated with both traditional physical-chemical method and integrated chemical coagulation-activated sludge method .

  30. 皮革废水经物化和普通接触氧化处理后往往因为氨氮高而难以达标排放,本文探讨了采用曝气生物滤池(BAF)进一步降解经物化和普通接触氧化后出水中氨氮污染物的可行性及处理效果。

    In this paper , effluent ammonium of tannery waste can not reach the discharge standard after secondary treatments , its biodegradation possibility and effect of removal by biological aerated filters ( BAF ) were discussed .